University of Cape Town UCT Faculty of Science Application

University of Cape Town UCT Faculty of Science Application – see details below:
Application Process
BSc(Honours) and Master’s degree (by coursework and minor dissertation)
Places on the BSc(Honours) and Master’s degree (by coursework and minor dissertation) programmes are limited by capacity, and applicants are accepted on a competitive basis. Students interested in applying for admission to one of these degree programmes should first consult the department concerned to determine closing dates for applications, and what documentation is required. The general closing dates for applications to UCT can be found here.
Before you proceed to application, click on the links below for information:
University of Cape Town UCT Courses Offered
University of Cape Town UCT Fees Structure
University of Cape Town UCT Admission Requirements
PhD and research Master’s degree
Prospective candidates wishing to register for a PhD degree or a Master’s degree (by dissertation) should have a discussion with the prospective supervisor and/or Head of Department prior to applying formally to the University. Once supported by the host department, a formal application will have to be submitted online at
In addition to meeting the minimum entrance requirements, the following information will need to be provided:
- a curriculum vitae which includes personal details, academic history and work experience;
- an official transcript of university results (non-UCT students only);
- in the case of an application for the PhD, a summary of the Master’s research undertaken with and any publications which have arisen from this;
- names and contact details (including e-mail addresses) of two referees who are familiar the candidate’s recent academic studies;
- a brief outline of the area of interest for research;
- the names of UCT staff members who may have agreed to serve as supervisor/s for the research;
- proof of English language proficiency, where English is not the applicant’s home language.
University of Cape Town UCT Online Application 2024-2025
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University of Cape Town UCT Undergraduate Online Application 2024-2025
UCT Online Application Procedure – How To Apply
University of Cape Town UCT Application Form
University of Cape Town UCT Postgraduate Application
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University of Cape Town UCT Application Closing Dates
University of Cape Town UCT Application Open Date
University of Cape Town Application Key Dates
University of Cape Town UCT Readmissions