Sefako Makgatho University Online Application 2024-2025

Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University SMU Application Forms
Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University SMU Online Application Forms
Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University SMU Undergraduate Application Form
Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University SMU Postgraduate Application Form
Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University SMU Online Application
Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University SMU Application
Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University SMU Online Application Status
Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University SMU Undergraduate Online Application
Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University SMU Postgraduate Online Application
Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University SMU Application Status
Apply at Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University SMU
Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University SMU Courses Offered
Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University SMU Banking Details
Sefako Makgatho Health and Science University Sundry Fees
Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University SMU Undergraduate Fees
Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University SMU Postgraduate Fees
Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University SMU Postgraduate Registration Fees
Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University SMU NSFAS Funding Applications
Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University SMU Prospectus
Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University SMU Undergraduate Prospectus
Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University SMU Postgraduate Prospectus
Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University SMU Contact Address
Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University SMU Admission Requirements
Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University SMU Registration
Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University SMU Registration
Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University SMU Admission Point Score APS
Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University SMU Accommodation
Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University SMU Faculties.
Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University SMU Application Closing Date
Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University SMU Career
Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University SMU Job Vacancies
Makgatho Health Sciences University SMU Acceptance Letter
Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University SMU Blackboard Login
Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University SMU Student Portal Login
Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University SMU Graduation List
Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University SMU Graduation Ceremony Date
Sefako Makgatho University is situated in Pretoria North, Gauteng Province and was established on the 1st of January 2015. What is MEDUNSA now called? Before being named the Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University, it was previously called the Medical University of South Africa (MEDUNSA). The institution is named in honour of Sefako Makgatho who was a politician in South Africa and the second president of the African National Congress (ANC). The university is commonly known as SMU and was formerly a campus of the University of Limpopo before gaining its current status.
Sefako Makgatho University SMU Admission Requirements
According to the Sefako Makgatho University prospectus, the university is dedicated to the provision of courses that promote high-quality primary health services in the community. The institution also offers opportunities for research in health sciences. Different courses are offered in this university, so the academic requirements for admission to each course vary. If you meet the cut off points for your dream course, you need to make an application before becoming a student.
List of Sefako Makgatho University SMU programmes
SMU offers the following courses:
School of Pharmacy
This school offers the following courses:
- Bachelor of Pharmacy
- Postgraduate Diploma in Hospital Pharmacy Management
- Master of Pharmacy
- Doctor of Philosophy in Pharmacy
School of science and technology
The school offers different courses at different levels. These are:
Bachelor of Science degrees
- Biotechnology
- Environmental Biology
- Environmental Management & Toxicology
- Life Sciences
- Mathematical Sciences
- Physical Sciences
- Occupational & Environmental Health Sciences
Master of Science degrees
- Applied Mathematics
- Biochemistry
- Botany
- Chemistry
- Mathematics
- Psychology
- Physics
- Statistics & Operations Research
Doctor of Philosophy degrees
- Applied Mathematics
- Biochemistry
- Botany
- Chemistry
- Mathematics
- Psychology
- Physics
- Statistics & Operations Research
School of oral health sciences
This school offers:
- Bachelor of Dental Surgery
- Bachelor of Dental Therapy
- Bachelor of Oral Hygiene
- Bachelor of Science Honours in Dental Sciences
- Postgraduate Diploma in Dentistry
School of medicine
The school of medicine offers these courses:
- B Rad (Diagn)
- BSc (Hons) (MS) Anatomical Pathology
- BSc (Hons) (MS) Medical Virology
- BSc (Hons) (MS) Medical Physics
- BSc (Hons) (MS) Pharmacology
- BSc (Hons) (MS) Medical Microbiology
- BSc (Hons) (MS) Haematological Pathology
- BSc (Hons) (MS) Physiology
- BSc (Hons) (MS) Medical Biochemistry/Chemical Pathology
- BSc (Hons) (MS) Psychology
The school also offers masters and doctorate degrees.
School of health care sciences
The school of health care sciences offers:
- B Cur
- BNSc
- B Occ Ther
- BSc (Dietetics)
- BSc (Physiotherapy)
The school of health care sciences also offers various masters and doctorate programmes.
How do I apply to Sefako Makgatho University SMU?
Does Sefako Makgatho have online application? SMU allows both online and manual applications. Each applicant is allowed to pick only two study choices. The applications open on the 11th of March . The closing dates will be;
28th June for these courses: B Radiography, MBChB, B Dental Therapy, B Dental Surgery, BSc Physio, B Pharmacy.
26th July for these courses: B Speech Language Pathology and Audiology, B Sc, BSc Diet, B Occ Therapy, B Nursing Sciences, B Oral Hygiene.
To get more details about the applications and specific admission requirements, you should check the Sefako Makgatho prospectus that is updated each year. Any interested applicant can get the official application form here.
Sefako Makgatho online application
To make an online application, you need a valid email address and access to the internet. Follow these simple steps to apply;
- Visit the university’s website
- Fill in the Sefako Makgatho online application forms accurately
- Enter your names as they appear in your national identification card or passport
- Specify your first and second choices of academic programmes
- Fill in the residence section
- Pay the application non-refundable fee. How much is the application fee for SMU? The amount is R200. You must use the generated student number/ passport/ ID when making the payment. You will be required to send proof of payment.
After completing the above steps, you will be required to upload certified and scanned copies of your;
- ID/passport
- Final Grade 11 results or Grade the 12th of June results or your National Senior/Matric/ IEB
- Degree certificates and other academic records where applicable
- Proof of marriage/divorce decree where applicable
- Proof of the application fee payment
The bank details to use when making the payment are:
Account name: Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University
Bank name: Standard Bank
Account number: 071244395
Branch number: 020909
Reference number: Your ID/ Passport number/ Student number
Manual application
The manual application process is similar to the online method. The only exception is that you have to download and fill in the forms manually. You must also attach certified copies of the listed documents (in the online application section.) After filling in the documents and ascertaining that all information is correct, the postal address to use is;
The Registrar
Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University
P. O. Box 60 MEDUNSA 0204
NB: It is important to note that any application that fails to provide all the listed documents will not be considered. All applications that are received after the applications have closed are also not considered.
- Typically, the university receives more applications than its student capacity, so sending out an application does not guarantee admission.
- Similarly, there is no guarantee for accommodation because the university has limited places in the student residences within the institution. Usually, the accommodation is issued on a first-come-first-served basis.
- International students should met specific requirements when applying and registering at SMU.
Sefako Makgatho University SMU Fees
The amount of fees that each student pays varies depending on the course. Every successful applicant is required to pay a registration fee of R4,500. Below is the list of annual school fees that each student should pay. The amount is subject to annual increase;
Bachelor of Oral Hygiene
- B Oral Hyg I- R42,130
- B Oral Hyg II- R41,231
- B Oral Hyg III- R43,152
Bachelor of Dental Therapy
- B Dent Ther I- R40,537
- B Dent Ther II- R44,032
- B Dent Ther III- R55,397
Bachelor of Medicine
- MBChB I- R35,594
- MBChB II- R50,077
- MBChB III- R53,500
- MBChB IV- R61,985
- MBChB V- R69,853
- MBChB VI- R77,447
- MBChB EDP I- R37,532
- MBChB EDP II- R35,594
- MBChB EDP III- R50,077
- MBChB EDP IV- R53,500
- MBChB EDP V- R61,985
- MBChB EDP VI- R69,583
- MBChB EDP VII- R77,447
Bachelor of Diagnostic Radiography
- B Rad (Diagn) I- R35,594
- B Rad (Diagn) II- R37,531
- B Rad (Diagn) III- R36,389
Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy
- BSc Physio I- R42,554
- BSc Physio II- R44,910
- BSc Physio III- R46,474
- BSc Physio IV- R52,595
Bachelor of Science in Dietetics
- BSc Diet I- R41,518
- BSc Diet II- R43,358
- BSc Diet III- R45,957
- BSc Diet IV- R52,596
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
- BSc Mathematical Science I- R36,395
- BSc Mathematical Science II- R36,391
- BSc Mathematical Science III- R38,694
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics (Extended programme)
- BSc Mathematical Science I (ECP)- R32,968
- BSc Mathematical Science II (ECP)- R32,968
- BSc Mathematical Science III (ECP)- R36,391
- BSc Mathematical Science IV (ECP)- R38,674
Bachelor of Science – Occupational & Environmental Health
- BSc Occ & Enviro Health I- R36,395
- BSc Occ & Enviro Health II- R42,095
- BSc Occ & Enviro Health III- R38,670
Bachelor of Science – Physical Science
- BSc Physical Science I- R36,395
- BSc Physical Science II- 36,391
- BSc Physical Science III- R38,674
Bachelor of Science – Physical Science(Extended programme)
- BSc Physical Science I (ECP)- R36,395
- BSc Physical Science II (ECP)- R36,391
- BSc Physical Science III (ECP)- R36,391
- BSc Physical Science IV (ECP)- 38,694
Bachelor of Science – Life Science
- BSc Life Sciences I- R36,395
- BSc Life Sciences II- R36,391
- BSc Life Sciences I- R56,925
Bachelor of Science – Life Science(Extended programme)
- BSc Life Sciences I (ECP)- R32,968
- BSc Life Sciences I (ECP)- R32,968
- BSc Life Sciences III (ECP)- R36,391
- BSc Life Sciences IV (ECP)- R56,925
Bachelor of Enviromental MNGT and Toxicology
- BSc Enviromental MNGT I- R35,395
- BSc Enviromental MNGT II- 44,189
- BSc Enviromental MNGT III- 44,189
Bachelor of Occupational Therapy
- B Occ Ther I- R40,278
- B Occ Ther II- R41,592
- B Occ Ther III- R43,672
- B Occ Ther IV- R49,443
Bachelor of Nursing Science
- B Cur I- R40,481
- B Cur II- R42,684
- B Cur III- R45,951
- B Cur IV- R41,050
Bachelor of Nursing Science(Bans)
- BANS I- R42,631
- BANS II- R59,598
- BANS III- R69,409
Bachelor of Nursing Science and Art (BNSA)
- BNSA I- R50,743
- BNSA II- R53,777
- BNSA III- R63,288
- BNSA IV- R58,374
ADV Diploma Occupational Health Nursing- R44,189
ADV Diploma (Community Dentistry)- R44,189
Bachelor of Speech -Language pathology & Audiology
- B Speech-Lang I- R43,082
- B Speech-Lang II- R43,615
- B Speech-Lang III- R43,615
- B Speech-Lang IV- R52,597
Bachelor of Pharmacy
- B Pharm I- R45,413
- B Pharm II- R46,990
- B Pharm III- R46,989
- B Pharm IV- R52,597
Bachelor of Dental Surgery
- BDS I- R39,337
- BDS II- R52,635
- BDS III- R63,589
- BDS IV- R55,810
- BDS V- R47,927
Residence fee
This amount is for students to successfully get accommodation within the university;
- Residence Single Room- R19,862
- Residence Double Room- R14,877
- South Point- R25,302
- Drie Lilies- R24,092
- The Heights- R26,158
- Varsity Lodge- R26,158
- Residence Admin Fee- R730
International levies
- International Student Affiliation Fee(SOCIETY)- R1,264
- International Levy: SADC,NON-SADC & OTHER COUNTRIES- R4,212
Postgraduate Fees
- All BSc (Hons) programmes have an annual fee of R25,000
- All Masters courses have an annual fees of R30,000
- All PhD courses have an annual fees of R50,000
An annual fee of R20,000 is charged for these courses;
- Postgraduate Diploma (Hosp Pharmacy Management)
- Postgraduate Diploma (Maternal and Child Health)
- Postgraduate Diploma (Public Health)
- PDIP (Dentistry)
Financial assistance at Sefako Makgatho University SMU
SMU has a Financial Aid Office that ensures that students who meet specific financial and academic criteria get quality education. Needy students who have a high academic potential are encouraged to apply for financial help.
To apply for the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) bursary, students should visit this site. Applications are open from the 1st of August to the 30th of November each year.
Sefako Makgatho University SMU contact details
In case you have questions or need to confirm your SMU application status, you can contact the university through:
Fax: (012) 560-0086
Phone: (012) 521-5057 / 5059 / 5062
Postal Address:
P.O Box 60
Medunsa, 0204
Sefako Makgatho University offers a high-quality education that promotes the provision of good primary health care in South Africa. Formerly known as MEDUNSA, the institution allows for both online and manual applications. More details about the institution are available on the university’s website. Make your dream of studying health-related courses the reality be applying to be a student in this institution.
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