University of Pretoria Undergraduate Prospectus 2024-2025

University of Pretoria Undergraduate Prospectus 2024-2025
University of Pretoria Undergraduate Prospectus 2024-2025 – See Details Below:
The University of Pretoria (UP) was established in 1908 with just four professors and 32 students, in a little house called Kya Rosa. Today, it is one of the largest research universities in South Africa. UP has transformed into a dynamic university community of staff and students who come from a range of diverse backgrounds and cultures showcasing South African and global societies. The University was born from a vision to create a space for quality education and for new ideas to flourish. Over the course of its existence, and through different phases of political power and social change, UP has been resilient in its commitment to academic quality.
This has allowed us to establish a presence among the top 1,9% of universities worldwide. Our vision has always been to look forward, provide the best possible education for our students, and encourage them to go on to do great things. We are continuously transforming the corporate and research landscape through innovative thinking and the high calibre of our graduates. More than a quarter of a million alumni have passed through our doors. Many are on the path to success, while others have already become leaders in their fields both locally and internationally.
UP has grown to become one of the top universities on the continent, and we are proud that our reputation precedes our graduates around the world. Our story at UP is as much about where we have come from as where we are heading. It is a story of ongoing positive development, dedication to excellence, and striving to reach our goals with zeal, passion and perseverance.
To be a leading research‐intensive university in Africa, recognised internationally for its quality, relevance and impact, as also for developing people, creating knowledge and making a difference locally and globally.
In pursuing recognition and excellence in its core functions of research, teaching and learning, and integrating engagement with society and communities into these, the University of Pretoria will use quality, relevance, diversity and sustainability as its navigational markers.
- The members of the University of Pretoria believe that:
- our community of scholars must be founded on the pursuit of knowledge through research, teaching and learning, with membership acquired on the basis of intellectual merit, ability and the potential for excellence; and that
- differing perspectives, arising from diverse backgrounds and histories that define our identities, deepen scholarly inquiry and enrich academic debate.
- We cherish:
- academic freedom, creative and innovative thought, ethical standards and integrity, accountability and social justice; and
- our staff and students as the University’s core asset.
- We foster:
- an inquiry‐led and evidence‐based approach to creating knowledge; and
- academic citizenship, whereby we commit ourselves to harnessing our intellectual abilities in the interest of our nation and humanity.
- We recognise that:
- in a resource‐constrained world where vast disparities remain, the University must endeavour to produce graduates who appreciate the importance of community service, entrepreneurial endeavours and innovative actions in generating employment and development in our local communities.
- University of Pretoria Faculties and Schools – See Details Below:
- University of Pretoria Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences
- University of Pretoria Faculty of Education
- University of Pretoria Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology
- University of Pretoria Faculty of Health Sciences
- University of Pretoria Faculty of Humanities
- University of Pretoria Faculty of Law
- University of Pretoria Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences
- University of Pretoria Faculty of Theology and Religion
- University of Pretoria Faculty of Veterinary Science
Undergraduate Courses
- BA Audiology
- BA Fine Arts
- BA Information Design
- BA Languages
- BA Law
- BA Speech-Language Pathology
- BA Visual Studies
- BAdmin Public Management and International Relations
- BAdminHons Public Administration and Management
- BAgricHons Extension
- BAgricHons Rural Development
- BAHons African Languages
- BAHons Afrikaans
- BAHons Ancient Languages and Cultures Studies
- BAHons Applied Language Studies
- BAHons Archaeology
- BAHons Augmentative and Alternative Communication
- BAHons Criminology
- BAHons Drama and Film Studies
- BAHons English
- BAHons French
- BAHons German
- BAHons International Relations
- BAHons Literary Theory
- BAHons Music
- BAHons Philosophy
- BAHons Political Science
- BAHons Spanish
- BAHons Visual Studies
- BArchHons
- BChD
- BCom
- BCom Accounting Sciences
- BCom Agribusiness Management
- BCom Business Management
- BCom Econometrics
- BCom Economics
- BCom Extended programme
- BCom Financial Sciences
- BCom Human Resource Management
- BCom Informatics Information Systems
- BCom Investment Management
- BCom Law
- BCom Marketing Management
- BCom Statistics and Data Science
- BCom Supply Chain Management
- BComHons Agricultural Economics
- BComHons Business Management
- BComHons Communication Management
- BComHons Econometrics
- BComHons Economics
- BComHons Financial Management Sciences
- BComHons Human Resource Management and Labour Relations
- BComHons Industrial Psychology
- BComHons Informatics
- BComHons Internal Auditing
- BComHons Investment Management
- BComHons Marketing Management
- BComHons Mathematical Statistics
- BComHons Statistics and Data Science
- BComHons Supply Chain Management
- BComHons Taxation
- BComHons Tourism Management
- BConSci Clothing Retail Management
- BConSci Food Retail Management
- BConSci Hospitality Management
- BDietetics
- BDiv
- BDram
- BEd Foundation Phase Teaching
- BEd Intermediate Phase Teaching
- BEd Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching
- BEdHons Assessment and Quality Assurance in Education and Training
- BEdHons Computer-integrated Education
- BEdHons Education Management, Law and Policy
- BEdHons Education Management, Law and Policy (Distance Education)
- BEdHons Educational Psychology
- BEdHons Learning Support
- BEdHons Learning Support (Distance Education)
- BEdHons Life Sciences Education
- BEdHons Mathematics Education
- BEdHons Physical Sciences Education
- BEdHons Teacher Education and Professional Development
- BEdHons Technology Education
- BEng Chemical Engineering
- BEng Chemical Engineering ENGAGE
- BEng Civil Engineering
- BEng Civil Engineering ENGAGE
- BEng Computer Engineering
- BEng Computer Engineering ENGAGE
- BEng Electrical Engineering
- BEng Electrical Engineering ENGAGE
- BEng Electronic Engineering
- BEng Electronic Engineering ENGAGE
- BEng Industrial Engineering
- BEng Industrial Engineering ENGAGE
- BEng Mechanical Engineering
- BEng Mechanical Engineering ENGAGE
- BEng Metallurgical Engineering
- BEng Metallurgical Engineering ENGAGE
- BEng Mining Engineering
- BEng Mining Engineering ENGAGE
- BEngHons Bioengineering
- BEngHons Chemical Engineering
- BEngHons Computer Engineering
- BEngHons Control Engineering
- BEngHons Electrical Engineering
- BEngHons Electronic Engineering
- BEngHons Engineering and Technology Management
- BEngHons Environmental Engineering
- BEngHons Geotechnical Engineering
- BEngHons Industrial Engineering
- BEngHons Mechanical Engineering
- BEngHons Metallurgical Engineering Welding Engineering
- BEngHons Metallurgical Engineering
- BEngHons Microelectronic Engineering
- BEngHons Mining Engineering
- BEngHons Structural Engineering
- BEngHons Transportation Engineering
- BEngHons Water Resources Engineering
- BEngHons Water Utilisation Engineering
- BIntArchHons
- BIS Information Science
- BIS Multimedia
- BIS Publishing
- BISHons Information Science
- BISHons Multimedia
- BISHons Publishing
- BIT Information Systems
- BITHons Information Systems
- BLArchHons
- BMus
- BMus Extended programme
- BNurs
- BOccTher
- BPhysio
- BPolSci International Studies
- BPolSci Political Studies
- BRad in Diagnostics
- BRadHons Diagnostics
- BRadHons Nuclear Medicine
- BRadHons Nuclear Medicine
- BRadHons Radiation Therapy
- BRadHons Radiation Therapy
- BSc Actuarial and Financial Mathematics
- BSc Applied Mathematics
- BSc Architecture
- BSc Biochemistry
- BSc Biological Sciences
- BSc Biotechnology
- BSc Chemistry
- BSc Computer Science
- BSc Construction Management
- BSc Culinary Science
- BSc Ecology
- BSc Engineering and Environmental Geology
- BSc Entomology
- BSc Extended programme – Biological and Agricultural Sciences
- BSc Extended programme – Mathematical Sciences
- BSc Extended programme – Physical Sciences
- BSc Food Science
- BSc Genetics
- BSc Geography and Environmental Science
- BSc Geoinformatics
- BSc Geology
- BSc Human Genetics
- BSc Human Physiology
- BSc Human Physiology, Genetics and Psychology
- BSc Information and Knowledge Systems
- BSc Mathematical Statistics
- BSc Mathematics
- BSc Medical Sciences
- BSc Meteorology
- BSc Microbiology
- BSc Nutrition
- BSc Physics
- BSc Plant Science
- BSc Quantity Surveying
- BSc Real Estate
- BSc Zoology
- BScAgric Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Management
- BScAgric Animal Science
- BScAgric Applied Plant and Soil Sciences
- BScAgric Plant Pathology
- BScAgricHons Crop Science
- BScHons Actuarial Science
- BScHons Anatomy
- BScHons Applied Mathematics
- BScHons Applied Science Architecture
- BScHons Applied Science Chemical Technology
- BScHons Applied Science Environmental Technology
- BScHons Applied Science Geotechnics
- BScHons Applied Science Industrial Systems
- BScHons Applied Science Mechanics
- BScHons Applied Science Mechanics: Physical Asset Management
- BScHons Applied Science Metallurgy