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University of Johannesburg UJ Environmental Health Department

University of Johannesburg UJ Environmental Health Department

University of Johannesburg UJ Online Application
University of Johannesburg UJ Online Application

University of Johannesburg Environmental Health Department – See Details Below:

​​​About Us

Environmental Health Practitioners deal with elements of safety, health, and the suitability of various environments. These include, among others, industrial / housing developments waste management, water services, pest control, food and transport safety, tourism and leisure, pollution control as well as general research and development elements. EHPs identify, evaluate, control and where necessary research the possible sources of health risks in the environment

Work activities of EHPs vary, but tasks may include:

Conducting routine inspections/ investigations of complaints to ensure
compliance with relevant legislation.
Ensuring that premises where food for human consumption is handled meet required standards.
A sampling of water and foodstuffs to detect contamination or disease-causing agents.
Monitoring of housing standards.
Monitoring exposure to environmental health hazards in various environments
Monitor pollution and environmental health nuisances (i.e. noise, land, air, and water) and liaise with various stakeholders to address these.
Engage with communities through public enquiries and meetings, exhibitions as well as ensuring compliance to environmental health legislation through education, advice, and enforcement.
Participate in legal proceedings where evidence is required in a court of law.
Comply with administrative and monitoring systems, producing detailed documentation and complex reports as required.
Analyzing the sources of environmental health problems, suggesting solutions, and where necessary making recommendations to institute change in policies or strategies.​

Our Valediction Culture
You might wonder how students get motivated to perform well in their studies, behave well in and outside university grounds, be presentable at all times- in and outside university grounds, socialize well with lecturers and other students and to inquire information from lecturers which may or may not be relevant to their studies. From 2014, the Department of Environmental Health embarked on a program that is designed to motivate students in all these aspects of academia and social norms.

This program is in the form of valediction and the department of Environmental Health hosts a valediction ceremony for only students within the department to celebrate the achievement of being a part of this exciting program, and acknowledgment of the hard work at all levels. This also allows staff and students to get to know each other in a relaxed atmosphere other than the normal classroom environment.

The categories that are awarded during this valediction ceremony are as follows:

Best Researcher
A Librarian
Campus Director
Most Inquisitive In Class
Best Dresser Of The Year
Class Clown and
Mr and Miss Valediction for the Night.​

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