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Admission Requirements Prospectus for 2024-2025

Ukwazi School of Nursing Admission Point Score

Ukwazi School of Nursing Admission Point Score

Ukwazi School of Nursing Admission Point Score – See Details Below:


Each learning programme (qualification) offered by the SCHOOL requires a minimum APS (apart from programme specific requirements) for an applicant to become eligible for selection to that programme.  Applicants with the highest APS receive preference in the selection process.

The table below contains the APS points for subjects achieved in the various SCHOOL leaving certificates and for converting non- National Senior Certificate (“NSC”) qualifications to NSC achievement levels:

*          Independent Examinations Board

**         National Certificate (Vocational)

An APS is calculated by adding up the points for an applicant’s best 6 (six) subjects as reflected in the applicant’s SCHOOL leaving certificate.  Life Orientation is excluded for purposes of the calculation of an APS (and thus does not form part of an applicant’s 6 (six) best subjects).