University of Limpopo Postgraduate Bursaries

Postgraduate Bursary
- First time entering Masters and Doctoral students are entitled to a tuition fee bursary of up to R10 000-00 for the duration of their study. NB. (Students will still be responsible to pay administration fees).
- First time entering Honours and B.Ed Honours students qualify as follows: they must have obtained 60% in the final year of their undergraduate study for the subject(s) or course(s) which they intend pursuing for their postgraduate degree.
NB: Tuition fee bursary of up to R10 000-00(tuition fee bursary is capped by the amount of tuition fee levied for the year) will only be awarded on completion of one’s study
- A Tuition bursary capped for the total amount of tuition levied in the academic year of registration for the stipulated period of study will be awarded. Other costs to the fee account will not be covered by the bursary.
- Eligible students who fail to successfully complete their studies within the stipulated time under normal circumstance do not qualify for University administered financial aid.
- Students who receive tuition fee support from their employers or from other source under normal circumstances do not qualify for University administered financial aid.
- Students who are registering for the qualification equivalent to the one already received do not qualify for tuition fee bursary.
- Students who have previously registered with another institution for the same qualification do not qualify
- The University reserves the right to withdraw the tuition bursary should the student fail to disclose that he/she has an equivalent degree from another institution.
- No retrospective application is allowed
The following documents should be attached to the application form:
- an acceptance letter from the School indicating the student number, degree and discipline
- copy of detailed transcript of academic records
- copy of degree Certificates
- copy of I.D (certified)
- should the student fail to disclose that he/she has another bursary, and such a bursary pays towards the tuition fees, the tuition bursary offered by the university will be withdrawn.
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University of Fort Hare UFH Undergraduate Application
University of Fort Hare UFH Undergraduate Application Form
University of Fort Hare UFH Postgraduate Application
University of Fort Hare UFH Postgraduate Application Forms Pdf
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University of Fort Hare UFH Registration Fees
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University of Fort Hare UFH East London Campus Contacts
University of Fort Hare UFH Main Campus – Alice Campus
University of Fort Hare UFH Bhisho Campus
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