University of Cape Town UCT Travel Scholarships

University of Cape Town UCT Travel Scholarships – see details below:
As part of its commitment to provide a high-quality postgraduate experience, UCT makes available limited mobility grants to help registered master’s and doctoral students to attend conferences or further research at approved universities. The following awards are available to students:
UCT conference travel grants
Application for conference travel are now closed and will open December for travel between May and October 2020 the closing date is the 21 February
The purpose of UCT’s conference travel grants is to provide an opportunity for doctoral and master’s students to present a paper or talk at a conference.
To comply with the conditions of this grant, student must:
(a) have their papers accepted
(b) confirm that they have secured the balance of funds to undertake their trip
(c) on completion of the conference and return to UCT they must submit a travel report on their experience, its impact on their research and potential publications that may arise from it.
The conference travel grant process consists of 2 rounds of application. Applicants must meet to the following criteria:
- Master’s students in the first year of study, who intend to submit early in the 2nd year, can apply in the 2nd semester of the 1st year if they can provide strong motivation and on receipt of evidence that they will submit before the first semester of the next year.
- Master’s students in the 1st year of study can apply in their 1st year to travel to a conference in the second year of study.
- Master’s students in the second year of study.
- Doctoral students who will attend a conference in the second or third years of study. Doctoral students who successfully apply in the third year of study may use their grants in the 4th year of study on condition that they are registered at the time of the conference.
- Doctoral students who are registered for the 4th year of study at the time of application are ineligible.
- Successful applicants must be registered students of the University of Cape Town for the full duration of their conference stay.
- Students who have upgraded from Master’s to Doctoral study are eligible in the first and second years of registration as a Doctoral student only. Evidence of the Upgrade must be provided.
Closing dates (subject to change):
- For travel between May and October the closing date is the 21 February.
- For travel between November and April of the following year the closing date is 23 August .
The Selection Committee meets in March and September.
Scholarships for international travel
Application for Scholarship for international travel are now closed and will open December for travel abroad between April and September 2020 the closing date is the 28 February.
The above scholarships are available to assist master’s and doctoral students to visit an approved international institution for purposes of:
- conducting research that ordinarily cannot be undertaken at UCT or for
- attendance at specific and approved courses contributing substantively to their research project
The awards are intended for individual senior students to enhance the research activities being conducted for the completion of a degree.
There are 2 rounds of applications/awards per annum and students may apply for support for a minimum of 2 months and a maximum of 10 months.
Closing dates (subject to change):
- Students applying to travel abroad in April, May, June, July, and August, September must submit their applications by no later than 28 February.
- Students applying to travel abroad in October, November, December and January, February and March of the following year must submit their applications by no later than 23 August. The Selection Committee meets in March and September.
The Selection Committee meets in March and September.
University of Cape Town UCT Bursaries and Scholarships
UCT Postgraduate Bursaries and Scholarships
UCT Postgraduate Centre and Funding Office Contacts
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