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UJ Politics and International Relations​ Department

University of Johannesburg UJ Politics and International Relations​ Department

University of Johannesburg UJ Online Application
University of Johannesburg UJ Online Application

University of Johannesburg Politics Department – See Details Below:

The vision of the Department of Politics is to advance critical and professional scholarship in politics and international relations through research, teaching and community service.​
The Department of Politics has a long tradition of teaching and research in the fields of politics and international relations at both undergraduate and post-graduate levels.  The Department boasts specialists in both politics and international relations.
At undergraduate level, we offer degrees in BA Politics, BA Politics Philosophy and Economics (PPE) and BA International Studies.
The undergraduate Politics curriculum includes courses in Introduction to Politics; South African Politics; Political Risk; Policy Analysis and Political Philosophy and Thought.
The undergraduate International Relations curriculum covers courses in Introduction to International Relations; Foreign Policy Analysis; South African Foreign Policy; Conflict and Cooperation and International Political Economy.
At postgraduate level, we offer degrees at Honours, Masters and Doctoral levels.
Our Honours degree offers both Politics and International Relations subjects and includes a compulsory module in Research Methodology. This module involves theoretical coursework as well as a compulsory mini-dissertation (or long essay).  The compulsory research module is taken with four auxiliary modules, chosen from International Organisations; Key Issues in International Relations; South African Politics; International Political Economy; International Conflict; Politics and Gender;  Thought Systems and Theories in Politics; and Key Issues in Comparative Politics.
Our graduates have entered a wide range of careers in the public service at national, provincial and local levels, the private sector, the media and academia, among others.  Some have opted for politics, serving in elected bodies at various levels of government.
Since graduate studies form a critical part of our teaching programme, we also offer an MA as well as a D Litt et Phil degree.  Both of these degrees are dissertation/thesis-based.​

University of Johannesburg UJ Politics and International Relations​ Department Contact

University of Johannesburg Politics Department Courses

University of Johannesburg Politics Department Courses – See Details Below:


University of Johannesburg Politics Department Admission Requirements

University of Johannesburg Politics Admission Requirements – See Details Below:

• All Postgraduate degrees in our department require a basic minimum entrance requirement of 65% obtained in the previous degree (Politics, International Relations, or a cognate discipline). See the Humanities Postgraduate Yearbook
• Applicants meeting the basic entrance requirement are welcome to submit all necessary documentation via the official UJ online application system which opens annually on 1st April and closes on 31st October for applicants applying for the following year. (
• Please note that academic performance is only one criterion and the department may limit the number of admissions due to constraints of space and supervision capacity in the interests of quality of instruction.
• Candidates might also be asked to complete a writing exercise or be asked to attend an interview as part of the application process. These could also be taken into account in determining an applicant’s eligibility for admission to advanced studies.
• International students: please consult the International Office for specific prerequisites including study permits, medical cover, and English language proficiency requirements. The international office will, where applicable, refer candidates to the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA, for validation of qualifications, as well as for English language proficiency testing. A SAQA certificate should, where appropriate, be submitted online together with the other required documents. The International Office also provides information about the application procedure. International office: +27 (0)11 559 2018
• Any enquiries can be made, via email, to the convenor of the postgraduate committee, Prof Anna-Mart Van Wyk at this address:
• Additional Admission Requirements:
• When submitting all the necessary documentation specified on the UJ application website, the Department also requires you to submit:
o A 1-page outline of your proposed MA or Ph.D. topic (indicating title, research question or aim, methodology, and, in the case of doctoral applicants, your original contribution to knowledge).
o Please visit the staff profiles at and indicate on your outline two supervisors with whom you would prefer to work.