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True Harvest Trading Prospectus 2024-2025

True Harvest Trading Prospectus 2024-2025

True Harvest Trading Prospectus 2024-2025 – Download:

The True Harvest Trading (Pty) Ltd is a privately black-owned entity established in 2009 to complement the South African government and the constitution of the Republic’s christen for the provision of quality education and learning for all South African thereby realizing a better life for all through education for all and relevant research interventions.

True Harvest Trading (Pty) Ltd is a Skills Training and Development Institute registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training. True Harvest Trading (Pty) Ltd offers programs; inter alia, Business Studies, Engineering, policing, National Certificate (Vocational), Information Technology, Consultancy Services and a variety of Accredited Short Courses or Programs.

The Business Courses take 18 months on a semester basis to complete. Engineering programs run on a trimester or semester basis, depending on the pace of content acquisition by the learner. National Certificate Vocational takes 3 years to complete (Level 2, Level 3, and Level 4)


To become a world-class scholastic institution, at the cutting edge of the provision of quality education, learning, teaching and research activities in certain realms.


True Harvest Trading (Pty) Ltd, as an Education, Training and Development and a Consulting Institution, is geared towards excellence in the provision of quality education, learning, teaching and research activities to the public through deployment of experienced, experts and seasoned researchers in various educational interventions at hand and in future similar projects.


True Harvest Trading (Pty) Ltd espouses the following service standards when conducting any business intervention:


True Harvest Trading (Pty) Ltd is a registered level 3 contributor, Braod Based Black Economic Empowerment Company within the category of small to medium enterprise, which complies with the Labour Laws of South Africa and the Companies Act with a 100% shareholding vested in a previously disadvantaged individual.

List Courses Offered:

  • Marketing
  • Design
  • Business & Analytics
  • Finance
  • Health Wellness
  • Technology
  • Arts & Hobbies
  • Beauty
  • Music
  • Language
  • Photography

Contact Address:

Cell:  082 530 5656

  071 138 8545

Tel:  012 771 7580

  012 770 2133

Fax :  086 515 3779