St Benedict’s College Applications, Fees and Subjects 2024-2025
St Benedict’s College – see details of the schools contact information, tuition fees, list of subjects offered and application form.
St Benedict’s College Contacts
St Benedict’s College Contacts | see details below:
Phone: 011 455 1906 | Fax: 086 425 2432
Postal Address:
Private Bag 15, Bedfordview, 2008
Physical Address:
Harcus Road, Bedfordview, 2007
GPS Co-ordinates:
26°10’20.33” S | 28°08’09.67” E
St Benedict’s College Fees
St Benedict’s College Subjects Offered
St Benedict’s College Subjects Offered – see the list of courses offered at St Benedict’s College…
Business Studies
Dramatic Arts
Advanced Program English
Information Technology
Life Orientation
Life Science
Mathematical Literacy
Physical Science
Visual Art
St Benedict’s College Application Form
St Benedict’s College Application Form 2024-2025 | see details below to apply…
The normal points of entry into St Benedict’s are at the Preparatory School level in Grade R/Pregrade level or at the College level in Grade 8. It is primarily in these grades, however, that St Benedict’s is generally oversubscribed. Admission is possible in other grades only if and when vacancies occur. School-readiness (Grades 0 – 3) or entrance examinations (Grades 4 – 10) are written by all applicants. In 2010, a record number of prospective Grade 8 boys applied for admission into the College. Usually new boys are not accepted into Grade 11 or 12.
Parents seeking to make application to St Benedict’s for the admission of their sons should do so as early as possible.
The Junior Preparatory School caters for a total of 400 boys, the Preparatory School for 400 and the College for a total of 620 boys. Average class sizes are 25 boys to a class from Grade R to Grade 7. At Grade 8 and 9 level, 26 to 28 boys are accommodated in each class.
Before you proceed to application, click on the links for information:
St Benedict’s College Contacts
St Benedict’s College Subjects Offered
Junior Preparatory & Preparatory (Grade 0 to Grade 7)
Contact the PA to the Preparatory Headmaster:
E-mail: Mrs Melanie Schnelle
Telephone: 011-455-1906 (school hours)
College (Grade 8 to Grade 12):
Contact the PA to the Executive and College Headmaster:
E-mail: Mrs Claudia Carrozzo
Telephone 011-455-1906 (school hours)
You can apply to St Benedict’s online, but if you prefer to follow the manual process, click links below to download forms. Fax completed forms to 011-455-6519 or hand-deliver to St Benedict’s.
Application Admission fee of R500 to accompany each application.
Banking Details:
Account Name: St Benedict’s Trust
Bank: First National Bank
Account Number: 55275101604
Branch: Eastgate
Branch Code: 257705
Please send Proof of Payment to:
Junior Preparatory and Preparatory:
Fax: 086 586 6800 or
Fax: 086 425 2432 or