University of Cape Town UCT English Language Requirements

University of Cape Town UCT English Language Requirements – see details below:
English is used both for teaching and for examinations at UCT. All applicants must show evidence of proficiency in English and must submit evidence of this as part of their application to study at UCT.
International applicants whose home language is not English must submit, as part of their application to study, one of the following:
- A stipulated score on the National Benchmark Tests. (NBTs)
- For undergraduate applicants the MINIMUM NBT AQL scores stipulated for each qualification; SEE faculty entries in this prospectus.
- For graduate applicants a score of at least 65% (proficient) or above on the Graduate Academic and Quantitative Literacy (G-AQL) Test, unless otherwise stipulated in the postgraduate prospectus. NBTs are offered by UCT’s Centre for Educational Testing for Admission and Placement (CETAP) and arrangements can be made for you to take these tests anywhere in the world.
- A recent score (obtained within 3-5 years before application for admission) of at least 570 (for the paper-based test) or at least 230 (for the computer-based test) on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL); or 88 on the Internet-based TOEFL test.
- A recent overall band score of 7.0 on the International English Language Testing System (IELTS), with no individual element of the test scoring below 6.0.
- A Score on the Pearson PTE Academic test of 64.
The tests must be taken at your own expense, before sending in your application. These are the minimum levels of English proficiency you will need to be considered for admission to UCT.
For information about the TOEFL and IELTS tests, including information on how to register and the dates when tests are held, applicants should contact:
For information about the TOEFL internet based tests (iBTs), or the TOEFL paper based tests (PBTs), (which are being phased out) go to Any queries you may have with respect to the tests may also be submitted online.
IELTSFor information about IELTS, test content, location and dates go to Any queries you may have with respect to the tests may also be submitted online.
PEARSON PTE ACADEMICFor information about PEARSON PTE ACADEMIC, test content, location and dates go to Any queries you may have with respect to the tests may also be submitted online.
It is important to take the English proficiency test of your choice as soon as possible.
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