University of Pretoria Examinations 2024-2025

University of Pretoria Examinations 2024-2025
University of Pretoria Examinations 2024-2025 – See Details Below:
At the beginning of the year, a student indicates on his or her registration form in which modules he or she will be writing examinations. If, however, the student later decides not to write an examination in a module(s), he or she must inform the Student Administration of the faculty concerned accordingly.
1. A student is admitted to an examination in a module only if he or she has prepared him- or herself satisfactorily through the proper execution of the work, and subject to other faculty stipulations has obtained a semester/year mark of at least 40%, provided that for all first-semester modules at the 100-level a student must obtain a semester mark of at least 30% in order to be admitted to the examination in the module in question.
2. In the calculation of the year mark, performance in tests and the satisfactory execution of assignments (tasks) are taken into consideration.
3. It is therefore essential that a student attends classes regularly, writes all tests and completes all work assignments. A student who, as a result of unforeseen circumstances, is prevented from attending classes, writing tests or completing assignments on time, should contact the lecturer(s) concerned without delay in order to make alternative arrangements. Neglect to do so could result in admission to the examination being denied.
4. In the event of illness, a valid and acceptable medical certificate must be submitted to the Student Administration concerned, in addition to making arrangements with the lecturer(s) concerned.
5. The names of students who have not been admitted to examinations are announced by the various departments on the last day of lecturing by means of name lists placed on the departmental notice boards. Students must personally ascertain whether or not they have been admitted to an examination in a particular module.
INSTRUCTIONS when writing tests and examinations
1. Students are obliged to identify themselves positively by means of a valid student card when writing a test or examination. No access to the test or examination venue will be allowed without a valid student card.
2. No person may pretend to be a registered student and/or write a test or examination on behalf of a student.
3. No student may enter the test or examination venue later than half an hour after commencement of a test or examination session. No student may leave the test or examination venue earlier than half an hour after commencement of a test or examination session. In the case of computer-based assessment, a student may not enter the venue after the punctual commencement of the test or examination session.
4. Students must obey all the instructions given by an invigilator immediately and strictly.
5. Except as indicated in paragraph 6, students may not bring into the test or examination venue or have in their possession any of the following:
- bags (satchels)
- handbags
- pencil cases or bags
- unauthorised apparatus
- books
- electronic means of communication or similar devices
- cellular phone watches (smart watches) or cellular phones (cellular phones may not be used as a substitute for calculators)
- any piece of paper, no matter how small
- notes of any nature whatsoever.
Mere possession of any of the aforementioned, irrespective of whether the student acted intentionally or negligently or innocently, is regarded as a serious transgression of the rules and subsequently as serious academic misconduct. It remains the student’s responsibility to verify, prior to the commencement of a test or examination, that none of the aforementioned items are in his or her possession.
6. Satchels (book bags) and handbags may be kept with a student, provided that such bags are closed and placed under the student’s chair. All books and study material must be stowed away in the closed bag. The student may not open or handle such bag at all during the test or examination session. If study material and/or notes (belonging to a student), are found under the seat or desk, or are visible to the student to such an extent that they could possibly assist the student, such student shall be regarded as being in possession of prohibited, unauthorised material. Electronic devices such as cell phones and tablets must be switched off and placed inside the bag, which is to be closed and to be kept under the student’s chair. In the absence of a bag a student must switch off his or her cell phone or tablet or any other device and place it on the floor under his or her chair and out of the student’s line of sight. These devices may not be kept on the person of the student and may not be switched on or handled by the student during the test or examination session.
7. Students are responsible for providing their own writing material (stationery), apparatus and other material in accordance with the requirements and specifications or instructions set by the lecturer concerned. Mutual exchange of such items will not be allowed.
8. Wearing of caps, hats or beanies during examinations and tests is prohibited and students may be requested to remove such headgear. An exception is made in the case of religious headgear.
9. It is important that the surname, full names and signature of the student are provided in the relevant space on the test or examination answer script. If so preferred by the student, this information may be treated as confidential by folding and sealing the top portion of the examination or test answer script. The covered portion may only be opened by the examiner if the student number is incorrect or illegible. All scripts must be completed in indelible ink. Scripts completed in pencil or erasable ink will not be marked and the writer (student) will not qualify for an additional evaluation opportunity (test/examination).
10. Once the invigilator has announced the commencement of the test or examination, all conversation or any other form of communication between students must cease. During the course of the test or examination no communication of any nature whatsoever may take place between students.
11. No student may assist or attempt to assist another student, or obtain help, or attempt to obtain help from another student during a test or examination.
12. Students may not act dishonestly in any way whatsoever. Dishonest conduct includes, but is not limited to:
- dishonesty with regard to any assessment, whether it be a test or an examination, or with regard to the completion and/or submission of any other academic task or assignment;
- plagiarism (using the work of others as though it is your own without acknowledging the source);
- the submission of work by a student with a view to assessment when the work in question is that of someone else either in full or in part, or where it is the result of collusion between the student and another person or persons. The exception is group work as determined by the lecturer concerned.
13. Writing on any paper other than that provided for test or examination purposes is strictly prohibited. Students may also not write on the test or examination paper, except in the case of fill-in and multiple-choice question papers.
14. Rough work should be done in the test or examination answer script and then crossed out. No pages may be removed from the test or examination answer script.
15 Smoking is not permitted in the test or examination venue, and students will also not be permitted to leave the venue during the test or examination for this purpose.
16. Only in exceptional circumstances will a student be given permission to leave the test or examination venue temporarily, and then only under the supervision of an invigilator.
17. Students may not take used or unused answer scripts from the test or examination venue.
18. As soon as the invigilator announces during a test or examination that the time has expired, students should stop writing immediately. In the case of computer-based assessment students are automatically stopped from working on the computer when the login time expires.
19. Students may bring their own watches to the test/examination venue; however, smart watches will not be allowed.
The examination instructions described above apply with the necessary changes to tests and practicals.
Please note: Students should take note that, if found guilty of academic misconduct or non-compliance with these rules, a student could, among other disciplinary measures, forfeit his or her credits for a module and/or be suspended from the University for a period that could range from one year to permanent suspension. Such a student’s record will be blocked for the period of suspension and he or she will not be entitled to a certificate of good conduct from the University during this period. Students should also take note that, if found guilty of academic misconduct, it may negatively influence their admission to other universities and/or registration with professional councils.
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