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University of Johannesburg UJ Biomedical Sciences Department

University of Johannesburg UJ Biomedical Sciences Department

University of Johannesburg UJ Online Application
University of Johannesburg UJ Online Application

University of Johannesburg Biomedical Sciences Department – See Details Below:

​​About Us

Medical laboratory scientists, traditionally known as medical technologists, play an integral part in inpatient care. Tests in the laboratory can be as simple as testing for confirmation of a pregnancy or as complex as tests used to monitor the treatment of HIV, cancer, and diabetes. Medical laboratory scientists conduct tests in an ethical, accurate, and timely manner. Blood, body fluids, and tissue from the human body are analyzed in the chemical pathology, hematology, microbiology, histology, cytology, or virology departments of a diagnostic laboratory. Laboratory tests result play a major role in guiding clinician’s decisions around hospital admission, surgical interventions, and treatment choices.


The Department of Biomedical Sciences offers a four-year undergraduate program in Medical Laboratory Science (MLS). Students that meet the minimum registration requirements may apply to post-graduate studies toward the Masters and Doctorate qualifications (MLS) in the Faculty of Health Sciences.

Students are required to attend compulsory teaching and learning activities in the lecture halls, practical training sessions in the laboratory, and work-integrated learning at laboratories in the field.

Graduates from this program are skilled for employment opportunities laboratories in the public and private sector, medical faculties of universities, medical and pharmaceutical sectors, research organizations (MRC, NICD, CSIR), the South African National Blood Services and for independent private practice.

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