UCT Faculty of Law Scholarship Opportunities 2024-2025

UCT Faculty of Law Scholarship Opportunities – see details below:
There are a number of scholarships available to LLB students, for which applications open and close at various times. The list below will be updated as new opportunities open up. For more information on undergrad scholarships, please contact Gabrielle Ritchie in the Law Faculty, or go to http://www.law.uct.ac.za/news/law-faculty-scholarship-and-funding-opportunities
Abe Swersky Scholarship The Abe Swersky Scholarship is awarded to a 2nd-year South African law student enrolled in the 4-year LLB, who has completed a year of law courses and who does not have financial support for their studies. The scholarship covers 75% academic fees for the remainder of the 4-year degree, provided all courses are passed. Applicants must have already shown drive, determination and a passion for the law while also demonstrating that they are community-minded and are interested in Family Law. A good pass in Law of Persons and Family (RDL 1008/9H) is a requirement.
Interested applicants need to
- complete the form at this link
- attach a letter of motivation to your application setting out why you should be considered for this scholarship
- include your transcript
- mail your application to gaby.ritchie@uct.ac.za by 10th January in a given year.
No late or incomplete applications will be considered.
Diversity ScholarshipsThe Diversity Scholarships are awarded to intermediate-year black South African law students needing financial support for their fees, and who can demonstrate academic excellence with a minimum 70% aggregate to date. The scholarship carries the possibility of renewal, provided all courses are passed. Applicants must have already shown drive, determination and a passion for the law.
These scholarships are offered intermittently by law firms, and opportunities will be advertised as/ if they arise.
University of Cape Town Faculty of Law Application
University of Cape Town Faculty of Law Departments
University of Cape Town UCT Faculty of Law Contacts
UCT Faculty of Law Undergraduate Registration
University of Cape Town UCT Faculty of Law Admissions
University of Cape Town UCT Faculty of Law Registration
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University of Cape Town UCT Undergraduate Online Application 2024-2025
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