UCT Postgraduate Fees Structure 2024-2025

UCT Postgraduate Fees Structure 2024-2025
UCT Postgraduate Fees Structure – see details below:
Postgraduate fees include tuition and application fees. Your total fees will depend on your course of study. Fees also vary depending on your home country.
- Initial payment for most courses of study is due at the start of February.
- The remaining balance is due by 30 June.
For specific details on UCT’s postgrad courses and their fees, see the most recent Student Fees Handbook.
What is covered in fees?UCT’s fee structure is made up of the following:
- Application fees
- Acceptance deposit (for certain Graduate School of Business programmes)
- Tuition fees
- Accommodation fees
- Miscellaneous fees and levies
Full details on the UCT postgrad fee structure can be found here.
What is the cost?Your fee total depends on your course of study and your home country.
Below are fees for the average student from South Africa, the SADC, non-SADC African countries, and outside of Africa.
SADC countries include: Angola, Botswana, Comoros, Democratic Republic of Congo, Eswatini, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
South African citizen and permanent resident students
- Your tuition fee total is calculated on a course-by-course basis. See the most recent Student Fees Handbook.
- Application fee is normally R100.
- Your initial payment is due in early February (or at registration if earlier). Refer to the most recent Student Fees Handbook for your initial fee.
- Late payment fee for initial payment is 8% of unpaid amount.
- Remainder due by 30 June.
- Interest is charged on overdue accounts at 1% per month.
SADC students
- Your course fee total is calculated on a course-by-course basis. See the most recent Student Fees Handbook.
- International Administration Service Fee is R3 750 (2019).
- Application fee is normally R100.
- Your initial payment is due in early February (or at registration if earlier). Refer to the most recent Student Fees Handbook for your initial fee.
- Your initial payment must include the International Administration Service Fee.
- Late payment fee for initial payment is 8% of unpaid amount.
- Remainder due by 30 June.
- Interest is charged on overdue accounts at 1% per month.
Africa (non-SADC) students
- Your course fee total is calculated on a course-by-course basis. See the most recent Student Fees Handbook.
- There is an International Admin Service Fee of R3 750 (2019).
- There is an International Term Fee which varies by faculty and degree/course, totalling up to R45 000 (2019).
- Application fee is normally R300.
- Your initial payment is due in early February (or at registration if earlier). Refer to the most recent Student Fees Handbook for your initial fee.
- Your initial payment must include the International Admin Service Fee and the International Term Fee.
- Late payment fee for initial payment is 8% of unpaid amount.
- Remainder due by 30 June.
- Interest is charged on overdue accounts at 1% per month. UCT Postgraduate Fees Structure
International students (outside Africa)
- Your course fee total is calculated on a course-by-course basis. See the most recent Student Fees Handbook.
- There is an International Admin Service Fee of R3 750 (2019).
- There is an International Term Fee which varies by faculty and degree/course, totalling up to R60 000 (2020).
- Application fee is normally R300.
- Your initial payment is due in early February (or at registration if earlier). Refer to the most recent Student Fees Handbook for your initial fee.
- Your initial payment must include the International Admin Service Fee and the International Term Fee.
- Late payment fee for initial payment is 8% of unpaid amount.
- Remainder due by 30 June.
- Interest is charged on overdue accounts at 1% per month.
University of Cape Town Application Fees
University of Cape Town Acceptance Deposit
University of Cape Town Tuition Fees
University of Cape Town UCT Accommodation Fees
University of Cape Town Fees Handbook
University of Cape Town Fees Structure
University of Cape Town Electronic Fee Statements
UCT Postgraduate Accommodation Fees
University of Cape Town Banking Details
University of Cape Town Fees Office Contacts
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