University of Fort Hare UFH Undergraduate Application 2024-2025

University of Fort Hare UFH Undergraduate Application – apply now…
It is a good idea to have a career objective in mind, check the admission requirements of the various qualifications offered at the University of Fort Hare.For detailed entrance requirements, please refer to the Student Guide.
Click here to apply. A non-refundable application fee of R120.00 is payable by all applicants (for online applications).
(a) Non‐refundable application fee to accompany all applications for admission by new students payable on or before the 30st September: R120.00
Application Fee – Residence Admissions
(a) Non‐refundable application fee to accompany all applications for accommodation by new students payable on or before the 31st September: R 120.00
(b) Acceptance of accommodation payable before the 31st December : R 1000.00
1. Submit your application form and all the necessary documentation including application fee before closing date.
2. An SMS will be sent to you informing you of the status of your application thereafter a letter of confirmation.
3. Current matriculants who qualify based on their Grade 12 mid-term performance, are provisionally admitted pending the submission of their final matric results and subject to availability of space.
4. Successful applicants will receive an admission letter, together with a registration guide, which reflects the registration dates and orientation programme. It is important to note that all applicants who wrote the National Senior Certificate (NSC) are required to write the National Benchmark test (NBT) before they are allowed to register for their 1st year at University.
You can submit your completed application forms by hand at any of our admissions Offices in Alice or East London Campuses.
- After completing filling the application form make sure you save your form using your name and surname e.g. SAM MHLANA
- Scan all your other documents (ID, RESULTS, PROOF OF PAYMENT OR ANY OTHER REQUIRED DOCUMENTS) and make sure you also save these using your name and surname e.g. SAM MHLANA
- Once you have all your documents please email to
- Make sure that your email address or cellphone number that you write in your application forms is working for us to contact you.
It is a good idea to have a career objective in mind, check the admission requirements of the various qualifications offered at the University of Fort Hare.
The Student Affairs Division, like the University in general, operates in terms of the provisions of the Higher Education Act, 1997 (Act no.1 of 1997), and in accordance with the Statute of the University of Fort Hare. The Division promotes programmes that give students a sense of belonging to a supportive educational community, promote inspired learning and encourage development skills that foster personal and academic growth. In addition it provides students many opportunities to participate in various activities beyond the classroom such as recreational sport, student organisations and societies that train students on leadership skills, both at the University and beyond.
Student Affairs comprises of the following departments: Student Counselling Unit, Student Governance and Development, Residences, Health Care Centre, Disability Unit, HIV & Aids Unit and the Sport and Recreation Unit.
Upon registering all students will be charged the following:
(a) Registration Costs …………………………………………………… R550.00
(b) Student ID card:……………………………………………………….. R80.00
(c) Late registration fee:…………………………………………………… R700.00
(d) Student levy:…………………………………………………………… R2 000.00
(e) Student levy (part time students):……………….……………… R1 000.00
The Office of International Affairs vision is to engage in a vibrant and viable internationalisation agenda that is internationally recognised, culturally enriching and promotes a diverse approach to academic excellence through international best practice. The University of Fort Hare is committed to promote International Relations through co‐operative and collaborative linkage partnerships, international programmes and activities with fraternal institutions of higher education within the Higher education regulatory framework, provisions of the national planning and policy imperatives, whilst also ensuring consistence with the Vision, Mission and the Goals of the university. University of Fort Hare UFH Undergraduate Application
In order to attract, reward and retain top performing students the University offers following incentives on tuition to such students:
New Undergraduates
(a) 34 to 38 Merit points………………………………………R 3 500.00
(b) 39 to 42 Merit points………………………………………R 4 500.00
(c) 43 to 47 Merit points………………………………………R 5 500.00
(d) 48 to 100 Swedish points………………………………..Full tuition
Points % Obtained in Grade 12
8 90% +
7 80% to 89%
6 70% to 79%
5 60% to 69%
4 50% to 59%
3 40% to 49%
0 30% to 39%
In order for a first year student to qualify for the above award, they need to meet the following criteria:
(a) Must have obtained the minimum as stated above.
(b) Must have matriculated not more than 5 years prior to registration.
(c) Must be a South African Citizen
(d) May be a non‐South African citizen who pays for their own fees.
(e) Must be studying full time
(f) Must submit a certified copy of their matric results to the Student Accounts department before the 31 March each year
NB: Only the top six results are taken into consideration for the above mentioned award.
Current Returning Undergraduates
(a) 75 to 80 ‐ 50%
(b) 81 to 84 ‐ 55%
(c) 85 to 89 ‐ 60%
(d) 90 + ‐ 100%
In order to qualify for the above incentives a student will have to register for at least 100 credits on a full time basis or 50 credits on a part time basis for the full academic year.
In order for a student to qualify for the above award, they need to meet the following criteria:
Must be a South African citizen
May be a non‐South African citizen who pays for their own fees
Must obtain an average of 70% and above for all subjects
Must have passed all their modules and should therefore have not failed a single module with a minimum of 100 credits registered in the previous academic year
The award is purely for students doing their first undergraduate qualification. No post graduate qualifications will be considered. This includes PGDip Acc, PGCE and LLB Post Graduate Stream.
The fee waiver is only awarded to returning students based on their previous year’s results.
Should a student skip a year or return after a period of longer than a year, then that student will be required to submit a motivation in order to be considered for a fee incentive.
All qualifying students who meet the said criteria as stated above will receive the incentive in the form of a cash and these funds will be paid out directly to the qualifying students.
Direct deposits/internet payments
Direct deposits/internet payments can be made into the University’s bank account at:
Standard Bank:Alice Branch
Branch Code 050119
Account Number.28 210
Payment via M65
The preferred method of payment is via the M65 form which is obtainable at any branch of Standard Bank or from the cashiers’ office at the University’s campuses.
In order to ensure prompt credit of payment students are encouraged to use this method of payment and ensure that their student number is reflected on the deposit slip.
Only Bank guaranteed cheques will be accepted by the cashier. Post‐ dated cheques will not be accepted. A R150.00 administration fee will be charged on all unpaid cheques and this amount will be debited to the student’s fees account. In addition to this the students account will be flagged not to receipt cheques in future and the drawer will be required to make an alternative payment within 7 days of being notified of the cheque being unpaid.
The student number must be used as the reference when using this method of payment.
Debit and credit card payments
Debit and credit card payments for student fees are accepted and payments can be made via the cashier’s office by the card holder.
International payments
Where payment is being made for students from outside the rand currency area, payment must be made by telegraphic transfer into the University’s bank account
at Standard Bank, Alice; Branch Code 050119; Account Number: 28 210 1357 swift address, SBZAZAJJ.
To avoid the possibility of a payment not being timeously credited to the correct student fee account, it is essential that the student name and student number
are entered on the deposit slip/telegraphic transfer. Please fax a copy of the deposit slip/transfer to the Fees Office, University of Fort Hare (040) 653 1789.
Debit Orders
The University no longer offers a Debit order payments system. You are however advised to see the HOD: Student Accounts should you wish to make a monthly payment arrangement to settle your fees before the 31st January.
How to Apply at University of Fort Hare UFH
Apply at University of Fort Hare UFH 2024-2025
University of Fort Hare UFH Undergraduate Application Form
University of Fort Hare UFH Postgraduate Application
University of Fort Hare UFH Postgraduate Application Forms Pdf
University of Fort Hare UFH Online Registration
University of Fort Hare UFH Online Application Status
University of Fort Hare UFH Online Application
University of Fort Hare UFH Online Application Closing Date
University of Fort Hare UFH International Application
University of Fort Hare UFH Late Application
University of Fort Hare UFH Application Form Pdf Download
University of Fort Hare UFH Application Closing Date
University of Fort Hare UFH Undergraduate Application Closing Date
University of Fort Hare UFH Courses Offered
University of Fort Hare UFH Diploma Courses Offered
University of Fort Hare UFH Certificate Courses Offered
University of Fort Hare UFH Bachelor Degree Courses Offered
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University of Fort Hare UFH Undergraduate Courses Offered
University of Fort Hare UFH Postgraduate Courses Offered
University of Fort Hare UFH Short Courses
University of Fort Hare UFH Masters Degree Courses Offered
Nursing at University of Fort Hare UFH
Law at University of Fort Hare UFH
Does University of Fort Hare UFH Offer Distance Learning
PGCE at University of Fort Hare UFH
University of Fort Hare UFH Undergraduate Prospectus
University of Fort Hare UFH Postgraduate Prospectus
University of Fort Hare UFH General Prospectus
University of Fort Hare UFH Application Fee
University of Fort Hare UFH Minimum Initial Payment MIP
University of Fort Hare UFH Registration Fees
University of Fort Hare UFH Residence Fees
University of Fort Hare UFH Settlement of Outstanding Accounts
University of Fort Hare UFH Academic Performance Incentives
University of Fort Hare UFH Methods of Payments
University of Fort Hare UFH Tuition Fees
University of Fort Hare UFH Accommodation and Fees
University of Fort Hare UFH Bursaries and Loans
University of Fort Hare UFH Financial Assistance
University of Fort Hare UFH NSFAS Application
University of Fort Hare UFH NSFAS Application Form
University of Fort Hare UFH NSFAS Application Status
University of Fort Hare UFH National Benchmark Test NBTs
University of Fort Hare UFH Location
University of Fort Hare UFH Contact Address Details
University of Fort Hare UFH Main Campus Contact Address
University of Fort Hare UFH Alice Campus Contact Address
University of Fort Hare UFH Bhisho Campus Contact Address
University of Fort Hare UFH East London Campus Contacts
University of Fort Hare UFH Main Campus – Alice Campus
University of Fort Hare UFH Bhisho Campus
University of Fort Hare UFH East London Campus
University of Fort Hare UFH East Contact Address Details
University of Fort Hare UFH International Students Admission Requirements
UFH International Undergraduate Admission Requirements
UFH International Postgraduate Admission Requirements
University of Fort Hare UFH Admission Requirements 2024-2025
University of Fort Hare UFH Brochure
University of Fort Hare UFH Blackboard
University of Fort Hare UFH Campuses
University of Fort Hare UFH Distance Learning
University of Fort Hare UFH Faculties pdf
University of Fort Hare UFH Graduation Gowns
University of Fort Hare UFH Graduation Dates
University of Fort Hare UFH Graduation List
University of Fort Hare UFH Student Portal login
University of Fort Hare UFH Online Services
University of Fort Hare UFH Qualifications
University of Fort Hare UFH Residence
University of Fort Hare UFH Spring Graduation
University of Fort Hare UFH Spring Graduation List
University of Fort Hare UFH Term Dates 2024-2025