University of Venda Univen Courses Offered 2024-2025

University of Venda Univen Courses Offered
University of Venda Univen Courses Offered – See Details Below:
Undergraduate Courses Offered :
- BSc Agric Economics
- BSc Agric. Agribusiness Management
- Advanced agricultural Production Economics
- Advanced Agribusiness Management
- Bachelor of Science in Agriculture
- Bachelor of Science in Agriculture
- Bachelor of Arts BA
- Bachelor of Arts in Education (Agriculture) BAgric(Ed)
- Bachelor of Arts in Development Studies BADS
- Bachelor of Arts in International Relations BAIR
- Bachelor of Arts in Bachelor of Arts in Youth Development BAYID
- Bachelor of Arts in Bachelor of Arts in Youth Development BAYID
- Bachelor of Arts in Education (Music) BA (Ed) (Mus)
- Bachelor of Arts in Education (Primary) BA (Ed) (Prim)
- Bachelor of Arts in Education (Secondary) BA (Ed) (Sec)
- Bachelor of Arts in International Relations BA (IR)
- Bachelor of Arts in Social Work BSW
- Bachelor of Musicology BMus
- Bachelor of Pre-Primary Education B.Pre-Pri(Ed)
- Bachelor of Education in Science Education B.Ed(Sc.Ed)
- Bachelor of Education B.Ed(Hons)
- Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Education BEDECE (Hons)
- Bachelor of Education in College Teaching BEDCT(Hons)
- Bachelor of Education in Education Management BEDEM(Hons)
- Bachelor of Education Guidance and Counselling BEDGC(Hons)
- Bachelor of Education: Further Education and Training BEDFET
- Bachelor of Arts Honours BA(Hons)
- BA Honours in Applied Anthropology BAHAPA
- BA Honours in Archaeology BAHARC
- BA Honours in Literature and Media Studies BAHLMS
- BA Honours in Heritage Studies BAH
- BA Honours in African Studies BAHAFC
- Honours Degree in Gender Studies HONSGS
- Honours in Degree Applied Linguistics HAL
- Honours Degree in Theoretical Linguistics HTL
- Bachelor of Arts Honours in International Relations BAHIR
- Bachelor of Education in Foundation phase teaching (BED FP)
- Bachelor in Education (Honours) specialising in Early Childhood Education
- Bachelor of Environmental Science
- Bachelor of Mining and Environmental Geology
- Bachelor of Hydrology and Water Resources
- Bachelor of Environmental Management
- Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning
- BCur nursing Science
- BCur Praxis Extensa
- BSC Nutrition
- BSc Biokinetics
- BSc recreation and Leisure studies
- BSc Sports Science
- Psych (Trauma Counselling)
- BCur Honours (with options)
- BSC Honours Community Nutrition
- BA (Hons) Psychology
- Bachelor of Education Foundation Phase
- BSc Agric Economics
- BSc Agric. Agribusiness Management
- Bachelor of Education Honors in Educational Management
- Bachelor of Education in College Teaching
- Bachelor of Education Honours: Curriculum Studies
- Bachelor of Science in Agriculture
- Bachelor of Science in Agriculture
- Bachelor of Education Further Education and Training
- Bachelor of Education Honors Guidance and Counseling
- Bachelor of Science in Education
- Certificate Course in Business English and Communication CCBEN
- Certificate in Education (Early Childhood Education) CEEC
- Certificate in Educational Management CEM
- Certificate in Music CMUS
- Advanced Certificate in Education (Educational Management) ACEEM
- Advanced Certificate in Education- Biology Educatiion (FET) ACEBEF
- Advanced Certificate in Education- Mathematics Education (FET) ACEMEF
- Advanced Certificate in Education- Science Education (FET) ACESEF
- Advanced Certificate in Education- Mathematics Education (FET) ACEMES
- Advanced Certificate in Education- Natural Science Education (SP) ACENSS
- Advanced Certificate in Education- Mathematics Education (IP) ACEMEI
- Advanced Certificate in Education – Natural Science Education (IP) ACENSI
- Advanced Certificate in Remedial Education ADCRE
- Advanced Certificate in Environmental Education ADCEE
- Advanced agricultural Production Economics
- Advanced Agribusiness Management
- Advanced Certificate in Education: Educational Management
- Advanced Certificate in Education: School Management and Leadership
- Advanced Certificate in Early Childhood Education
- Advanced Certificate in Remedial Education
- Diploma in Choral Studies DipCS
- Diploma in School Library and Information Science Dip Sc Lib
- Post Graduate Diploma in Education (Educational Managemant) PGDEEM
- Post Graduate Certificate in Education PGCE
- Science Teacher Education Diploma STED
- Post-Graduate Diploma in African Studies PGAS
- Post-Graduate Diploma in Gender Studies PGDIG
- Dip. in Mining Impact and Post Mining Rehabilitation
- Dip. in Mine Health and Safety
- Cert. in Geographical Information System
- Cert. in Post Mining Rehabilitation
- Cert. in Mine Inspection
- Cert. in Mine Infrastructure: Operation and Management
- Diploma in Nursing Science
- Diploma in Psychiatric Nursing
- Doctor of Education in Teacher Education
Postgraduate Courses Offered:
- PhD Agricultural Economics
- Ph.D. (CS) Doctor of Philosophy in Curriculum Studies
- PhD Health in Generic stream
- PhD Public Health Nutrition
- MSC Public Nutrition (Course Work)
- MSC Public Nutrition (Research)
- Master of Public Health
- MSc Agricultural Economics
- Master of Education in Educational Management
- Master of Education in Curriculum Studies
- Master of Science in Science Education
- Master of Education In Science Education
- Master of Science In Science Education
- Master of education
- Master of education Teacher Education
- Master of Arts Degrees MA
- Master of Arts MA
- Master of Arts in International Relations MAIR
- Master of Education (by dissertation) MEd
- Master of Education in Curriculum Studies MEDCS
- Master of Education in Education Management MEDEM
- Master of Educational Foundations MEd (Ed.Found)
- Master of Education in Philosophy of Education MEd(PHIL)
- Master of Education in Science Education MEd(ScEd)
- Master of Education in Teacher Education MEdTE
- Master of Human Sciences MHS
- PhD Agricultural Economics
- MSc Agricultural Economics
- Doctor of Education DEd
- Doctor of Philosophy PhD
- Doctoral Degree in Gender Studies PhDGS
- Doctor of Philosophy PhD
- Doctor of Philosophy in Curriculum Studies PhD(CS)
- Doctor of Philosophy in Science Education PhD(Sc.Ed)
- Doctor of Philosophy in African Studies PhD
- Doctor of Education in Teacher Education
- Doctor of Education
Certificates Courses Offered:
- Certificate Course in Business English and Communication CCBEN
- Certificate in Education (Early Childhood Education) CEEC
- Certificate in Educational Management CEM
- Certificate in Music CMUS
Advanced Certificate Courses Offered:
- Advanced Certificate in Education (Educational Management) ACEEM
- Advanced Certificate in Education- Biology Educatiion (FET) ACEBEF
- Advanced Certificate in Education- Mathematics Education (FET) ACEMEF
- Advanced Certificate in Education- Science Education (FET) ACESEF
- Advanced Certificate in Education- Mathematics Education (FET) ACEMES
- Advanced Certificate in Education- Natural Science Education (SP) ACENSS
- Advanced Certificate in Education- Mathematics Education (IP) ACEMEI
- Advanced Certificate in Education – Natural Science Education (IP) ACENSI
- Advanced Certificate in Remedial Education ADCRE
- Advanced Certificate in Environmental Education ADCEE
- Advanced agricultural Production Economics
- Advanced Agribusiness Management
- Advanced Certificate in Education: Educational Management
- Advanced Certificate in Education: School Management and Leadership
- Advanced Certificate in Early Childhood Education
- Advanced Certificate in Remedial Education
Diploma Courses Offered:
- Diploma in Choral Studies DipCS
- Diploma in School Library and Information Science Dip Sc Lib
- Post Graduate Diploma in Education (Educational Management) PGDM
- Post Graduate Certificate in Education PGCE
- Science Teacher Education Diploma STED
- Post-Graduate Diploma in African Studies PGAS
- Post-Graduate Diploma in Gender Studies PGDIG
Doctorate Courses Offered:
- Doctor of Education DEd
- Doctor of Philosophy PhD
- Doctoral Degree in Gender Studies PhDGS
- Doctor of Philosophy PhD
- Doctor of Philosophy in Curriculum Studies PhD(CS)
- Doctor of Philosophy in Science Education PhD(Sc.Ed)
- Doctor of Philosophy in African Studies PhD
Masters Courses Offered:
- Master of Arts Degrees MA
- Master of Arts MA
- Master of Arts in International Relations MAIR
- Master of Education (by dissertation) MEd
- Master of Education in Curriculum Studies MEDCS
- Master of Education in Education Management MEDEM
- Master of Educational Foundations MEd (Ed.Found)
- Master of Education in Philosophy of Education MEd(PHIL)
- Master of Education in Science Education MEd(ScEd)
- Master of Education in Teacher Education MEdTE
- Master of Human Sciences MHS
Univen Undergraduate Courses Offered
Univen Postgraduate Courses Offered
University of Venda Univen Certificates Courses Offered
University of Venda Univen Diploma Courses Offered
University of Venda Univen Doctorate Courses Offered
University of Venda Univen Masters Courses Offered
University of Venda Univen Advanced Certificate Courses Offered