School of Medicine at the University of Limpopo

School of Medicine at the University of Limpopo
School of Medicine at the University of Limpopo – See Details Below:
As one of the two schools in the Faculty of Health Sciences, the School of Medicine brings new dynamics in the medical fraternity as the first medical school in the democratic South Africa.
The school is accredited by the Council on Higher Education (CHE) and Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) in 2014 to offer Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB) undergraduate degree. As a six-year programme, the MBChB offers intensive and competitive qualification where students acquire a range of training from basic sciences to clinical skills laboratory, building up through primary healthcare, secondary, and tertiary care levels.
To qualify for admission into the first year of study, the applicant should have a Grade 12 bachelors pass, meeting minimum requirements in English, Mathematics, Physical Sciences, and Life Sciences (Biology). Also, those who obtained a science degree on the minimal required years do qualify.
The first intake was in 2016, with the first cohort of 60 students and the numbers have increased exponentially. The MBChB curriculum is an integrated system-based curriculum upkeep with world trends and the HPCSA requirements.
The school also offers accredited postgraduate studies, leading to specialisation in various clinical disciplines, such as Anaesthesiology, Dermatology, Forensic Pathology, Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, General Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Paediatrics and Child Health, Paediatric Pulmonology, and Public Health Medicine to mention a few.
To qualify as a specialist, you should enrol as a registrar for a Master of Medicine (MMed) degree in one of the fields of specialties. In all of these specialties and sub-specialties, the exit examination is conducted by the Colleges of Medicine of South Africa. The duration of the MMed degree is four and five years for medical and surgical specialties, respectively.
The are many career opportunities in South Africa as the doctor-patient ratio is still very low. On completion of the MBChB degree, one can work as a general practitioner (GP) in public or private practice, after two years’ internship and one-year community service. You can also specialise in your chosen clinical field.
We aim to produce a well-rounded medical doctor who is fit to treat patients in all levels of care.
School of Medicine at the University of Limpopo Vision
“To be a leading African university, focused on the developmental needs of its communities and epitomising academic excellence and innovativeness”
School of Medicine at the University of Limpopo Mission
A University which responds actively:
- To the development needs of its students, its staff members and its communities;
- Through relevant and high quality higher education and training, research and engagement; and
- In partnership and in collaboration with its different stakeholder.
Contacts Details:
Acting Director: Prof SM Risenga
Tel: (+27) 15 268 4320 /3920
Senior Secretary: Ms Selaelo Letsoalo
Tel: (+27)15 268 4320
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