Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University SMU NSFAS Funding Application 2024-2025

SMU NSFAS Funding Application 2024-2025 – See Details Below:
Following the extensive outreach campaign, which saw NSFAS officials reaching out to small towns and rural areas, we are happy to report that by November 30, , the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) had received a record number of 543 268 first-time-ever applications (prior year 428 929) by the closing date.
NSFAS has prioritized the poor and vulnerable students and to this end, just under 50% of applications have been received from social grant beneficiaries. The personal details and social welfare status of all applications have been validated with the Department of Home Affairs and the Department of Social Development. This is a major improvement in NSFAS administration, as communication of funding decisions prior to the commencement of the academic year will allow students to enroll at tertiary institutions without having to pay upfront registration fees.
As in prior years, it is expected that a significant number of students will apply after they have registered at TVET colleges in January 2021, in the previous year this category of students amounted to 160 000. NSFAS, in conjunction with the TVET sector, instituted additional administrative support to ensure rapid processing and turnaround.
Students previously funded by NSFAS and will be continuing their studies in 2021 will be funded based on progression results to be received from the institutions.
We are encouraged that most of applications were submitted through the electronic portal with only 15 000 applications submitted manually. The highest number of applications received were from KwaZulu-Natal, Limpopo and Gauteng Province. About 80% of applicants have indicated that universities are their first choice of study.
Funding decisions for the 2021 applications have been updated on the my NSFAS portal profiles. Applicants are advised to check and track their application status updates online. Applicants who do not have the myNSFAS portal profiles are encouraged to register on the website in order to ensure they have sight of their funding status.
Applications with outstanding supporting documents:
From the total number of applications received, 69 357 applications were incomplete or may have outstanding or incorrect supporting documents. Applicants with incomplete applications have been contacted by NSFAS over the festive season and as we are receiving the required documents, their applications will be processed for funding decisions.
The list of required documents which need to accompany each application is on the NSFAS website on
Funding decisions:
Of the 473 911 valid and fully completed applications received by the closing date, 346 364 were declared eligible for funding at this stage, 36 865 were withdrawn, 28 979 did not meet the minimum funding criteria, these applications are being reviewed. The remaining 61 703 applicants submitted documents of poor quality, which were subsequently validated by Department of Home Affairs.
Eligible status confirmed 346 364
Application is withdrawn by applicant 36 865
Personal details confirmed with Home Affairs, with poor quality documents submitted 61 703
Not meeting criteria, but subject to second round of review process 28 979
TOTAL 473 9199
Additional temporary staff have been employed during this application season to ensure that all applications are processed before the start of the academic year. Applicants and returning students may contact the Contact Centre Toll-free number 08000 67327 on Monday – Friday from 8:00 am to 17:00 daily alternatively send an email to Students are encouraged to utilize their MyNSFAS portal for the latest update and information on their 2021 funding decisions.
Cautionary Notice
Students are advised to maintain the confidentiality of their passwords/ login details but also to ensure that the passwords are protected. Resetting of password request is the biggest volume of enquiries by our Call Centre.
Applicants should also be wary of scams and fake news disseminated in the social media. NSFAS will never request login or account details as this can only be changed by individual students on their portals.
Issued by:
Dr Randall Carolissen
NSFAS Administrator
Media enquiries: