NB: All programs at the University of Venda are offered on a full-time basis.
A candidate must report for registration on the dates and during the times specified in the academic year plan.
To register manually, each candidate must complete and sign the prescribed registration form and submit it to the Dean of the School concerned for approval, giving details of the module(s) s/he intends to follow. 61
To register online, a candidate has to accept rules and regulations after which s/he has to choose and enroll modules on the approved curriculum and level of study.
The full fees for the semester are payable in advance and not later than the date specified.
Only registered students may attend lectures.
A person registering as a student manually must complete and sign the official registration form, thus binding himself/herself to observe the rules of the University. A person shall only be admitted to a module for a degree or diploma if his/her curriculum has been approved by the Dean of the School concerned. Online registration shall be guided by rules as set out on the academic structure as approved by the school and in the form of an approved calendar. An approved curriculum may subsequently be amended within a specified period, provided that the amended curriculum conforms to the rules in force at the time of the amendment.
A student must ensure that the composition of the chosen curriculum complies with the general rules for the various Schools.
A student has to register a maximum/total of 1 F.T.E credit. Senate may allow a final year student to register a total of 1.25 F.T.E. credits.