Tshwane University of Technology TUT Contact Address

TUT Contact Details
TUT Contact Details
Tshwane University of Technology Contact Details
URL | www.tut.ac.za |
Postal Address | Private Bag X680, Pretoria, 0001, South Africa |
Telephone | +27 (0) 12 382 4414/4922 |
TUT Contact Centre
Tel: 086 110 2421
Email: general@tut.ac.za
SMS Number: 30655
Mission, Vision and Values
TUT’s Vision
Pioneering an enterprising and transformative brand of twenty-first Century University of Technology scholarship.
TUT’s Mission
In fulfilling its vision, TUT will support its students to achieve their highest potential in a safe, enabling and conducive environment by:
Pioneering an enterprising and transformative brand of twenty-first Century University of Technology scholarship.
TUT’s Mission
In fulfilling its vision, TUT will support its students to achieve their highest potential in a safe, enabling and conducive environment by:
- Fostering a scholarship of teaching and learning
- Providing relevant and competitive academic programmes with seamless articulation pathways
- Investing in state-of-the-art technology
- Conducting relevant research and promoting innovation, engagement and social enterprise
TUT’s Values
To attain its Vision, the staff and students of Tshwane University of Technology commit to
- Social accountability
- Duty of care
- Non-discrimination
- Greening the environment
Institutional Goals
- To prepare diverse students for rewarding careers and responsible citizenry by providing a student-centred learning experience that is underpinned by a scholarship of teaching and learning.
- To promote a culture of inquiry and social enterprise through technology-based postgraduate studies, research and innovation in current and emerging niche areas.
- To promote mutually-beneficial academic, social and economic partnerships
- To provide a supportive teaching and learning, working and living environment for staff and students