UCT Faculty Of Humanities Postgraduate Admission Requirements

UCT Humanities Postgraduate Admission Requirements – see details below:
If you are applying for study, please visit the UCT self-service site and, using your unique application number, monitor changes in your application status. You can also consult our online Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) pages located under the Apply tab on the Humanities website. For additional admission- related information or queries, you may access the following Humanities resources:
- Humanities Postgraduate Studies Guide : a resource for students considering further study. It contains information on the various programmes on offer, the admissions process as well as guidance on academic supervision.
- Faculty Postgraduate Handbook : contains course codes, Faculty rules etc.
- Visit the Postgraduate Office located in Room 110, Beattie Building. UCT Upper Campus.
Honours degree:
The minimum requirement for any Honours programme is that the applicant have a Bachelors degree in the relevant discipline or equivalent qualification. Further requirements beyond this minimum typically apply, although these will be specific to any given programme of study. Applicants should consult the Faculty Postgraduate Handbook for details of any further requirements beyond this minimum.
Masters degree:
Applicants are required to have an Honours degree or equivalent qualification. Further requirements beyond this minimum typically apply, although these will be specific to any given programme of study. Applicants should consult our Faculty Postgraduate Handbook for details of any further requirements beyond this minimum. In addition, for Masters by Research (Dissertation 100%), a research proposal must be submitted. No formal registration can take place until the proposal has been considered and approved by the department’s Higher Degrees Committee (HDC).
PhD or Doctoral programmes:
Applicants are required to have the required academic background — a master’s degree or equivalent qualification — and demonstrable ability to develop an acceptable research proposal for which supervision is available.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL):
For all postgraduate degrees, admission through the recognition of prior learning is possible in appropriate circumstances. Such admission is processed and decided in terms of the RPL policy and must be supported by the Head of Department you are applying to.
What would normally be required is evidence of your prior experience in the tasks that would expected at postgraduate level. Some evidence of the capacity for conceptual and analytical thought at an advanced level would be expected. For example: analytical writing such as prior publications, research reports or essays, or creative works (as part of a creative programme). In addition to your formal application to UCT, a portfolio of evidence together with a letter of support from the Head of Department, must be submitted to the Humanities Postgraduate Office for consideration by the relevant committee.
A condition of admission might include completion of prescribed undergraduate or postgraduate coursework prior to admission.
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