University of South Africa Unisa Department of Mathematics Education Courses

Unisa Department of Mathematics Education Courses – See Details Below:
Module | Lecturer | |
ADM3701: | Advanced Education In Data Handling And Probability In The Intermediate Phase | Dr. T Makgakga |
ADM3702: | Advanced Education In Functions And Basic Algebra In The Intermediate Phase | Ms. PD Motseki |
ADM3703: | Advanced Education In Measurement, Space And Shape In The Intermediate Phase | Mr. CM Moila |
ADM3704: | Advanced Education In Numbers, Operations And Relations In The Intermediate Phase | Mr. CM Moila |
ADM3705: | Advanced Education In Mathematics In Society In The Intermediate Phase | Prof. MM Phoshoko |
HBEDAIQ: | Analyse The Impact Of The Curriculum On Effective Mathematical Practices | Prof. MF Machaba |
HBEDAMU: | Analyse Modelling In School Mathematics | Prof. MM Phoshoko |
LADMMM6: | Teaching Mathematics (SP Subject Didactics) | Dr. MM Masilo |
MAE101J: | Numbers And Operations In Intermediate And Senior Phase | Ms. PD Motseki |
MAE102K: | Spatial Development, Geometry And Trigonometry In Intermediate And Senior Mathematics | Ms. PD Motseki |
MAE103L: | Measurement In Intermediate And Senior Mathematics | Mr. MA Ngoveni |
MAE104M: | Assessment In The Intermediate And Senior Mathematics | Mr. MA Ngoveni |
MAE201M: | Pre-Algebra and Algebra in Intermediate and Senior Mathematics | Mr. GT Mphuthi |
MAE202N: | Statistics Education In Intermediate And Senior Mathematics | Ms. EG Makwakwa |
MAE203P: | Basic Financial Mathematics In Intermediate And Senior Phase | Mr. MC Moila |
MAE204Q: | Technology And Media In Intermediate And Senior Phase | Mr. KS Mabotja |
MIP1501: | Mathematics for Intermediate Phase Teachers I | Mr. PE Rankweteke |
MIP1502: | Mathematics for Intermediate Phase Teachers II | Mr. GT Mphuthi |
MIP2601: | Mathematics for Intermediate Phase Teachers III | Prof. MF Machaba |
MIP2602: | Mathematics for Intermediate Phase Teachers IV | Ms. EG Makwakwa |
MSE2183: | Geometry (Mathematics 218 For Bed) | Dr. MM Masilo |
MTE1501: | Mathematics 1 For Teachers | Dr. MC Du Plooy |
MTE1502: | Mathematics 2 For Teachers | Dr. MC Du Plooy |
OPM1501: | Orientation To Intermediate Phase Mathematics | Mrs. CM Machaba |
PFC102R: | Professional Studies Theme B: Teaching Mathematics And Natural Sciences | Prof. MF Machaba |
SDMAT04: | FET Subject Didactics Mathematics Education | Prof. ZMM Jojo |
SDMATLK: | FET Subject Didactics Mathematical Literacy | Prof. ZMM Jojo |
TMN3704: | Teaching Mathematics | Mrs. SM Kodisang |
TMS3724: | Teaching Mathematical Literacy In Further Education And Training | Mr. KS Mabotja |
TMS3725: | Teaching Mathematics In Further Education And Training | Dr. T Makgakga |
TMS3726: | Teaching Mathematics In The Senior Phase | Dr. MM Ma |