Tshwane University of Technology TUT Examination Fees 2024-2025

Tshwane University of Technology TUT Examination Fees 2024-2025 – See Details Below:
Examination fees
No examination fees are payable in respect of main examinations or supplementary examinations. amount of R824 (first and additional subject(s)) is payable when applying to sit for exams elsewhere. Please note that it does not include distance education. The only main examination will be considered, not supplementary or special examinations.
1.5.3Additional payment for normal late registration
An additional R360 per registration shall be charged if a student is permitted to register after the final date of registration.
Administrative costs in respect of dishonoured cheques
A student who pays his or her account by cheque, and whose cheque is returned by the bank, shall be penalised and he or she shall have to pay R300 plus a levy of 10% on the cheque amount. In addition, he or she shall have to pay all subsequent fees in cash.
1.5.5Duplicate student card
An amount of R90 is payable per duplicate.
1.5.6Duplicate personal examination timetable
An amount of R35 for distance education students.
1.5.7Special examinations
•Aegrotat (sick) examinations: R88 per subject.
•Exceptional cases: R525 per subject.
•Special circumstances and exit examination: R173 per subject.
1.5.8Duplicate statement of results R11 per statement.
1.5.9Academic reports
•Computer printouts: R14 per report.
•Non-computerised records: R137 per report.
•Computer printouts for distance education students (faxed or posted): R35.
1.5.10Exemption of subjects
R111 per subject up to a maximum of R625 (payable with application).
1.5.11Granting of status
R171 (payable with application).
1.5.12Proof of registration after registration closing date R10 per proof of registration.
1.5.13Re-marking and/or rechecking and/or insight into examination scripts (this is refunded if re-marking changes the mark)
•Re-marking of script: R283.
•Rechecking of marks: R141.
•Insight into script: R141.
1.5.14Examination enquiries about results after the closing date R47 per enquiry.
1.5.15Meal fees
Fundi meal system: R20 000 per annum for three (3) meals a day.
1.5.16Internal fees
The amount mentioned in the residence confirmation letter is payable when the student reports at the residence.