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University of Cape Town UCT Department Of Private Law

University of Cape Town UCT Department Of Private Law

University of Cape Town UCT Department Of Private Law – see details below:

The research interests of the members of the Private Law Department vary widely and span the entire field of South African private law including, of course, customary law.

Areas which are currently the focus of the research programmes of individual members of staff include:

  1. the fundamentals of the law of delict;
  2. land law and land redistribution;
  3. the law of unjustified enrichment;
  4. family law;
  5. the law of contract;
  6. the law of succession;
  7. comparative law and the nature of legal systems;
  8. various facets of legal history generally; and
  9. the jurisprudential and historical context of private law.

These individual projects form the core of the research programme in the Department. In addition, larger projects which span the interests of different members of the Department are also undertaken. These collaborative projects make it possible to produce books that make a valuable contribution to knowledge.

For more information, please visit the Private Law website.

UCT Department Of Private Law Contacts