University of Mpumalanga UMP Undergraduate Application Forms 2024-2025

Step 1: Click on the student portal link on the UMP website home page.
Step 2: Click on new application.
Step 3: Capture your biographical information and save to generate your reference /student number and pin code to be used to proceed with your application.
Step 4: Put your student number/reference number.
Step 5: Click on applications to proceed with your application.
Step 6: Click on view application rules and click on “I accept” after reading.
Step 7: Click on the “next step” to proceed to the next step.
Step 8: Load your scanned documents, i.e. Certified ID, results and proof of payment (R150). Banking details are on application rules under step no. 1.
Step 9: Click on the upload document.
Step 10: Select your scanned document from the source file and click on save. Close the window and click on next step.
Step 11: Click on the grey radio button on the right of each block to select the subject.
Step 12: Click on the “next step” to proceed to the next step.
Step 13: Select the school from a grey radio button.
Step 14: Complete this form if you were enrolled in another institution, save and click next step.
Step 15: Type in the program you wish to enroll for and click the search button.
Step 17: Select period of study, e.g. First year. Type academic preference (i.e. 1 = First choice; 2 = Second choice, etc). Click on save and continue to the next step.
Step 18: Check if your biographical information was captured correctly and ensure all your documents are loaded on certificate seen, click on save and proceed to the next step.
Step 19: Click on communication type if you want to make changes on your communication details.
Step 20: View the programs you have applied for.
Step 21: View your application status.
Step 22: View if you have gone through all the processes.
Before you proceed to the application, click on the links below for information:
- University of Mpumalanga UMP Admission Requirements
- University of Mpumalanga UMP Fees
- University of Mpumalanga UMP Prospectus
End of online application, outcome for application takes up to 4 to 6 weeks after closing date.
Mbombela Campus
Cnr R40 and D725 Roads
Mbombela 1200
Siyabuswa Campus
Bheki Mfundo Drive
Siyabuswa 0472
Completed application forms should be submitted by email to:
Post/Courier to:
The Registrar
UMP Mbombela Campus
C/r R40 and D725 Roads
Mbombela, 1200
Private Bag X11283
Mbombela, 1200
Deliver by hand to:
Any campus or delivery site on the university.
Front Desk: 013 002 0800
Enquiries: 013 002 0810