St Augustine College of South Africa Examination Fees 2024-2025

Dates of Postgraduate traditional examinations
Traditional examinations are normally scheduled at the end of the module. The dates appear on the schedule of modules. There is no fee for a normal traditional examination but there is for special examinations.
Deferred or special summative assessment (in terms of Rule G.21) R1 100 (summative assignment).
R4 300 for Doctor of Philosophy thesis.
R3 200 for Master of Philosophy dissertation.
R1 800 for Master of Philosophy mini-dissertation.
R1 400 for Honours Research Project.
Application fee
A non-refundable application fee of R100 must be paid for Bachelors degrees. An application form with the necessary documents must accompany this fee.
A non-refundable application fee of R500 must be paid for Certificate, Honours, Masters and Doctoral degrees. An application form with the necessary documents must accompany this fee.
Late Renewal of Registration fee
All students must re-register annually at the beginning of each calendar year.
A late renewal of registration fee of R2 200 will be charged for any Bachelor, Honours, MPhil or DPhil candidate who does not re-register by the end of February.
International Student Levy
R6 000 per annum for international students from any country outside Africa.
African countries (excluding SADC countries)
R1 500 per annum for international students from Africa.
Recognition of Prior Learning Portfolio Fee
A non-refundable amount of R1 000 for any first time RPL application being considered for access to a degree, module or any other programme at the College. The Application Form, Application Fee, and RPL Fee must accompany the submission of the RPL Portfolio.
Study Material: Course Packs and/or Prescribed Books
The cost of the study material for a module or course of study (e.g. Course packs, prescribed books etc.) varies from module to module but is normally between R300 to R2 000 depending on the number of pages. This amount covers the photocopying, labour and copyright fees.
First copy issued free: thereafter, updated or additional copies R150 each.
Students are normally expected to hand in or send their assignments and other material in for assessment. The cost of any material which is e-mailed or faxed to the College that requires photocopying or printing to enable the Head of Department/supervisor to work on it, will be charged to the student’s account at the rate of R2.00 per page. This will be done by the Head of Department or the supervisor who will fill in a form when he/she receives the material, count the pages and authorise the Finance Office to charge it to the student’s account.
The College regards the payment of fees in a serious light. It is the student‘s responsibility to pay his or her own bills by the due dates, regardless of whether anyone else is financing him or her. Having signed on the application form that he or she will take responsibility for his or her own fees (except in the case where a legal guardian has done so), a student must ensure that the fees are paid.
If a student does not pay his or her fees by the due dates, the College reserves the right to stop a student from attending a module, to withhold examination results, or to cancel his or her registration for the degree or module forthwith.
Please make a direct deposit into the College’s bank account and provide proof of payment with the registration form or invoice or fax proof to the College.
Bank: Standard Bank of SA Ltd Branch: Northcliff
Branch code: 006-305
Account number: 02 251 792 8
In the section on the deposit slip marked “Depositor’s name or reference” please insert your name. Please do not send postal orders.