University of Pretoria Examination Timetable 2024-2025

University of Pretoria Examination Timetable 2024-2025
University of Pretoria Examination Timetable 2021 – See Details Below:
Examination timetables
The Timetable Committee of Senate annually determines the dates when examinations will commence and end.
Examinations may not be conducted beyond the dates determined by the Timetable Committee without the written approval of the dean or his/her delegated academic representative.
Each department is responsible for providing the time and dates on which postgraduate examinations are to be conducted. Postgraduate examination timetables should preferably be loaded onto the system to allow postgraduate students to have access to the timetable for submission to employers if necessary.
The preliminary examination timetable is published in the Timetable Book annually. This timetable indicates dates and times, but not examination venues as student numbers are not known when the timetables go to print.
The final examination timetable indicating the venues in which examinations are to be written is made available during May (in respect of the June examination)
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and during October (in respect of the November examination). Students have access to their examination timetables via the UP Student Portal.
Students must consult the examination timetable two weeks prior to the commencement of the examinations in order to ascertain whether any changes have been effected.
No changes will be made to the examination timetables once they have been published two weeks before commencement of the examinations.
Subject to exceptions approved by the dean concerned, a student may register for a module only if the official class timetable allows the student to attend all the classes and if there are no test or examination timetable clashes. Should the dean concerned approve such registration, arrangements for extraordinary examinations have to be made with the relevant heads of department in good time. This does not apply to students who register for distance education (see G.2.3).
Lecturers must announce the semester marks to students no later than the official conclusion of lectures. Admission to examinations is subject to the relevant stipulations in the faculty regulations. Lecturers must inform students concerned in an appropriate manner of refusal to enter examinations no later than the official conclusion of lectures. Refusals have to be recorded on the marks system.
Within the context of this document, the following definitions apply:
∙Internal examiner: The lecturer(s) of the particular module.
∙Internal moderator: An appropriately qualified, competent and experienced academic employee of the University who is not involved with the instruction of that division of the module that is examined and who takes responsibility for moderation.
∙External examiner: An appropriately qualified, competent and experienced academic who is neither an employee of the University nor has any relationship with the University that may compromise his/her independent judgement.
An examination in a module must be conducted by one or more of the lecturers of such a module (internal examiners) and one or more internal moderator(s)/external examiner(s).
An examination in a final-year module (first- and second-semester modules) at undergraduate level and all postgraduate modules must be conducted by one or more internal examiner(s) of such a module, as well as an external examiner as provided for in this document. Should this be impracticable as a result of the death, resignation, absence, illness or any other inability of the lecturer concerned, the dean of the faculty in question, in consultation with the head of the department concerned, may make the necessary arrangements (see G.13).
2.1Internal examiners
The duties of the internal examiner are to, amongst others
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2.1.1draft the examination paper and memorandum;
2.1.2finalise the examination paper with due consideration of the comments provided by the internal moderator/external examiner;
2.1.3arrange for the duplication of the question paper while always applying strict measures to ensure the confidentiality of the paper;
2.1.4ensure that the paper has been correctly duplicated;
2.1.5be at the examination venue at the commencement of the examination to answer any questions that may arise (staff members within a department must make arrangements in this regard amongst themselves, should an examination take place in more than one venue);
2.1.6be reachable for the duration of the examination;
2.1.7collect the examination answer scripts from the examination venue after the examination (staff members within a department must make arrangements in this regard amongst themselves, should an examination take place in more than one venue);
2.1.8mark the examination answer scripts and add marks; and
2.1.9send the marked scripts to the internal moderator/external examiner for moderation and examination.
Any deviation from the above must be approved by the dean or his/her delegated academic representative.
2.2External examiners / internal moderators
Subject to the understanding that an external examiner / internal moderator must preferably be rotated at least every three years, the head of department, in consultation with the lecturer, nominates the external examiner/internal moderator on the basis of his/her competence, qualifications and experience. The dean or his/her delegated academic representative approves the nomination.
The purpose of external examination and internal moderation is to ensure that students are assessed in a consistent, accurate and well-designed manner (ie fair, valid and reliable). In this regard, an external examiner/internal moderator, amongst others, determine
∙the extent to which the curriculum is covered by the examination paper;
∙the relevance of the examination paper to the subject matter covered; and
∙the standard reached by students.
The duties of the external examiner/internal moderator are to, amongst others
2.2.1act as moderator when the examination paper and memorandum has been drafted by the internal examiner(s);
2.2.2examine by means of a sample (a minimum of 5, but not more than 25 scripts) the standard of the answers and the quality of the evaluation of the scripts;
2.2.3comment on the standard of the module as reflected by the
examination paper and/or the oral and/or the practical examination and on whether the paper covers the curriculum;
2.2.4determine whether the level of difficulty of the questions is up to standard; and
2.2.5determine whether the length of the examination paper is appropriate for the time allowed.
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Any deviation from the above must be approved by the dean or his/her delegated academic representative.
External examiners must report on the examination of a particular module to the relevant head of department. Refer to (Appendix 1) for an example of a report form. This form may be expanded upon according to the specific requirements within each faculty and/or department.
3.Examination papers
The copyright of the examination papers belongs to the University of Pretoria.
3.1Confidentiality of contents of examination papers
Internal and external examiners must apply strict measures to ensure the confidentiality of papers. The necessary precautions must be taken to ensure that electronic documents are password-protected and that they are stored on laptops and computers that are protected with unique passwords (contact ITS Helpdesk at 012 420 3051 or for assistance with passwords). Papers in hard copy must be sealed in an envelope and/or container and must be securely locked up at all times.
Furthermore, the necessary precautionary measures must also be taken to protect databanks with multi-choice question papers.
The procedures, with the necessary amendments, described in paragraph 5.4 apply when an examination or test session has to be rescheduled owing to the confidentiality of an examination and/or test paper being compromised, campus disruptions of any nature and/or other emergencies.
3.2Drafting of examination papers
Internal examiners are responsible for the drafting of examination papers, as well as for editing and translating the examination paper(s). The internal and external examiners are, however, jointly responsible for the overall quality of the examination paper(s).
Examination papers must contain clear instructions and mark allocations.
Where text material is used, it must be attached to the examination paper in typed form. The following information must appear on the cover sheet of an examination paper:
∙clear and complete official headings (university and faculty)
∙name of the department
∙correct official module code and description
∙names of the respective examiners (internal and external)
∙date of the assessment opportunity
∙duration of the assessment
∙total marks
∙number of pages
∙detailed information on teaching materials that may be used during the examination (see 3.5 for more information in this regard)
∙whether rough work may be done on the examination paper (this must also be communicated to the invigilator(s) concerned, since it will be an exception to the examination rules – see 5.2.22)
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∙date of perusal/feedback (see section 7.8)
Refer to (Appendix 2) for an example of a cover sheet.
3.3Language of examination papers
Examination papers must consist of a single document drafted in both English and Afrikaans.
The aforementioned applies to all modules, including those that are presented in only one language (ie only Afrikaans or only English).
Examination papers of language modules must be drafted in the language in question.
3.4The nature and duration of examination papers
3.4.1Lecturers may contact the Department for Education Innovation for assistance with assessment-related matters to ensure that examination papers require from students to demonstrate integration of knowledge, skills and attitudes that match the purpose of the particular programme. In this regard
∙examiners must be wary of the over-examination of candidates; and
∙an examination paper must include key questions on the particular field of study rather than questions on every section thereof.
3.4.2Owing to timetable difficulties, the duration of an examination paper must not exceed three hours, while the duration of a supplementary examination paper must not exceed one and a half hours. Where supplementary examinations need to be longer than one and a half hours, special permission needs to be obtained from the dean of such faculty (the Faculty of Health Sciences is excluded from this provision). In this regard, please consult S 4717/09 for examination and supplementary examination timeslots. Therefore, the time indicated on the examination paper must be adhered to.
3.4.3Relevant provision must be made to allow extra time for students with disabilities, as well as ensuring a special venue suitable for such students and possibly also an additional invigilator.
3.5Teaching materials for examinations
3.5.1Teaching materials are classified under controlled and uncontrolled teaching materials:
∙Controlled teaching materials include graph, drawing and tracing paper or other materials and apparatuses that, according to the instructions on the examination paper, may be made available to a candidate during an examination.
∙Uncontrolled teaching materials include books, documents, notes, electronic dictionaries and pocket calculators which a candidate may bring into the examination venue strictly according to the instructions on the examination paper. Every student is responsible for providing his/her own teaching materials in this specific category. Mutual sharing of such materials is not permissible. Examiners must ensure that the use of such teaching materials during examinations does not render more assistance to a candidate than intended.
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3.5.2In the absence of provisions to the contrary, pocket calculators (that are not programmable) may be used for any examination paper.
3.6The use of objective assessment (limited response questions) and computer-based assessment
Objective items / questions are defined as a method of putting structured questions to the student, the response to which is limited. Objective items include a variety of selected response questions such as True / False statements, one-best-answer items (multiple-choice questions MCQs), multiple- response items, matching items and hot-spot items. The student is required to choose one or more answers from options provided, or supply a single word, number or symbol. The structuring of the question and the limitation on the method in which the answers are provided, leads to the questions being marked accurately and objectively.
3.6.1Lecturers using these methods of assessment must attend one of the courses1 offered by the Department for Education Innovation regarding the use of objective assessment. Training consists of best practice on writing objective items (items that are at an appropriate level, constructively aligned to the learning outcomes and clear to students), the scoring system which may be employed, and the use of item statistics to improve their practice.
3.6.2Objective assessment should be used as part of the total assessment strategy and not be the only means of assessment.
The method according to which answers are provided to limited response questions, limits the development of writing skills (ie the ability to provide structured logical answers). In this regard, it is therefore recommended that the total assessment through objective items is not more than 40% of the student’s final mark (the final mark includes the semester, year and examination marks and do not pertain to separate assessments). Each faculty must formulate clear guidelines on the use of objective assessment and computer-based assessment as part of the faculty’s assessment practice.
3.6.3There are two scoring systems that can be used in objective assessment, namely number-right scoring or formula scoring. Number-right scoring does not apply a correction for guessing, but formula scoring does.
It is important that students are fully informed and understand the scoring system that is employed.
If the total score of a formula scoring test is negative, then the score for the test is zero. It is therefore very important that students understand the scoring implications.
3.6.4Not all computer-based assessment is multiple choice assessment. It may also be based on structured answers that test the use of statistical methods. Students have to work through the statistical analyses as is the case in an ordinary written test in order to get to the answers (ie Department of Statistics). The response to questions is not limited, as in the case of multiple choice answers. Of value is that the results can be statistically analysed over many
1Assessment training courses offered by EI are part of the schedule of priority courses provided through CE at UP free to academics. Individual faculties or departments may request additional training specific to their needs.
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years by means of advanced statistical techniques like item analysis and categorical data analyses and variation between assessors is eliminated. International advances in the area of computer-based assessment are numerous and must be studied and implemented.
3.6.5Lecturers can contact the following departments with regard to administering objective and/or computer-based assessments:
∙The Department for Education Innovation supports lecturers in the use of computer-based testing (CBT).
∙The Department of Information Technology Services supports lecturers in the use of optical mark reading sheets.
3.7Handling of examination papers
3.7.1Typing of examination papers
Examination papers are typed within a department/faculty by a suitably responsible staff member (also see section 3.1).
3.7.2Duplication of examination papers
Examination papers must preferably be handed in at the University Printers for purposes of multiplication and binding. The lecturer concerned must complete a Requisition: Printing/Photocopies form see (Appendix 3) for the relevant form).
Examination papers in hard copy are handed in at the reception desk of the printers in a sealed envelope, while examination papers in electronic format are handed in on a CD in pdf-format and password protected.
The minimum time required to complete printing jobs may vary from three to ten working days.
3.7.3Collecting examination papers at the printers examination papers are collected, the Requisition: Printing/Photocopies form (Appendix 3) must be signed and the personal particulars (EMPLID and name) of the staff member will be recorded on the Requisition: Printing/Photocopies form, whereupon the dispatch clerk, in conjunction with the authorised staff member, will verify the correctness, quality and number of examination papers. (Note: The staff member must display his or her UP identity card when collecting the examination papers.) the authorised staff member and the dispatch clerk must sign the relevant Requisition: Printing/Photocopies form whereupon the examination papers will be sealed in the staff member’s presence and handed to him or her.
3.7.4Safekeeping of examination papers
The relevant lecturer(s) must ensure prior to the commencement of the examination that the examination papers have been correctly copied and packed according to the number of venues in which the examination will be written. Should this necessitate breaking the seal of the envelope and/or container, the lecturer(s) must seal it again after checking the papers and place
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his/her signature over the seal. The lecturer must take all appropriate measures to ensure that the confidentiality of the examination papers is not compromised.
Departments must keep duplicated examination papers in sealed envelopes and/or a sealed container that must be locked up at all times.
Lecturers must preferably take the examination papers to the examination venues in question 30 minutes prior to the commencement of the examination. Staff members within a department must make arrangements in this regard amongst themselves, should an examination take place in more than one venue. Should alternative arrangements be relevant in this regard, section 2.1, numbers 2.1.5 and 2.1.6 still apply.
The sealed envelope and/or container may only be opened in the examination venue. Examinations may not continue if the envelope and/or container were not sealed until opened in the venue as the tampering with the seal indicates that the confidentiality of the paper may have been compromised.
3.7.5Additional copies of examination papers
Copies of all examination papers (except item bank papers) must be submitted to the Department of Library Services as soon as possible after the examinations. Any deviation in this regard must be approved by Senate as accountable and fair assessment requires transparency.
Papers of past examinations are made available in electronic format in the Library’s catalogue. Examination papers must be submitted in electronic format, either by email or on a CD-ROM. The complete module codes, examiner’s name, date of exam, etc should be provided with each paper. For more information, visit
Copies of examination papers must also be sent to professional councils, where applicable.
The copyright of the examination papers belongs to the University of Pretoria.
4.Examination answer scripts and register slips
Register slips must be used. Heads of department are responsible for the control over the use of examination answer scripts and register slips.
Answer scripts are available in different colours. In this regard, lecturers must ensure that a different colour answer script is used for each examination or test, and that only one colour is used per examination or test session.
Examination answer scripts and register slips may be disposed of after one year from the date on which the paper was written, in case of enquiries. Departments make their own arrangements in this regard.
5.Invigilating examinations
5.1Arranging for invigilators
Invigilation remains the responsibility of academic staff and they must therefore take part in the invigilation of examinations and tests. All invigilators must familiarise themselves with sections 5.1 – 5.4 in this document.
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Senate’s guideline with regard to invigilation is that there must be at least two invigilators in an examination venue at all times and the formula of one invigilator for every 50 students must be applied. It is furthermore recommended that one male and one female invigilator be used.
Should academic staff require additional assistance, the dean or his/her delegated academic representative must be informed as soon as possible in order to make the necessary arrangements. Persons from outside the department in question or the University may be appointed at the current tariff, which has been approved by Council. Information on the tariffs can be obtained from the Department of Human Resources and the Head: Invigilation, who must also be contacted via email ( to make the necessary arrangements for additional invigilators. Lecturers must confirm with the Head: Invigilation three days prior to the examination that all the necessary arrangements regarding invigilation are in place. IT lab assistants are not responsible for invigilation during an examination or test.
Claims for remuneration of additional invigilators are handed to the Department of Human Resources (Claims Section). Refer to (Appendix 4) for an example of the claim form to be completed by invigilators.
One person must be in charge of a venue (chief invigilator) to supervise the handing out of examination answer scripts, register slips and papers, the collection of register slips and answer scripts, and to make the necessary announcements (ie candidates should be referred to the examination regulations that are published in this document as well as on the inside cover of the examination and test answer scripts).
The chief invigilator must complete the Checklist for Chief Invigilators (Appendix 5) and return it to the Head: Invigilation or directly to the Department of Enrolment and Student Administration within three days of the examination.
5.2.1Invigilators must arrive at the venue at least 30 minutes prior to the commencement of a session so that he or she can assist with preparations (if necessary), receive instructions or make arrangements to ensure an uninterrupted session.
5.2.2Invigilators should wear soft, comfortable shoes to the examination venue for their own comfort and so as not to disturb candidates when walking around.
5.2.3Students are obliged to identify themselves positively by means of a valid student card when writing a test or examination. No access to the test or examination venue will be allowed without a valid student card.
5.2.4No person may pretend to be a registered student and/or write a test or examination on behalf of a student.
5.2.5Candidates are allowed to enter the venue in good time so that the handing out of examination papers does not delay the commencement of the session. Should there be more than one entrance to a venue, all but one must be closed so that all students enter and exit the venue through the same entrance. Depending on the number of students, two or four persons hand out answer scripts and register slips (one per student). The number of students and size of the venue determine the time that will be taken to hand out examination papers.
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5.2.6No student may enter the test or examination venue later than half an hour after commencement of a test or examination session. No student may leave the test or examination venue earlier than half an hour after commencement of a test or examination session. In the case of computer-based assessment, a student may not enter the venue after the punctual commencement of the test or examination session.
5.2.7Students must obey all the instructions given by an invigilator immediately and strictly.
5.2.8Students may not bring into the test or examination venue or have in their possession
∙Bags (satchels)
∙Pencil cases or bags
∙Unauthorised apparatus,
∙Electronic means of communication or devices,
∙Cellular phone watches (smart watches) or cellular phones (cellular phones may not be used as a substitute for calculators)notes of any nature whatsoever
∙Any piece of paper, no matter how small
∙Notes of any nature whatsoever.
Mere possession of any of the aforementioned, irrespective of whether the student acted intentionally or negligently or innocently, is regarded as a serious transgression of the rules and subsequently as serious academic misconduct. It remains the student’s responsibility to verify, prior to the commencement of a test or examination, that none of the aforementioned items are in his or her possession.
5.2.9Students may bring their own watches to the test/examination venue; however, smart watches will not be allowed.
5.2.10Satchels (book bags) and handbags may be kept with a student, provided that such bags are closed and placed under the student’s chair. All books and study material must be stowed away in the closed bag. The student may not open or handle such bag at all during the test or examination session. If study material and/or notes (belonging to a student), are found under the seat or desk, or are visible to the student to such an extent that they could possibly assist the student, such student shall be regarded as being in possession of prohibited, unauthorised material. Electronic devices such as cell phones and tablets must be switched off and placed inside the bag, which is to be closed and to be kept under the student’s chair. In the absence of a bag a student must switch off his or her cell phone or tablet or any other device and place it on the floor under his or her chair and out of the student’s line of sight. These devices may not be kept on the person of the student and may not be switched on or handled by the student during the test or examination session.
5.2.11Students are responsible for providing their own writing material (stationery), apparatus and other material in accordance with the requirements and specifications or instructions set by the lecturer concerned. Mutual exchange of such items will not be allowed.
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5.2.12In all cases, students receive only one answer script and should he or she need more paper, an additional answer script is handed to him or her. Candidates must place the additional answer script(s) inside the first answer script when handing in the scripts.
The invigilator must ensure that the number of scripts handed in by the student is indicated correctly on the first answer script.
If a student submits a different colour script to the colour script handed out by the invigilators, it must immediately be reported to the chief invigilator, the lecturer concerned and the Division of Legal Services.
5.2.13When the majority of the candidates are seated, one invigilator must remain at the entrance to assist the latecomers while the others assist with the handing out of examination papers.
5.2.14It is desirable that invigilators hand all extra examination papers to the chief invigilator. Candidates who arrive late must then obtain an examination paper from the chief invigilator in front. This eliminates unnecessary movement in the venue. At the same time it must be noted where the latecomers are seated to ensure that their register slips are handed in.
5.2.15The chief invigilator must see to it that candidates are spaced well apart during the session and, if more than one venue is occupied, that only those candidates who belong in the venue, are present. Should a candidate be seated in the wrong venue, the answer script and register slip are to be handed in. Under no circumstances may these items be removed from the venue.
5.2.16The chief invigilator has to ensure that the time allocated to candidates is adhered to.
5.2.17It is important that the surname, full names and signature of the student are provided in the relevant space on the test or examination answer script. If so preferred by the student, this information may be treated as confidential by folding and sealing the top portion of the examination or test answer script. The covered portion may only be opened by the examiner if the student number is incorrect or illegible. All scripts must be completed in indelible ink. Scripts completed in pencil or erasable ink will not be marked and the writer (student) will not qualify for an additional evaluation opportunity (test/examination).
5.2.18Once the invigilator has announced the commencement of the test or examination, all conversation or any other form of communication between students must cease. During the course of the test or examination no communication of any nature whatsoever may take place between students.
5.2.19No student may assist or attempt to assist another student, or obtain help, or attempt to obtain help from another student during a test or examination.
5.2.20Students may not act in a dishonest in any way whatsoever. Dishonest conduct includes, but is not limited to:
dishonesty with regard to any assessment, whether it be a test or an examination, or with regard to the completion and/or submission of any other academic task or assignment;
plagiarism (using the work of others as though it is your own without acknowledging the source);
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the submission of work by a student with a view to assessment when the work in question is that of someone else either in full or in part, or where it is the result of collusion between the student and another person or persons. The exception is group work as determined by the lecturer concerned
5.2.21Invigilators must spread out and walk around in the venue to ensure proper supervision.
5.2.22As soon as everyone has settled down and started writing, the invigilator concerned must collect the register slips. None of the other invigilators may collect the slips except when a candidate entered the venue late and took a seat in a row where the slips had already been collected. The chief invigilator and one or two of the other invigilators then count the number of candidates in the venue. The number of candidates must correspond with the number of register slips collected.
5.2.23Writing on any paper other than that provided for test or examination purposes is strictly prohibited. Students may also not write on the test or examination paper, except in the case of fill-in and multiple-choice question papers.
5.2.24Rough work should be done in the test or examination answer script and then crossed out. No pages may be removed from the test or examination answer script.
5.2.25Smoking is not permitted in the test or examination venue, and students will also not be permitted to leave the venue during the test or examination for this purpose.
5.2.26Only in exceptional circumstances will a student be given permission to leave the test or examination venue temporarily, and then only under the supervision of an invigilator.
5.2.27Students may not take used or unused answer scripts from the test or examination venue.
5.2.28As soon as the invigilator announces during a test or examination that the time has expired, students should stop writing immediately. In the case of computer- based assessment students are automatically stopped from working on the computer when the login time expires.
5.2.29The chief invigilator must write clear instructions on the blackboard regarding the handing in of answer scripts. Some of the bigger venues are equipped with pigeonholes where answer scripts can be left alphabetically.
5.2.30After the session, the answer scripts must be counted and the total must correspond with the number of register slips. Under no circumstances may any answer script be removed from the venue before these numbers balance.
5.2.31The chief invigilator must see to it that no answer script or other material remains in the venue. All items that are left in the venue must be locked away or handed to the Head: Invigilation.
5.2.32Finally, the number of candidates for a specific module, the date, time (am or pm) and the name of the venue must be indicated on the topmost of the
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remaining examination papers. The register slips are also handed to the lecturer(s) concerned.
Please note:
Students should take note that, if found guilty of academic misconduct or non- compliance with these rules, a student could, among other disciplinary measures, forfeit his or her credits for a module and/or be suspended from the University for a period that could range from one year to permanent suspension. Such a student’s record will be blocked for the period of suspension and he or she will not be entitled to a certificate of good conduct from the University during this period. Students should also take note that, if found guilty of academic misconduct, it may negatively influence their admission to other universities and/or registration with professional councils.
5.3Action in case of dishonest conduct
5.3.1When a student appears restless or arouse suspicion by trying to look at another student’s work, the invigilator must ask the student to move to a seat where direct supervision will be possible.
5.3.2Should the invigilator establish beyond doubt that a student is in possession of notes or is dishonest in any way, he or she must disturbing the other students; to obtain any evidence, if possible (please note that an invigilator may not search the student concerned); the student that the matter will be referred to the Division of Legal Services for further investigation; away the examination answer script and the evidence for submission to the Division of Legal Services; the student whether he or she wishes to continue with the examination; the student with a clean examination answer script and examination paper if the answer to is positive – this answer script must also be submitted to the Division of Legal Services; and a note of the date, time, venue and any relevant information in this regard.
The invigilator must submit a written statement and report on the incident and should, after conclusion of the examination, try to obtain statements from any other person who would be able to give evidence on the incident. Full contact details must be provided.
After the session, the invigilator must ask the relevant student to provide his or her student number, address, telephone number and signature. The student must also be requested to submit a written statement as well, but may not be forced to do so.
The invigilator must inform the chief invigilator of the incident, if he or she is available. If not, the invigilator must keep all evidence and other material in safekeeping until the chief invigilator is available. The chief invigilator must submit the invigilator’s written statement to the Head: Invigilation who must thereafter inform the Division of Legal Services. The documentation, including the examination answer script(s) may not be given to the lecturer or any other individual.
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After consideration of the matter, the Division of Legal Services may submit the examination answer script and accompanied evidence to the Disciplinary Committee (Students).
5.4Power failures during examinations
5.4.1Procedure during brief power failures (power failures that last for 15 minutes or less) invigilator must warn students not to leave their seats or the venue. may not communicate with one another during the power failure. invigilator must allow for extra time to compensate for time wasted during the power failure.
5.4.2Procedure during drawn-out power failures (power failures that last longer than 15 minutes) a lengthy power failure occur, invigilators must act according to the procedure for brief power failures until such time as the chief invigilator decides that the duration of the failure will have a negative effect on candidates’ achievements. Examination answer scripts must then be handed in and one of the following decisions must be made in consultation with the head of department concerned: the power failure occurs early during a session, examiners may decide to have a new examination paper drafted to be written on another day. Candidates may rewrite the examination during the period of supplementary examinations. This arrangement will probably cause the fewest logistical problems. the power failure occurs during the second half of an examination session, examination answer scripts can be collected and the marks obtained for the unfinished examination recalculated to correlate with the time that was available before the failure occurred.
If a power failure occurs and necessitates the rescheduling of an examination session, the lecturer responsible for the module must immediately inform the relevant Timetable Officer. The examination session will then be rescheduled for another day in the examination period concerned. To make provision for modules that cannot be rescheduled for later in the examination period owing to clashes or capacity problems, the two or more preparation days prior to the supplementary examination will be used for rescheduling such modules.
Supplementary examination sessions that need to be rescheduled will be rescheduled to the first weekday following directly after the supplementary examination period. If that day is fully used owing to rescheduled sessions, a second day will be added.
The Timetable Officer will ensure that the examination date, time and venue are available on the online system for students and lecturers on the day after the power outage occurred. Students who do not have access to the online system will be able to enquire at the relevant department.
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The lecturers concerned will draft a new examination paper every time that an examination or supplementary examination session has to be rescheduled owing to power failures.
Students and staff are expected to be present at scheduled examination sessions until such time as candidates are allowed to leave the examination venue during a power failure.
Students and staff are informed that public announcements on load shedding will not be accepted as an excuse for absence from an examination session.
6.Marking of answer scripts
Deans or their delegated academic representatives must ensure that the people responsible for the marking of answer scripts have the required qualifications and competencies.
Heads of department must ensure that the examination script to marker ratio is acceptable, viewed in the light of the due date for handing in of marks. The due date for the finalisation of marking of scripts must be reasonable (see also paragraph 7.6).
7.Results and related matters
7.1Marks system
Marks are directly loaded onto the marks system as determined by the Department of Enrolment and Student Administration.
7.2Semester/Year mark
Each faculty should, by way of faculty regulations, determine the manner in which year and semester marks are compiled. Although a large degree of uniformity is desirable, all year modules and semester modules in a faculty need not be dealt with in the same way.
Each faculty should, by way of faculty regulations, determine the weight that is allocated to the year or semester mark and the examination mark in the calculation of the final mark of the student. Although a large degree of uniformity is desirable, all year modules and semester modules in a faculty need not be dealt with in the same way.
At the beginning of an academic year or a semester, students must be informed by means of the relevant study guide(s) about the formula to be used for the calculation of the year or semester marks in modules presented in the various departments.
Before each test, the lecturer informs the students of the weight that will be allocated to the results of that test in the calculation of the year or semester mark. Each lecturer announces the year or semester marks to students at the official conclusion of lectures at the latest.
According to the relevant faculty regulation, the semester/year mark must be processed with a view to awarding a final mark after the main examination. (According to General Regulation G.12.4, the semester or year mark is not
taken into account with a supplementary examination and the supplementary mark is therefore the final mark.)
A lecturer may only deviate from the faculty regulation stipulating the ratio of the semester/year mark to the main examination mark in the calculation of the final mark with the written approval of the dean or his/her delegated academic representative concerned.
7.3Completing result lists and determining examination results
Both the internal and external examiner, where applicable, indicate a candidate’s marks on the cover of his or her answer script.
Except for supplementary examinations, the examiner must fill in, on the result list, the semester/year mark, main examination mark and final percentage rounded off to an integer where necessary (as stipulated in 7.5). The semester or year mark is not taken into account with a supplementary examination and the supplementary mark is therefore the final mark. The highest mark that may be awarded to a student in a supplementary examination is 50%.
Compliance with a subminimum in divisions of modules may only be a prerequisite for entering the examinations if such a subminimum is stipulated in the regulations of the particular faculty. This information must be clearly communicated to students in the relevant study guide.
Should the examiners decide to fail a student on a particular module, the examination commissions/committees of the faculty in question, subject to regulations approved by the faculty, and with due consideration of General Regulation G.12, may decide to allow the student concerned to write the relevant supplementary examination.
In cases where examiners differ regarding the examination results, the final decision rests with the dean or his/her delegated academic representative.
7.4Duties of examiners and heads of department
Heads of department and examiners are responsible for submitting the correct marks to the Student Administration and it is the responsibility of the Student Administration to indicate the marks correctly on the marks system.
The examiners are furthermore responsible for verifying whether the number of results corresponds with the number of candidates who handed in examination answer scripts and/or who did the oral examination.
7.5Awarding of marks
7.5.1Decimal figures
All decimal figures of averages (undergraduate and postgraduate) must be adapted as follows:
∙Decimal figures of 0,5 and larger are rounded off to the next (larger) integer.
∙Decimal figures smaller than 0,5 are rounded off to the preceding (smaller) integer.
7.5.2Marginal cases
Although enquiries regarding marks should be reduced to a minimum, the University’s pass requirement is 50% and care must be taken not to reduce it.
7.6Submission of examination, attendance and promotion results
The results of a module must be finalised three days before commencement of its supplementary examination.
All examination results must be finalised three days after completion of the supplementary examinations.
With a view to smooth processing of results, the procedure described in 7.6.1-
7.6.3 must be followed when results are submitted.
7.6.1Results of attendance and promotion modules
The results of attendance and promotion modules must be finalised on conclusion of lectures.
7.6.2Results of modules with oral examinations only
The results of modules with oral examinations only must be finalised on conclusion of the relevant oral examination.
7.6.3Results of all other modules
∙As soon as all the examination answer scripts for a particular module have been marked, the relevant result lists (completed and signed by all the examiners) must be submitted.
∙The Head: Student Administration must obtain the final marks electronically on the scheduled date for submission.
∙In faculties where structures such as examination commissions/committees are used, results may only be made available after the relevant meetings.
7.7Announcement of results
Departments may only display final results via a computer result list issued by the Head: Student Administration.
Final results will be made available in the following manner:
∙By post
∙MTN telephone number 083 123 1111
∙Results can be viewed on the UP Student Portal.
The results of students who have not paid their tuition fees or are in possession of outstanding library material will be withheld unless they qualify for supplementary examinations. The results of the supplementary examinations will also be withheld until the tuition fees are paid and/or outstanding library material is returned.
7.8Feedback to students after examination (perusal)
Transparency and accountability with the evaluation of student achievements require that:
7.8.1a written memorandum for evaluation be drafted simultaneously with the examination paper;
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7.8.2all markers be provided with a memorandum for evaluation and that uniform interpretation of students’ answers be agreed upon beforehand;
7.8.3feedback to students serves as a learning opportunity on the basis of the contents of the memorandum, which was used for evaluation;
7.8.4a student’s right to question his or her results be acknowledged in accordance with the regulations and assessment principles and that he or she has access to the memorandum which was used for evaluation;
7.8.5feedback to students must be given prior to the commencement of supplementary examinations; and
7.8.6precaution be taken to prevent that changes are made to already marked examination and test answer scripts during feedback by
∙drawing lines through open spaces at the end of answers;
∙circling insertions in paragraphs and/or sentences in red ink; and
∙ensuring that no stationery is brought to the feedback meeting.
7.9Re-marking of examination answer scripts
7.9.1A student must submit a written application for the re-marking of an examination answer script to the Head: Student Administration within 14 calendar days after the commencement of lectures in the ensuing semester.
7.9.2The mark awarded after re-marking of an examination answer script will be regarded as the result of the examination even though it could be lower than the original mark. The year mark should thus again be taken into account when calculating the final mark.
7.9.3The mark awarded after re-marking of a supplementary answer script will be regarded as the final mark even though it could be lower than the original mark. The highest final mark that may be awarded to a student in a supplementary examination is 50%.
7.9.4Information regarding the tariff for re-marking is available from the Client Service Centre (CSC) and money must be paid in at the CSC before the application will be considered.
7.9.5Money will be refunded to students whose results change to a pass mark.
Please refer to General Regulation G.12 in this regard. These regulations, with the exception of G.12.6, also apply to tests.
Only medical certificates issued by persons and practitioners registered with the Health Professions Council of South Africa and the Allied Health Professions Council of South Africa will be accepted.
Only medical certificates containing the practice number, address, contact details and signature of the particular practitioner who issued the certificate will be accepted.
The certificate must clearly identify the student and must reflect that a consultation took place and/or that the student was examined on a specific date.
It must furthermore indicate the specific days during which the student is unfit to participate in academic activities.
A medical certificate is not accepted if it merely states that the student appeared ill or declared himself/herself unfit.
8.1Supplementary examinations
General Regulation G.12.4 applies in this regard.
8.1.1Subject to other faculty regulations, a student may be admitted to a supplementary examination in a module when a final mark of between 40% and 49% has been obtained.
8.1.2A supplementary examination must be granted to students who obtained a final mark of between 40% and 49% in a first-semester module at first-year level.
8.1.3In cases where a student fails to obtain the subminimum, but obtains a final mark of 50% or more, the code 992 should be inserted into the final marks column with the code 999 in the remarks column, and the student must be allowed to write a supplementary examination.
8.1.4With the exception of the faculties of Veterinary Science and Health Sciences, supplementary examinations are conducted during the weeks following the June and November examinations.
8.1.5With the exception of the Faculty of Health Sciences, supplementary examinations comprise six 1,5 hour sessions on 6 consecutive days. No supplementary examinations are written on Saturdays.
8.1.6Students have access to the supplementary examination timetable via the UP Student Portal.
8.1.7Supplementary examinations should cover the same subject matter as was the case for the examinations (see G.12.4.6).
8.2Ancillary examinations
General Regulation G.12.3 applies in this regard.
8.2.1An examiner may decide to summon a student for an ancillary examination with a view to determining
∙whether a candidate who does not comply with the requirements for the supplementary examination ought to be admitted to the supplementary examination;
∙whether a candidate who complies with the requirements for the supplementary examination ought to fail or pass or be admitted to the supplementary examination; and
∙whether a candidate who does not comply with the requirements for a pass with distinction will be able to improve his or her final mark.
It is therefore possible that, with or without an ancillary examination, and depending on the importance a lecturer attaches to continuous evaluation, no supplementary examination may be permitted in a certain module.
8.2.2The dates of ancillary examinations do not appear on the timetable for supplementary examinations, but are scheduled at departmental level.
8.2.3Ancillary examinations are conducted before the final mark is submitted and displayed on the notice board.
8.3Extraordinary examinations (including the aegrotat)
General Regulation G.12.5 applies in this regard.
8.3.1A student who is prevented from preparing for an examination, or from sitting for it, owing to unforeseen circumstances or illness, may be granted permission by the dean to write an extraordinary examination in the particular module(s).
8.3.2An application to sit for an extraordinary examination, supported by applicable corroborative proof, should be submitted to the dean in the prescribed manner within three working days of the date of the particular examination that was not written due to unforeseen circumstances. If there is a valid reason why an application could not be submitted in time, such application may also be considered.
8.3.3The period to sit for an extraordinary examination is determined by the lecturer, in consultation with the head of the department concerned – on condition that the examination is conducted as soon as possible after the unforeseen circumstances or illness has ceased to exist (the preferred period is during the supplementary examination period).
8.3.4Once a student has sat for an examination, he or she may not afterwards apply for an extraordinary examination on the basis of unforeseen circumstances or illness.
8.3.5Should an extraordinary examination be granted, the prescribed fees must be paid by the student and, in cases where the cost of conducting the examination exceeds the prescribed fees, such additional costs may be recovered from the student.
8.3.6If such examination has been granted by the dean concerned, no arrangements to write the examination may be made with a student before proof of payment of the prescribed fee (if any fee is payable) has been submitted. Information in this regard can be obtained from the Client Service Centre.
8.4Special examinations
General Regulation G.12.6 applies in this regard.
8.4.1A student requiring a limited number of modules to complete his or her degree may, in terms of faculty regulations, be admitted to a special examination if he or she sat for the prescribed examination in the preceding year of study.
8.4.2All the rules applicable to a supplementary examination also apply to a special examination (see General Regulation 12.4).
Please refer to the following documents pertaining to postgraduate study:
∙General Regulations and Information of the University.
∙Policy and Procedures for responsible research.
∙Code of ethics for research.
∙Memorandum of Understanding between the supervisor and student.
∙Policy for the conversion of master’s to doctoral studies.
The research-related documents are available on the Research webpage of the University (
9.Examinations for Honours and Master’s degrees
For honours degrees, General Regulation G.16 to G.29 is applicable. For master’s degrees, General Regulation G.30 to G.41 is applicable.
10.Dissertations, theses and oral examinations for Master’s and Doctoral studies
10.1Examiners’ qualifications
Consult General Regulation G.39.11(a) and G.50.4(a) for information on the appointment of the examination panel for the evaluation of dissertations and theses.
Only a head of department, a professor in a faculty or a person who is in possession of a doctor’s or master’s degree and has an established reputation in the subject matter of the thesis may act as external examiner for doctoral examinations and theses or for master’s examinations and dissertations. The dean may, under justifiable circumstances, appoint a person who does not comply with these requirements as an external examiner.
10.2Designation of supervisors or co-supervisors (with specific reference to supervisors or co-supervisors from outside the University)
The stipulations of General Regulation G.39.2 (particularly G.39.2(c) and G.50.1(c)) apply.
A supervisor may not be an internal examiner.
10.3Remuneration: Supervisors, co-supervisors, leaders and co-leaders
Information in this regard can be obtained from the Department of Human Resources.
10.4Procedure for submission of reports on doctoral theses Consult General Regulation G.50.1 to G.50.4.
10.5Evaluation of dissertations or theses
Consult General Regulation G.50.11 which deals with the evaluation of dissertations, and G.50.4 which deals with the evaluation of theses.
11.Plagiarism: Processes and Procedures
Please refer to the Plagiarism Prevention Policy available on the internal policies webpage.
6. Responsibility for implementation
Refer to paragraph 2 on page 1.
7.Policy life cycle
This policy should be reviewed every three years.
8.Document metadata