University of South Africa UNISA Aegrotat Forms 2024-2025

What does the selection process entail?
- At the heart of the selection process is a calculation of your individual points score, which takes into account your final Grade 12 marks and other key factors such as the school you attended, and your gender, socio-economic group, race, and so on.
- Before submitting an application, please check whether you meet the statutory and college-specific admission requirements, and the required academics points score (APS) for your chosen qualification(s). A higher certificate requires aminimum APS of 15, a diploma a minimum APS of 18 and a bachelor degree a minimum APS of 21 or more (some exceptions apply).
- It is important to note that you will not automatically be accepted to study through Unisa in semester 1 of 2024-2025. Students will be accommodated on the basis of the number of places available for each qualification.
The application process
- You may apply for a maximum of two qualifications, ranked in order of preference (although you may only register for one should both of your qualifications be successful).
- Unisa will inform you of the outcome of your application. If successful, Unisa will indicate for which qualification you have been accepted and will offer you a space for the period for which you have applied (ie semester 1).
- You must accept or decline Unisa’s offer within the prescribed period of time. If you miss this deadline, Unisa will withdraw the offer and give your space to another applicant.
- First-time applicants to Unisa will be required to complete the First-Year Experience (FYE) MOOC (massive open online course) before being able to accept Unisa’s offer.
- You may only accept one offer. This means that when you accept an offer for one qualification (irrespective of whether it is your first or second qualification of choice), the other offer will automatically fall away.
- If you accept Unisa’s offer, you must register for the period for which you have been granted admission(ie semester 1). Should you not register for the relevant semester of study, you will need to re-apply for admission during the next application period.
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NB: Your Study fees account will automatically be debited with the amount calculated for the approved deferments.
Cir Note: No applications will be processed without the required supporting documentation.
If you apply for an Aegrotat Examination, you must include with this application an acceptable medical certificate, issued by a registered medical practitioner. The certificate must obtain details of the nature and period of your iffness. The practitioner must declare that you are/ were not able to sit for the examination. You must make absolutely sure that the dates on your certificate correspond with your examination dates. Your student number must appear on all documentation.
Completed applications with the documentary proof can be faxed to 012 429-4150 or e-mailed to Note: Original documents must be mailed to: PO Box 392, UNISA 0003 Your student number must appear on all documentation.
ff you apply for a Special Examination, you must include documentary proof giving full details why you are/were unable to sit for the relevant examination(s). Your student number must appear on all documentation.
f hereby declare that theabove information is correct, that I’veread the rulesregarding Aegrot and Special examinations (reverse side) and that I willabide by the decisions and rules of the University.
Please note that:
(i) There are no Special and/or Aegrotat Examinations in papers for Honours degrees or BEd degrees as well as for Hons BCompt and Hons BA(SW) degrees written during the October/November examinations. No Special and/or Aegrotat Examinations can be granted in study units consisting of practical work or containing a component of practical work.
Iii) Note that if a SpeciaVAegrotat examination is granted, it is regarded as your second and final examination opportunity. You wiII not be entitled
to a supplementary examination ongrounds of your performance in the Special/Aegrotat examination.
(iii) Should you wish to change your address and/or your examination venue. youare requested to inform the University under separate cover.
Supplementary, aegrotat and special assessment opportunities
Please note that there are undergraduate modules which do not make provision for aegrotat or special examinations. No supplementary examinations are granted in respect of aegrotat or special examinations.
- Except where expressly stated to the contrary, a student will be granted a maximum of 2 assessment opportunities in a module without having to re-register for the module. CTA Level 1 and CTA Level 2 students only have one examination opportunity. Thus, where a student is granted a supplementary, aegrotat or special assessment opportunity, this will be the final assessment opportunity without the student having to re-register for the module. Students who fail or are absent (for whatever reason) from the second assessment opportunity will not be granted a further opportunity without re-registering for the module. Students who passed their examinations cannot apply for a second assessment opportunity in order to improve their results. Such students must reregister for the rnodule(s) concerned for non-degree purposes.
- An aegrotat or special examination in the following examination period may be granted to a student who has been prevented from takingthe preceding examination or has been unable to complete the examination as a result of:
- illness on the day of or immediately before or during the examination, provided that the application is accompanied by a certificate, issued by a medical practitioner registered with the SA Medical c!nd Dental Council, specifying the nature, commencement date and duration of the illness and declaring that for health reasons it was impossible or undesirable for the candidate to sit for the examination on the day concerned or a letter from the invigilator certifying that the candidate left the examination hall due to illness; orpersonal circumstances, such as work commitments (official letter from employer is required) or work-related travel, serious lness or death of a relative during the examination period, provided that satisfactory evidence of such circumstances is produced (see below).
- A student will be granted a second assessment opportunity (supplementary examination) in a module ifs/he achieves a minimum final summative assessment mark of 40%, as well as complying with the additional (where relevant) specific criteria for an aegrotat, special or supplementary assessment for the module. Students will only be registered for the second assessment opportunity upon payment of the prescribed fee. The University awards supplementary examinations and students cannot apply for this opportunity.
- Where an examination is deferred and a special or aegrotat examination (second examination opportunity) is granted, without the examination having been written at the first examination opportunity, such deferred examination will be regarded as the second and final examination opportunity for that academic year. No further supplementary, aegrotat or special examinations will be granted and students who fail or are absent from such an examination (for whatever reason) will have to reregister for the relevant module/paper during the next academic period.
Please note: A student must have obtained examination admission and have paid the full registration fee in respect of the relevant
module. The prescribed examination fee must accompany the application for the aegrotat or special examination. Examination fees are not refundable or transferable.
- No alternative dates or times can be arranged in cases where examination dates and/or times clash.Note: A student will not be granted admission to a or special assessment on the basis of clashes in examination dates; save where the clash may arise as a result ot a change to the provisional timetable made by the University after the registration period.
- Applications for special examinations must be accompanied by original documentary evidence giving full details as to why the student was prevented from writing the examination. Applications must be submitted WITHIN 10 DAYS of the original examination date. Please ensure that your student number appears on all documentation. Medical certificates received without an accompanying written application will be deemed to be an incomplete application and will, therefore, not be processed or considered. Applications can be submitted via fax (012 429-4150), e-mail ( (your student number must appear in the subject heading) or may be posted to the university (PO Box 392, UNISA, 0003). It remains the student’s responsibility to ensure that the university receives the original application and any accompanying docunentation before the dosing date.
- Undergraduate studenls in their final year of study who have one or two modules outstanding to complete the qualification may qualify for assistance in temis of the Procedure to assist students who have one or two modules outstanding to complete a qualification. The student must have written and failed the modules in the last examination. The University reserves the right to award or decline the special assessment opportunity based on the student’s formative and last summative assessment. Postgraduate students (who qualify) must owe 24 credits or less in order to be considered for the above assistance.
- The year mark will not contribute to the calculation of the final assessment mark in the case of a or supplementary assessment.
- Special, aegrotat and supplementary assessments will be scheduled at the same examination centre at which the student was scheduled to write the previous examination, save where prior arrangements have been made with the University. No assessments in lieu of the above will be scheduled outside of the official examination periods.
17.1O Senate may approve that there is no second assessment opportunity in respect of specific undergraduate modules. Where this rule is in place, the information is expressly set out in the relevant tutorial letter, which forms part of the student’s agreement with UNISA.
- Most postgraduate modules also have a second examination opportunity, save for the CTA Level 1 and CTA Level 2 examinations. The following should also be noted.
- the assessments for the MBL modules and certain postgraduate modules are conducted in October/November, with special, supplementary and aegrotat assessments scheduled in January of the year following; and
- the assessments for the MBA modules and most postgraduate modules are conducted in May/June and the special, supplementary and aegrotat assessments (for students who qualify) are scheduled in October/November.
- the assessments for most postgraduate modules are conducted in January/February and the special, supplementary and
- Most postgraduate modules also have a second examination opportunity, save for the CTA Level 1 and CTA Level 2 examinations. The following should also be noted.
aegrotat assessments (for students who qualify) are scheduled in May/June of the same year. Postgraduate students who have their second assessment opportunity in May/June must re-register for the module by the official closing date for registrations in the event that they fail the second assessment. No late registrations will be considered. Students who have re-registered and pass the second assessment, must themselves liaise with the Registrations Division regarding a refund for fees already paid.