University of Fort Hare UFH National Benchmark Test NBTs Registration

UFH National Benchmark Test NBTs Registration – see details below on how to register…
You NEED the following to register:
Your official ID book (if you are not a citizen of South Africa, you will need your passport)
A unique email address
City and site where you want to write
NBT requirements from the institutions where you plan to apply
Date when you want to write (allow 4 weeks for the institution(s) to which you have applied to receive your results. You can access your results on our website after 5 weeks.)
Pen and paper to record your username and EasyPay number
Take note of the following:
The NBT Project does not determine which test you must write nor the deadline for submitting results. Most institutions in South Africa post their requirements on their website and in their prospectus.
See Also: How To Book UFH National Benchmark Test NBTs
The username and EasyPay number assigned to you during registration is used to:
Complete the registration process if you did not finish
Correct personal information
Request change to test date or site
Verify payment so that your results may be released
Registration is date- and venue-specific. If you miss your scheduled test, you must re-register and pay again. You will be able to access your results only if you have paid for any tests for which you were registered.
Two days before the test for which you have registered, you will receive an sms and an email confirming your test venue.
BOOK A TEST Change Details/ View Results
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