University of Limpopo SAES Assessment

University of Limpopo SAES Assessment
University of Limpopo SAES Assessment – See Details Below:
Continuous assessment
10.1.1 All registered students in a particular module will be provided with a complete module outline on the first contact week.
10.1.2 Assessment must be based on the assessment criteria as prescribed in the modular description and module outline.
10.1.3 A minimum of two tests must be written in a module subject to 10.1.2.
10.1.4 A student has the right to receive timeous feedback on all forms of assessment subject to 10.1.2.
10.2 Admission to summative assessment (final examination)
G13 applies
10.2.1 To be admitted to the summative assessment, a student must have obtained a formative assessment mark of at least 40% in each module.
• Summative assessments will be written in all prescribed modules and exit modules will be
externally moderated.
10.2.3 When calculating the final mark following a summative assessment, the differential contribution of the formative and the summative assessment marks are 60% and 40%, respectively.
10.2.4 Irrespective of the final mark achieved, a student must obtain at least a sub-minimum of 40% in the summative assessment.
10.2.5 Scripts shall be forwarded to the Examination Office when marks are submitted to the School Administration Office.
10.3 Expected behaviour in written assessments
10.3.1 Students shall take their seats at least twenty (20) minutes before the commencement of the test/examination.
10.3.2 Students will not be allowed into the examination hall in instances where such students are more than thirty (30) minutes late.
10.3.3 Students shall produce their student cards as they enter the examination hall and shall keep such
cards on display on the desk next to their seat number.
10.3.4 Students shall complete the attendance register at the beginning of each session, before writing the examination otherwise they will be marked as having been absent from the examination of that session.
10.3.5 Students shall be required to fill in the required particulars on the answer book in full and shall
number such books correctly in instances where more than one book is used for the examination
in each session.
10.3.6 Students shall not be allowed to leave the examination hall within an hour after the
commencement of the examination during each session.
10.3.7 Students who leave the examination hall during an examination session and return with the
express intention of continuing with the examination in progress, will not be permitted to do so.
• Students shall be permitted to leave only with the express purpose of responding to the call of
nature, and to return to the examination hall during a session and then only if under escort and
supervision of an invigilator.
• Students shall bring to the examination hall a student card, pens, pencils, ruler, eraser ink and
calculator only. No borrowing of material is permitted among students.
10.3.10 Only material that is required by the School to assist the students in the examination shall be indicated on the particular examination question paper.
10.3.11 Students shall not communicate with each other during the examination. The only communication that is permitted in an examination hall is between the student and the invigilator.
10.3.12 No smoking is allowed in the examination hall nor shall students be allowed any smoking break during an examination session.
10.3.13 No cell phone nor any other unauthorized communication device is allowed to be operative inside an examination hall or during the examination period without the express permission of the invigilator.
10.3.14 Failure to observe the rules of examination may lead to the application H14.
G14 applies.
11.1 The format of a supplementary assessment shall be the same as that of the summative assessment and for exit modules is subject to external moderation.
11.2 Conditions for the granting of a supplementary assessment in any specific module are dealt with as stipulated in Rules SAES11.3 and SAES11.4.
11.3 Students who obtain a final mark between 45% and 49%, both inclusive, will be permitted to write supplementary assessment in the module concerned.
11.4 If the final mark achieved in a module is 50% or more, but the summative assessment mark is below 40%, the student will qualify for a supplementary assessment.
11.5 Unless otherwise decided by Senate, supplementary assessment will be a flexible system within a reasonable period after the standard assessment.
• Calculation of the final mark following a supplementary assessment will be the same as that after the summative assessment with the supplementary assessment mark substituting the summative assessment mark. The maximum final mark allocated can only be 50%.
G15 applies.
12.1 A special summative assessment may be granted to a student who has been prevented from taking the assessment:
12.1.1 By illness, on the day of the assessment or during or immediately before that assessment; provided that a medical certificate from a registered medical practitioner or registered traditional healer is submitted to the satisfaction of the School; or
12.1.2 As a result of domestic circumstances such as serious illness, or death of a spouse, legal partner, parent, guardian, child, sibling; provided the student can produce satisfactory proof of such special circumstances.
12.2 The School shall determine whether the whole or only part of the assessment in the module concerned shall be done.
12.3 Where a student is permitted to do part of the assessment, the part of the assessment completed before the illness or relevant circumstances shall remain valid.
• A special assessment may be given immediately after the cessation of the circumstances that prevented the student from taking part in an assessment or should be given within 7 days of approval.
• A student who fails to sit for a special summative assessment shall not have a chance to sit for
further assessment in the same module , and shall re-register such a module .
• Applications for such a special summative assessment must be made on the prescribed form obtainable from Examination Office within 7 days of the date on which the assessment was held.
G16 applies.
G17 applies.
14.1 The guidelines as stipulated in the Student Code of Conduct will be followed to identify fraud in the assessment venue. A student, who is suspected of having acted in contravention of these, will be charged with assessment fraud and tried through a Faculty Student Disciplinary Committee, as described in the Student Disciplinary Procedure.
14.2 A student charged with assessment fraud shall appear before a Faculty Student Disciplinary committee within four weeks of the occurrence of the act of infringement.
14.3 Marks obtained in assessment events in all modules registered for, will be withheld pending the outcome of the disciplinary hearing.
14.4 Plagiarism, as described in the Student Code of Conduct, is considered as assessment fraud. Any material that is presented for assessment and where plagiarism is suspected will be used as evidence and Rules SAES14.2 and SAES14.3 shall also apply.
14.5 A student, who presents a fraudulent Sick Certificate for assessment, will enter the same process as that described in Rules SAES14.2 and SAES14.3.
14.6 A student, who has been found guilty of assessment fraud by a Faculty Student Disciplinary Committee, will automatically be deregistered from all registered modules and receive a suspension from the University aligned with the outcome of the Disciplinary hearing.
G18 applies. In addition,
15.1 Non exit modules are subject to internal moderation while exit modules are subject to external moderation.
15.2 The School Management Committee will evaluate all assessment reports from both internal and external assessors for quality assurance.
15.3 The Head of Department will ensure implementation of the recommendations in the assessor’s report.
G19 applies.
16.1 The minimum pass mark in any module is 50% subject to SAES10.2.4 .
16.2 A module is passed with distinction when a mark of 75% or more is obtained.
G20 applies.
17.1 A student is regarded as having failed a module if:
17.1.1 S/he does not fulfil all the requirements in the module concerned.
17.1.2 S/he does not meet the sub-minimum requirements in certain parts/ divisions/ papers of the assessment.
17.1.3 His/her final mark is less than 50% .
17.2 Subject to the provisions of Rules G25 and G26, a student shall not be permitted more than two attempts at passing a module even when changing his/her degree programme.
G21 applies.
18.1 Viewing of scripts:
18.1.1 With the permission of the School Director, a student may view his/her final assessment script together with the marking memorandum, under the supervision of a responsible person appointed by the Director.
18.2 Remarking of assessment scripts:
18.2.1 An application from a student for the remarking of an assessment script should be submitted in writing on the prescribed form obtainable from Examination Office to the Director of School within two weeks of the assessment results having been issued to students . Requests via the postal service should be by registered mail.
18.2.2 The Office of the Registrar shall make the necessary arrangements with the original external assessor or an alternate assessor for remarking the script.
18.2.3 The prescribed fee per module is to be paid in full by the applicant prior to remarking .
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