University of Pretoria Postgraduate Prospectus 2024-2025

University of Pretoria Postgraduate prospectus 2024-2025
University of Pretoria Postgraduate Prospectus 2024-2025
The University of Pretoria (UP) was established in 1908 with just four professors and 32 students, in a little house called Kya Rosa. Today, it is one of the largest research universities in South Africa. UP has transformed into a dynamic university community of staff and students who come from a range of diverse backgrounds and cultures showcasing South African and global societies. The University was born from a vision to create a space for quality education and for new ideas to flourish. Over the course of its existence, and through different phases of political power and social change, UP has been resilient in its commitment to academic quality.
This has allowed us to establish a presence among the top 1,9% of universities worldwide. Our vision has always been to look forward, provide the best possible education for our students, and encourage them to go on to do great things. We are continuously transforming the corporate and research landscape through innovative thinking and the high calibre of our graduates. More than a quarter of a million alumni have passed through our doors. Many are on the path to success, while others have already become leaders in their fields both locally and internationally.
UP has grown to become one of the top universities on the continent, and we are proud that our reputation precedes our graduates around the world. Our story at UP is as much about where we have come from as where we are heading. It is a story of ongoing positive development, dedication to excellence, and striving to reach our goals with zeal, passion and perseverance.
To be a leading research‐intensive university in Africa, recognised internationally for its quality, relevance and impact, as also for developing people, creating knowledge and making a difference locally and globally.
In pursuing recognition and excellence in its core functions of research, teaching and learning, and integrating engagement with society and communities into these, the University of Pretoria will use quality, relevance, diversity and sustainability as its navigational markers.
- The members of the University of Pretoria believe that:
- our community of scholars must be founded on the pursuit of knowledge through research, teaching and learning, with membership acquired on the basis of intellectual merit, ability and the potential for excellence; and that
- differing perspectives, arising from diverse backgrounds and histories that define our identities, deepen scholarly inquiry and enrich academic debate.
- We cherish:
- academic freedom, creative and innovative thought, ethical standards and integrity, accountability and social justice; and
- our staff and students as the University’s core asset.
- We foster:
- an inquiry‐led and evidence‐based approach to creating knowledge; and
- academic citizenship, whereby we commit ourselves to harnessing our intellectual abilities in the interest of our nation and humanity.
- We recognise that:
- in a resource‐constrained world where vast disparities remain, the University must endeavour to produce graduates who appreciate the importance of community service, entrepreneurial endeavours and innovative actions in generating employment and development in our local communities.
- University of Pretoria Faculties and Schools – See Details Below:
- University of Pretoria Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences
- University of Pretoria Faculty of Education
- University of Pretoria Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology
- University of Pretoria Faculty of Health Sciences
- University of Pretoria Faculty of Humanities
- University of Pretoria Faculty of Law
- University of Pretoria Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences
- University of Pretoria Faculty of Theology and Religion
- University of Pretoria Faculty of Veterinary Science
Postgraduate Courses Offered
- MArch (Professional)
- Masters in Community Dentistry
- Masters in Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery (endorsement ChirMaxFac-Med)
- Masters in Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery (endorsement ChirMaxFac-Dent)
- Masters in Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery (endorsement ChirMaxFac-Med)
- Masters in Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery (endorsement ChirMaxFac-Med)
- Masters in Oral Pathology
- Masters in Orthodontics
- Masters in Periodontics and Oral Medicine
- Masters in Prosthodontics
- MCom Accounting Sciences
- MCom Accounting Sciences (Coursework)
- MCom Advanced Data Analytics
- MCom Advanced Data Analytics (Coursework)
- MCom Agricultural Economics
- MCom Auditing
- MCom Business Management
- MCom Econometrics (Coursework)
- MCom Economics (Coursework)
- MCom Financial Management Sciences (Coursework)
- MCom Human Resource Management (Coursework)
- MCom Industrial Psychology (Coursework)
- MCom Informatics
- MCom Marketing Management (Coursework)
- MCom Taxation (Coursework)
- MConSci
- MConSci Clothing Management
- MConSci Food Management
- MConSci Interior Merchandise Management
- MDietetics
- MDietetics (Coursework)
- MEd Adult and Community Education and Training
- MEd Assessment and Quality Assurance in Education and Training
- MEd Curriculum and Instructional Design and Development
- MEd Education Management, Law and Policy
- MEd Educational Leadership (Coursework)
- MEd Educational Psychology (Coursework)
- MEd Learning Support, Guidance and Counselling
- MEng Bioengineering
- MEng Chemical Engineering
- MEng Computer Engineering
- MEng Control Engineering
- MEng Electrical Engineering
- MEng Electronic Engineering
- MEng Engineering Management (Coursework)
- MEng Environmental Engineering
- MEng Geotechnical Engineering
- MEng Industrial Engineering
- MEng Mechanical Engineering
- MEng Metallurgical Engineering
- MEng Microelectronic Engineering
- MEng Mining Engineering
- MEng Project Management (Coursework)
- MEng Software Engineering
- MEng Structural Engineering
- MEng Technology and Innovation Management (Coursework)
- MEng Transportation Engineering
- MEng Water Resources Engineering
- MEng Water Utilisation Engineering
- MIntArch
- MIntArch (Professional)
- MIS Information Science
- MIS Library Science
- MIS Multimedia
- MIS Publishing
- MIT Big Data Science (Coursework)
- MIT ICT Information Science (Coursework)
- MIT ICT Management (Coursework)
- MIT Information Systems
- MLArch
- MLArch (Professional)
- MMed Anaesthesiology
- MMed Anatomical Pathology
- MMed Chemical Pathology
- MMed Clinical Pathology
- MMed Dermatology
- MMed Emergency Medicine
- MMed Family Medicine
- MMed Forensic Pathology
- MMed Geriatrics
- MMed Haematology
- MMed Internal Medicine
- MMed Medical Microbiology
- MMed Medical Oncology
- MMed Medical Virology
- MMed Neurology
- MMed Neurosurgery
- MA African Languages
- MA African Languages (Coursework)
- MA African-European Cultural Relations (Coursework)
- MA Afrikaans
- MA Ancient Languages and Cultures Studies
- MA Applied Language Studies
- MA Archaeology
- MA Arts Therapies (Coursework)
- MA Audiology
- MA Augmentative and Alternative Communication
- MA Augmentative and Alternative Communication (Coursework)
- MA Clinical Psychology (Coursework)
- MA Counselling Psychology (Coursework)
- MA Creative Writing
- MA Criminology
- MA Digital Culture and Media
- MA Diplomatic Studies (Coursework)
- MA Drama and Film Studies
- MA English
- MA Environment and Society (Coursework)
- MA Fine Arts
- MA French
- MA Geography
- MA German
- MA Information Design
- MA International Relations
- MA Linguistics
- MA Literary Theory
- MA Philosophy
- MA Political Science
- MA Psychology
- MA Research Psychology (Coursework)
- MA Security Studies (Coursework)
- MA Spanish
- MA Speech-Language Pathology
- MA Visual Studies
- MAdmin Public Management and Policy
- MAgric Animal Production Management
- MAgric Extension
- MAgric Rural Development
- MSc Plant Science
- MSc Project Management (Coursework)
- MSc Quantity Surveying
- MSc Radiation Oncology
- MSc Real Estate Retail Property (Coursework)
- MSc Real Estate
- MSc Real Estate (Coursework)
- MSc Reproductive Biology Andrology
- MSc Reproductive Biology
- MSc Ruminant Health (Coursework)
- MSc Science Education
- MSc Soil Science
- MSc Sports Medicine (Coursework)
- MSc Sports Science Biokinetics
- MSc Sports Science Biomechanics
- MSc Sports Science
- MSc Technology and Innovation Management (Coursework)
- MSc Tropical Animal Health (Coursework)
- MSc Veterinary Epidemiology (Coursework)
- MSc Veterinary Industrial Pharmacology (Coursework)
- MSc Veterinary Public Health (Coursework)
- MSc Veterinary Reproduction (Coursework)
- MSc Veterinary Science Anatomy and Physiology
- MSc Veterinary Science Companion Animal Clinical Studies
- MSc Veterinary Science Paraclinical Sciences
- MSc Veterinary Science Production Animal Studies
- MSc Veterinary Science Tropical Diseases
- MSc Water Resource Management
- MSc Water Resource Management (Coursework)
- MSc Wildlife Health, Ecology and Management (Coursework)
- MSc Wildlife Management
- MSc Zoology
- MScAgric Agricultural Economics (Coursework)
- MScAgric Agricultural Extension
- MScAgric Agronomy
- MScAgric Animal Science Animal Breeding and Genetics
- MScAgric Animal Science Animal Nutrition
- MScAgric Animal Science Livestock Production and Ecology
- MScAgric Animal Science Production Physiology and Product Quality
- MScAgric Entomology
- MScAgric Genetics
- MScAgric Horticulture
- MScAgric Pasture Science
- MScAgric Plant Pathology
- MScAgric Soil Science
- MSocSci Anthropology
- MSocSci Development Studies
- MSocSci Gender Studies
- MSocSci Gender Studies (Coursework)
- MSocSci Heritage and Cultural Tourism
- MSocSci Heritage and Cultural Tourism (Coursework)
- MSocSci Heritage and Museum Studies
- MSocSci Heritage and Museum Studies (Coursework)
- MSocSci History
- MSocSci History (Coursework)
- MSocSci Industrial Sociology and Labour Studies
- MSocSci Industrial Sociology and Labour Studies (Coursework)
- MSocSci Philosophy, Politics and Economics
- MSocSci Sociology
- MSocSci Sociology (Coursework)
- MSocSci Tangible Heritage Conservation (Coursework)
- MSW Healthcare (Coursework)
- MSW Play-based Intervention (Coursework)
- MSW Social Development and Policy (Coursework)
- MTh Biblical Studies New Testament and Related Literature
- MTh Biblical Studies Old Testament and Hebrew Scriptures
- MTh Church History and Church Polity
- MTh Church History and Church Polity (Coursework)
- MTh Dogmatics and Christian Ethics
- MTh Dogmatics and Christian Ethics (Coursework)
- MTh New Testament Studies
- MTh New Testament Studies (Coursework)
- MTh Old Testament Studies
- MTh Old Testament Studies (Coursework)
- MTh Pastoral Family Therapy (Coursework)
- MTh Practical Theology
- MTh Practical Theology (Coursework)
- MTh Religion Studies
- MTh Religion Studies (Coursework)
- MTh Science of Religion and Missiology
- MTh Science of Religion and Missiology (Coursework)
- MTh Youth Ministry (Coursework)
- MTRP (Coursework)
PHD Courses Offered
- PhD Pharmacology
- PhD Philosophy
- PhD Physics
- PhD Physiotherapy
- PhD Plant Pathology
- PhD Plant Science
- PhD Political Science
- PhD Politics
- PhD Practical Theology Pastoral Family Therapy
- PhD Practical Theology
- PhD Project Management
- PhD Project Management
- PhD Psychiatry
- PhD Psychology
- PhD Public Administration and Management
- PhD Public Health
- PhD Publishing
- PhD Quantity Surveying
- PhD Radiography
- PhD Real Estate
- PhD Religion Studies
- PhD Reproductive Biology Andrology
- PhD Reproductive Biology
- PhD Rural Development
- PhD Science and Mathematics Education
- PhD Science of Religion and Missiology
- PhD Semitic Languages
- PhD Severe Disability
- PhD Social Work
- PhD Sociology
- PhD Soil Science
- PhD Speech-Language Pathology
- PhD Sports Medicine
- PhD Sports Science Biokinetics
- PhD Sports Science Biomechanics
- PhD Sports Science
- PhD Statistics
- PhD Surgery
- PhD Tax Policy
- PhD Taxation
- PhD Technology and Innovation Management
- PhD Technology and Innovation Management
- PhD Theological Studies
- PhD Tourism Management
- PhD Town and Regional Planning
- PhD Urology
- PhD Veterinary Science Anatomy and Physiology
- PhD Veterinary Science Companion Animal Clinical Studies
- PhD Veterinary Science Paraclinical Sciences
- PhD Veterinary Science Production Animal Studies
- PhD Veterinary Science Veterinary Tropical Diseases
- PhD Visual Studies
- PhD Water Resource Management
- PhD Wildlife Management
- PhD Youth Ministry
- PhD Zoology
- PhD Education Policy Studies
- PhD Educational Psychology
- PhD Electric
- PhD Electrical Engineering
- PhD Electronic Engineering
- PhD Electronics
- PhD Engineering and Environmental Geology Hydrogeology
- PhD Engineering and Environmental Geology
- PhD Engineering Management
- PhD Engineering Management
- PhD English
- PhD Entomology
- PhD Entrepreneurship
- PhD Environment and Society
- PhD Environment and Society
- PhD Environmental Economics
- PhD Environmental Health
- PhD Environmental Management
- PhD Epidemiology
- PhD Extension
- PhD Family Medicine
- PhD Financial Management Sciences
- PhD Fine Arts Creative Production
- PhD Fine Arts Curatorial Practice
- PhD Fine Arts
- PhD Food Science
- PhD Forensic Pathology
- PhD Forest Science
- PhD Fraud Risk Management
- PhD French
- PhD Genetics
- PhD Geography
- PhD Geography
- PhD Geoinformatics
- PhD Geology
- PhD German
- PhD Greek
- PhD Haematology
- PhD Health Ethics
- PhD Health Systems
- PhD Heritage and Cultural Tourism
- PhD Heritage and Museum Studies
- PhD History
- PhD Horticultural Science
- PhD Human Genetics
- PhD Human Physiology
- PhD Human Resource Management
- PhD Industrial and Organisational Psychology
- PhD Industrial Engineering
- PhD Industrial Systems
- PhD Information Design
- PhD Information Science
- PhD Information Systems
- PhD Information Technology
- PhD Interior Architecture
- PhD Internal Medicine
- PhD International Relations
- PhD Labour Relations Management
- PhD Landscape Architecture
- PhD Latin
- PhD Leadership
- PhD Leadership and Security Studies
- PhD Learning Support, Guidance and Counselling
- PhD Library Science
- PhD Linguistics
- PhD Literary Theory
- PhD Marketing Management
- PhD Mathematical Sciences
- PhD Mathematical Statistics
- PhD Mechanical Engineering
- PhD Mechanics
- PhD Medical criminalistics
- PhD Medical Immunology
- PhD Medical Microbiology
- PhD Medical Nuclear Science
- PhD Medical Oncology
- PhD Medical Physics
- PhD Medical Virology
- PhD Medicinal Plant Science
- PhD Mental Health
- PhD Metallurgical Engineering
- PhD Metallurgy
- PhD Meteorology
- PhD Microbiology
- PhD Mining
- PhD Mining Engineering
- PhD Music
- PhD Neurology
- PhD New Testament Studies
- PhD Nursing Science
- PhD Nutrition
- PhD Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- PhD Occupational Therapy
- PhD Old Testament Studies
- PhD Ophthalmology
- PhD Organisational Behaviour
- PhD Orthopaedics
- PhD Otorhinolaryngology
- PhD Paediatrics
- PhD Pasture Science
- PhD Accounting Sciences
- PhD Actuarial Science
- PhD Adult and Community Education and Training
- PhD Aerospace Medicine
- PhD African Languages
- PhD Afrikaans
- PhD Agricultural Economics
- PhD Agricultural Economics
- PhD Agronomy
- PhD Air Quality Management
- PhD Anaesthesiology
- PhD Anatomical Pathology
- PhD Anatomy
- PhD Ancient Culture Studies
- PhD Animal Production Management
- PhD Animal Science
- PhD Anthropology
- PhD Archaeology
- PhD Architecture
- PhD Assessment and Quality Assurance in Education and Training
- PhD Audiology
- PhD Auditing
- PhD Augmentative and Alternative Communication
- PhD Biblical Studies New Testament and Related Literature
- PhD Biblical Studies Old Testament and Hebrew Scriptures
- PhD Biochemistry
- PhD Bioinformatics
- PhD Biosystems
- PhD Biotechnology
- PhD Business Management
- PhD Chemical Engineering
- PhD Chemical Pathology
- PhD Chemical Technology
- PhD Chemistry
- PhD Church History and Church Polity
- PhD Civil
- PhD Civil Engineering
- PhD Communication Management
- PhD Community Health
- PhD Computer Engineering
- PhD Computer Science
- PhD Computer-integrated Education
- PhD Construction Management
- PhD Consumer Science Clothing Management
- PhD Consumer Science Development
- PhD Consumer Science Food Management
- PhD Consumer Science Interior Merchandise Management
- PhD Creative Writing
- PhD Criminology
- PhD Curriculum and Instructional Design and Development
- PhD Dentistry
- PhD Dermatology
- PhD Development Studies
- PhD Diagnostic Radiology
- PhD Dietetics
- PhD Digital Culture and Media
- PhD Dogmatics and Christian Ethics
- PhD Drama
- PhD Drama and Film Studies
- PhD Early Childhood Intervention
- PhD Economics
- PhD Education Management, Law and Policy
Postgraduate Diploma Courses Offered
- PGCE Further Education and Training Teaching
- PGCE Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching
- Postgraduate Diploma Accounting Sciences
- Postgraduate Diploma Animal Welfare
- Postgraduate Diploma Communication Management
- Postgraduate Diploma Dentistry Aesthetic Dentistry
- Postgraduate Diploma Dentistry Orthodontics
- Postgraduate Diploma Dentistry Pedodontics
- Postgraduate Diploma Dentistry Periodontology
- Postgraduate Diploma Dentistry Practice Management
- Postgraduate Diploma Dentistry Preventive Dentistry
- Postgraduate Diploma Dentistry Prosthetics
- Postgraduate Diploma Dentistry Prosthodontics
- Postgraduate Diploma Dentistry Radiography
- Postgraduate Diploma Dentistry Restorative Dentistry
- Postgraduate Diploma Digital Innovation
- Postgraduate Diploma Entrepreneurship
- Postgraduate Diploma Family Medicine
- Postgraduate Diploma General Ultrasound
- Postgraduate Diploma Hand Therapy
- Postgraduate Diploma Health Systems Management Executive Leadership
- Postgraduate Diploma in Public Health (UPOnline)
- Postgraduate Diploma in Public Management (UP Online)
- Postgraduate Diploma Investigative and Forensic Accounting
- Postgraduate Diploma Laboratory Animal Science
- Postgraduate Diploma Occupational Medicine and Health
- Postgraduate Diploma Production Animals
- Postgraduate Diploma Public Management
- Postgraduate Diploma State Veterinary Medicine
- Postgraduate Diploma Theology
- Postgraduate Diploma Theology and Ministry
- Postgraduate Diploma Tourism Management
- Postgraduate Diploma Tropical Medicine and Health
- Postgraduate Diploma Veterinary Clinical Sciences
- Postgraduate Diploma Veterinary General