Stenden University South Africa Examinations 2024-2025

Stenden University South Africa Examinations 2024-2025
Stenden University South Africa Examinations 2024-2025 -See Details Below:
Exam Regulations Continued
par. 9 |
A student can be scheduled to work at Stenden South Africa functions. If a student does not wish |
to do so, he / she must submit a motivated request in writing to the Exam Committee. |
par. 10 |
a. |
A student can complete part of his / her education at one of the Stenden sites abroad |
(Grand Tour®) |
b. |
A student who wishes to complete the first module of the second year abroad, must meet |
the following conditions: |
– |
have passed at least three modules of the Foundation Year |
– |
have received positive feedback from his / her Personal Coach |
c. |
Students who wish to complete the second module of the first semester or (a module of) |
the second semester, or study parts of the third year abroad, must have passed year 1 and |
have received positive feedback from their Personal Coach. |
Article 2.1.2 Grand Tour
Par. 1 |
a. |
A student can complete part of his / her education at one of the Stenden International |
Branch Campuses abroad (Grand Tour®) |
b. |
A student who wishes to complete the first module of the second year abroad must meet |
the following conditions: |
– have passed at least three modules of the Foundation Year; |
– have received positive feedback from his / her Personal Coach ; |
c. |
A student who wishes to complete the second module of the first semester or (a module of) |
the second semester of study parts of the third year abroad, must have passed the |
Foundation Phase and have received positive feedback from their Study Career Coach. |
d. |
Students who wish to do the Grand Tour® must have all fees paid up to date. |
Article 2.2 |
Following Elective Modules/Minors |
If a student follows an elective module or a minor at a study program other than the one for which one is registered, the education and Exam Regulations of the own Education are applied.
Article 3 – Institution and Tasks of the Exam Committee
Article 3.1 |
Decision-making |
par. 1 |
The Executive Dean proposes suitable candidates to the Executive Board of NHL Stenden University of Applied |
Sciences to serve on the Exam Committee for the duration of one year. The Executive Board appoints the members of |
the Exam Committee based on the advice of the Executive Dean. |
par. 2 |
The Exam Committee takes decisions concerning the implementation and the content of the education regarding a |
certain module, acting on the advice of the faculty concerned. |
Article 3.2 |
Appointing Examiners and Moderators |
par. 1 |
Examiners are Lecturers with an academic degree at least one NQF level higher than the level of students being taught. |
Moderators should possess an academic degree two levels higher than the level of students being taught, with the |
exception of the 4th year Disaster Relief Management, where an NQF 9 is sufficient. |
BCOM Hospitality Management |
BBA Disaster Management |
Assessor |
Moderator |
Assessor |
Moderator |
NQF 6 |
NQF 7 |
NQF 7 |
NQF 8 |
NQF 7 |
NQF 8 |
NQF 7 |
NQF 8 |
NQF 8 |
NQF 9 |
NQF 8 |
NQF 9 |
– |
– |
NQF 9 |
NQF 9 |
All first and second (and third for BBA DRM) year exams are moderated internally, whereas all final year exams are moderated
externally, either at NHL Stenden University Netherlands or at a Registered Institution of Higher Learning in South Africa with similar
expertise (e.g. Rhodes University). Moderators are required to have a qualification two NQF levels above the students whose work they will moderate.
par. 2 |
At the start of each academic year, the Exam Committee appoints the Examiners and Moderators |
for students who are following educational programmes abroad. |
Article 3.3 |
Calculation of Pass Standard for Module Exams |
par. 1 |
The Module Book indicates how many points a student can acquire, how he / she can obtain them and what the |
minimum standards are that a student must meet in order to pass the module. |
par. 2 |
A student has passed the module if he /she has: |
–acquired at least 55% of the maximum possible number of points and:
–for each component of the module exam described in the module book (with the exception of PBL,
CBL, effective group work and participation at the practical department), has obtained a minimum score of 55% of the maximum possible score for that component of the module exam.
par. 3 |
The assessing criteria for each module exam component are stipulated in the Module Book. |
par. 4 |
To calculate the standard for each module exam component, a fraction of half (0.5) and higher is rounded off upwards |
to the next higher whole number; if is it less than a half, it is rounded off downwards to the next lower whole number. |
par. 5 |
When determining the number of points obtained for the module exam, the score is rounded off upwards to achieve a |
whole number of points. |
Article 3.4 |
Calculation of the Pass Standard for Progress Tests (BCom Hospitality Management Only) |
par. 1 |
For the first three years of study, management determines a year standard that must be obtained for each year in order |
to pass the Progress Tests of that specific year. The year standard to be obtained equals the correct score of 55% of the |
minimum number of obligatory test questions that must be answered. In the first/second/third years, the student |
just respectively answer a minimum of 40/70/100 test questions. |
par. 2 |
During each year of the study course, every student must obtain at least the minimum of the yearly standard to |
qualify for the study points which have been linked to the tests of that year. The number of acknowledgeable credits |
is mentioned in the credits overview of the Prospectus. |
par. 3 |
Year standards can be obtained for all tests during the current year. |
par. 4 |
Year standards for the following year cannot be obtained in advance. |
par. 5 |
When a student has not met the year standard, he / she can try to do so during the course of the |
following year. |
3. Exam Regulations Continued
Article 3.5 |
Passing Exams |
par.1 |
A student has passed his / her Foundation Year when he /she has met all the Foundation Phase study requirements. |
par.2 |
A student has passed the final exam when he / she has met all the requirements of the Foundation Phase, as well as |
the Post-Foundation Phase. |
par. 3 |
In the event where a student has been awarded an exemption from a study section, in the scope of this article, it can |
be accepted that the student has passed that particuar section. |
Article 3.6 |
Awarding Exemptions |
par.1 |
Exemptions are awarded by the Exam Committee. |
Article 4 – Contents and Scope of the Exam
There are no detailed specifications on the Exam Regulations.
Article 4a Admission to the Post-Foundation Phase
Students must have completed and passed at least 50% of all Foundation Phase academic outcomes in order to proceed to the second year (Post-Foundation Phase). Students must have passed at least all first year outcomes in order to proceed to the third year. Students must have passed all outcomes of both the first and second years in order to continue to internship.
Article 5 – Granting Exemptions
par. 1 |
If a student believes that he / she is entitled to exemption from one or more exam components based on competences |
acquired elsewhere (RPL), he /she must submit a request to the Exam Committee. |
par. 2 |
The request mentioned in par. 1 must be both well-motivated and accompanied by the necessary proof of |
competencies acquired elsewhere. |
par. 3 |
The Exam Committee will analyse the request and inform the student on the outcome. |
par. 4 |
The study points being exempted will be processed into the system according to Article 3.6 of the Module Exam |
Regulations. |
par.5 |
For the request mentioned in par. 1, the student must use a standard form, available on Student Manager. |
Article 6 – Module Tests
Article 6.1 |
Exam Components |
par. 1 |
The Hospitality Management Study Programme features the following educational units/exam components: Module |
Exam, Progress Test, Career Development, Internship and other credits as outlined in section 2.8.3 of the Prospectus. |
Article 6.2 |
The Module Exam |
par. 1 |
The Module Exam consists of one or more of the following parts: Module Assignment(s), active participation in PBL/ |
44 |
CBL, effective group work, practice participation and module test(s). |
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par. 2 |
In each Module Book is incorporated, where applicable: |
a.The maximum number of module points that can be obtained for the various components of the Module Exam;
b.The calculation of the standard, which indicates if a student has passed the module;
c.The criteria for (components of) the module assignment(s) and Module Test(s), active participation of PBL/CBL/DBL, effective group work and practice participation.
par. 3 |
The student is given the opportunity to participate in those sections of the Module Exam of the |
particular module for which he / she has been scheduled. |
par. 4 |
Should the module be retaken, all previously acquired module points for the Module Exam from |
this particular module will be cancelled. |
par. 5 |
Announcements concerning the Module Exam are communicated directly to students concerned |
via email. |
par.6 |
Attendance to allow students to write exams is as follows: Year one: compulsory attendance of all formal scheduled |
academic activities of at least 90%, second years 85% and third years 70%. |
Article 6.3 |
Assignments and Presentations |
par. 1 |
a. |
An assignment and/or presentation is intended to review whether a student has mastered a certain amount of |
knowledge. Therefore, the student is required to use his / her own |
thoughts and writing when completing this assignment. |
b. |
Every assignment and/or presentation by the student, must be unique in its content and |
structure. |
c. |
Students are not permitted to use the content of work, either in its entirety or sections |
thereof, without indicating the source of such content. |
d. |
the quantity of cited text cannot exceed 5% of the total of the result of the assignment. |
par. 2 |
Par. 1 of this article applies to presentations, as well as for parts of the module assignment. |
par. 3 |
Every student must keep a copy of every assignment he / she has submitted, either in writing or digitally until at least |
6 months after he / she has passed the module in question. |
par. 4 |
The Module Coordinator is responsible for the assessment of the components of the Module Exam, on the basis of the |
assessment criteria. |
par. 5 |
With regard to a group task, each member of the group must be able to prove that he/she has |
made a proportional contribution to the task. |
par. 6 |
Where a group task is concerned, every group member is individually responsible for the final |
completion of the work submitted. |
par. 7 |
Every student is individually responsible for the correct submission of an assignment at the right place. Force majeure |
is not applicable if problems have arisen because agreements made are not lived up to within a module assignment |
group. |
Article 6.3a |
Module Assignments |
par. 1 |
a. |
Groups who work on a module assignment and do not immediately contact the Module Coordinator should |
collaboration problems arise, cannot derive any rights from the problems that arise. |
b. |
The Module Coordinator is authorized to dissolve a group, if it becomes clear that |
collaboration between the group members is no longer reasonably possible. If, according |
to the group, the Module Coordinator does not, or is unable, to solve the collaboration |
problems, the group of students can contact the Exam Committee for assistance. |
3. Exam Regulations Continued
par. 2 |
During the course of the module, the Module Coordinator, Lecturer or Tutor should provide students with feedback |
at least once on sections of the module assignment. This should preferably be done by providing feedback on sections |
of the module assignment that have been submitted or by means of a follow-up lecture. |
par. 3 |
Unless stated otherwise in the Module Book, module assignments must be submitted to Euphorus via ELO no later than |
12 noon on the day of the week before the last week of a module. |
par. 3a |
Every module assignment must also be submitted digitally. |
par. 4 |
To qualify for assessment, assignments must meet the following requirements: |
a. |
The assignment is uploaded on time on the relevant portal of Blackboard; |
b. |
The assignment must state the title of the assignment, date, names, the student’s |
relation numbers and student numbers, the student’s module group, the name of the |
module, the name of the Tutor, the module period and the academic year. |
c. |
The module assignment must be typed and be easily readable. |
d. |
The standard for literature references is Harvard Business Style. |
e. |
English language assignments must be written in British English. |
Article 6.3b Procedure on Module Assignments Uploaded After Deadline
If a student uploads the module assignment after the deadline onto Blackboard, the following must be noted:
1.The student will be notified that the assignment will be assessed as soon as authorization to do so has been granted by the Exam Committee;
2.The student will be notified that he / she must issue should request the Exam Committee for an assessment within one school week after the deadline for handing in the assignment;
3.Should the student’s request not reach the Exam Committee within one school week after the deadline for submission, the assignment will not be assessed; instead, it will be destroyed;
4.Within 4 school weeks following the deadline for submission, the student will be notified by the
Exam Committee. In the event that the Exam Committee decides that the assignment can be assessed, it will be forwarded as per the usual procedure. In the event that the Exam Committee decides not to allow the assignment to be assessed, the student must collect his / her assignment and re-submit it as a re-write.