University of Pretoria PHD Admission Requirements 2024-2025

University of Pretoria PHD Admission Requirements 2024-2025 – See Details Below:
The minimum requirement for admission to the PhD degree is:
- An appropriate researched based master’s degree.
- The departmental Postgraduate Committee may require additional honours modules for non-degree purposes where background is insufficient.
- All applicants from other universities must submit a copy of the Master’s dissertation in PDF format and a list of published journal articles (if any).
- The departmental Postgraduate Committee reserves the right to make a thorough assessment of the applicant’s academic transcript and CV, and to decide if the applicant is suitable for postgraduate studies. This assessment may include an oral or written entrance examination.
- A research concept may be required, see departmental brochure.
- The applicant must determine the research group/focus area and a potential supervisor and confirm the potential supervisor’s availability (see departmental website for research groups and heads of research groups). Admission will be granted only if the intended research fits in with the research foci of the Department and the supervision capacity exists, as decided by the Head of the Department.