UCT Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Department

UCT Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Department
UCT Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Department – see details below:
The Department has strong, accredited undergraduate and postgraduate programmes with about 700 undergraduate students and approximately 234 postgraduate students at PG diploma, Masters and Doctoral level. We are located in the Old Main Building of Groote Schuur Hospital in Observatory. There are approximately 93 Academic members of staff (including clinical educators) who are engaged in a range of activities at local, national and international level, and 11 Administrators.
There are a number of committees that function actively to promote the Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Research endeavours of the Department. The number of successful grant applications and research publications continue to grow in this dynamic environment.
The Department of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences encompasses a range of allied health disciplines, organised into five Divisions or Programmes, namely:
Communication Sciences and Disorders (includes Speech Language Pathology & Audiology)
Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists work with people who have difficulty hearing, speaking and swallowing. The Division of Communication Sciences and Disorders at UCT is committed to excellence in research and in educating future professionals in the field.
Nursing and Midwifery
Postgraduate Diploma in Nephrology Nursing – Is an innovative researched-based programme aimed at preparing specialist nurse practitioners to be equipped with the knowledge, skills and professional values for advocating the prevention of renal ill health and promoting renal health and meet the health care needs of the Chronic Kidney Disease population, across their lifespan from birth to aged.
Occupational Therapy
Occupational therapists enable people to overcome barriers within themselves or their environment through reducing functional limitations in the body system, or addressing barriers within contexts where people live, work, attend school, play or pursue leisure. Occupational therapists are trained to assess the person holistically, looking at all aspects of function, and to analyse the environments where people perform activities, so that they can understand how to improve function or adapt the environment in order to foster successful performance.
Physiotherapy is an applied discipline dedicated to the study of human movement and function and its relevance to health and well-being. The Division of Physiotherapy strives to be a world-class, African Division of Physiotherapy and is committed to the primary health care approach of educating physiotherapists who will be well prepared to meet the health, rehabilitation and research needs of our country.
Disability Studies
The vision of Disability Studies Africa is to forge disability inclusion in Africa. We aim to do this by taking an asset based approach to generating abilities and knowledge on disability inclusion with a specific focus on youth in Africa within a global context. This will be done in partnership with communities, higher education institutions across disciplines, disabled people’s organisations, government and the private sector.
UCT Anaesthesia and Perioperative Medicine Department
UCT Health Sciences Education Department
University of Cape Town UCT Human Biology Department
UCT Integrative Biomedical Sciences Department
University of Cape Town UCT Department of Medicine
UCT Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
University of Cape Town UCT Department of Pathology
UCT Department of Public Health and Family Medicine
UCT Department of Psychiatry and Mental Health
University of Cape Town UCT Department of Radiation Medicine
University of Cape Town UCT Department of Surgery
UCT Faculty of Health Sciences Courses Offered
UCT Faculty of Health Sciences Admission Requirements
UCT Faculty of Health Sciences Undergraduate Application
UCT Faculty of Health Sciences Postgraduate Requirements
UCT Faculty of Health Sciences Masters Degrees Courses
UCT Faculty of Health Sciences Postgraduate Diploma Courses
UCT Faculty of Health Sciences Honours Degree Courses
UCT Faculty of Health Sciences Doctoral Degrees Courses
UCT Faculty of Health Sciences Postgraduate Registration
UCT Faculty of Health Sciences Postgraduate Registration Date
University of Cape Town UCT Online Application 2024-2025
University of Cape Town UCT Postgraduate Online Application 2024-2025
University of Cape Town UCT Undergraduate Online Application 2024-2025
UCT Online Application Procedure – How To Apply
University of Cape Town UCT Application Form
University of Cape Town UCT Postgraduate Application
University of Cape Town UCT Doctoral Degrees PhD Application
University of Cape Town UCT International Application
University of Cape Town UCT Faculty of Science Application
University of Cape Town UCT Faculty of Law Application
UCT Faculty of Health Sciences Undergraduate Application
UCT Doctoral Degrees PhD Application
UCT School of Architecture Planning and Geomatics Application
UCT Faculty of Commerce Undergraduate Application
University of Cape Town UCT Faculty of Commerce Application
UCT Faculty of Commerce International Students Application
UCT Graduate School of Business Online Application
UCT PGDIP in Management Practice Online Application
University of Cape Town UCT MBA Online Application
UCT Executive Management MBA Online Application
UCT MCom in Development Finance Online Application
UCT Mphil in Inclusive Innovation Online Application
UCT PhD in Business Administration Online Application
UCT Nelson Mandela School of Public Governance Application
UCT Department of Demography Online Application Form
UCT Education Development Unit Application Form
University of Cape Town UCT Late Online Applications
University of Cape Town UCT Application Closing Dates
University of Cape Town UCT Application Open Date
University of Cape Town Application Key Dates
University of Cape Town UCT Readmissions