University of Fort Hare UFH Settlement of Outstanding Accounts

University of Fort Hare UFH Settlement of Outstanding Accounts – see details below:
Detailed statements will be sent out to all students from March onwards. The University does not accept responsibility for incorrect addresses or postal service deficiencies resulting in statements of account not being received. It is the responsibility of the student to make enquiries should he/she not receive any statement of account. The fact that no statement has been received will not be accepted as a reason for failure to settle outstanding fees owing to the University by the due date.
The balance owing after the payment of the minimal initial payment (MIP) must be settled as follows:
(a) By the end of the first quarter (lectures end) ………….30%
(b) By the end of the second quarter (lectures end) …….60%
(c) By the end of the third quarter (lectures end)……….100%
Failure to comply with the above will result in the University implementing the sanctions as outlined above.
Early Settlement Discounts
The following discounts are applicable for all students:
(a) Settlement of 100% of all fees during registration 10%
(b) Settlement of 75% of all fees during registration 5%
Second Child Discounts
A discount is granted on tuition fees only for every additional child registered at the University.
A discount for every additional child registered ……………………..10%
University of Fort Hare UFH Application Fee
University of Fort Hare UFH Minimum Initial Payment MIP
University of Fort Hare UFH Registration Fees
University of Fort Hare UFH Residence Fees
University of Fort Hare UFH Academic Performance Incentives
University of Fort Hare UFH Methods of Payments
University of Fort Hare UFH Tuition Fees
University of Fort Hare UFH Accommodation and Fees
University of Fort Hare UFH Bursaries and Loans
University of Fort Hare UFH Financial Assistance
University of Fort Hare UFH Undergraduate Prospectus
University of Fort Hare UFH Postgraduate Prospectus
University of Fort Hare UFH General Prospectus
How to Apply at University of Fort Hare UFH
Apply at University of Fort Hare UFH 2024-2025
University of Fort Hare UFH Undergraduate Application
University of Fort Hare UFH Undergraduate Application Form
University of Fort Hare UFH Postgraduate Application
University of Fort Hare UFH Postgraduate Application Forms Pdf
University of Fort Hare UFH Online Registration
University of Fort Hare UFH Online Application Status
University of Fort Hare UFH Online Application
University of Fort Hare UFH Online Application Closing Date
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University of Fort Hare UFH Application Form Pdf Download
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