University of Zululand UNIZULU Undergraduate Application Forms 2024-2025

–The University of Zululand has two Campuses,
i.Richards Bay Campus that offers Certificates and Diploma academic programmes and
ii.KwaDlangezwa Campus which offers Degree programmes
–Please visit the Central Applications Office – CAO website at and click on the following links
–Programmes and Programme list
Kindly check the links below before your proceed:
- University of Zululand Fees Structure
- University of Zululand Courses Offered
- University of Zululand Admission Requirements
- University of Zululand Online Registration
–30 August for Social Work
–30 September for Nursing Science
–31 October for other programmes
–Please consult the CAO booklet or website at for application fees and the
method of payment.
–GRADE 12 Learners, International and Transferring students may apply
–Candidates may apply online or download the application form from the CAO website.
–Please visit the Central Applications Office – CAO website at and click on the following links:
–Apply and Apply now
–Identity Document
–diploma or degree certificate (if available)
–An academic record with conduct in respect of studies at another tertiary institution
–Proof of payment of the non-refundable application fee (see relevant fee above);
–Matric results/certificate
Foreign students must in addition provide:
–Valid passport and study permit
–SAQA verification certificate
–Proof of financial means (bank statements, bursaries, cash available/traveller’s cheque to
UUniversity of Zululand Postgraduate Online Application ADMISSIONS OFFICE | APPLYING TO STUDY 1
University of Zululand, Private Bag X1001, KwaDlangezwa, 3886 W: T: +27 35 9026030/6718 F: +27 35 9026033 Richards Bay Campus: T: +27 35 9026923 F: +27 35 9026027
–cover envisaged living expenses during the sojourn in the Republic and to pay tuition fees)
It is strongly advised that foreign students approach the South African Embassy in their home countries for more information or requirements before they come to the Republic of South Africa to study. Alternatively, applicants may visit the Department of Home Affairs at
1.If you were registered for the same qualification at the University of Zululand for the previous academic year or part thereof, awarded or passed your undergrad, you need not complete this form again.
You are required only to complete the departmental form – PGRD2 and a
ttach the relevant documents (see section 2 below)
The processing of your application will be delayed if you fail to complete this form in full, or if you fail to attach all the required documents, or if you fail to enclose the deposit slip for the application fee, or if your application reaches the University after the relevant closing date.
The reference number allocated to you must be quoted in all future correspondence.
2. Certified copies of the following documents must accompany each application:
*Identity Document
*Diploma or degree certificate
*An academic record with conduct in respect of studies at another tertiary institution
*A Statement of Intent (see 7.5 below)
*Proof of payment of the non-refundable application fee (see relevant fee above);
*Curriculum vitae
Foreign students must in addition provide:
*Valid passport and study permit
*SAQA verification certificate (original)
* Proof of financial means (bank statements, bursaries, cash available/traveller’s cheque to cover envisaged living expenses during the sojourn in the Republic and to pay tuition fees)
*Asylum seekers must ensure that they comply with Section 22 for Permits
*Refugees must also meet the requirements of Section 24 for Permits or must produce a maroon ID
It is strongly advised that foreign students approach the South African Embassy in their home countries for more information or requirements before they come to the Republic of South Africa to study. Alternatively, applicants may visit the Department of Home Affairs at
See Also: University of Zululand NSFAS Funding
3. Please ensure that:
*The degree /program you are applying for and where possible the qualification code e.g. PhD (Information Technology) is clearly indicated on the application form
*You have signed the University of Zululand Undergraduate Application Forms
*You have provided an e-mail address
4. Applicants for postgraduate studies from other Higher Education Institutes must:
*First contact the relevant academic department and complete the departmental form PGRD2 together with the ADM01 form [application for academic admission] (No application for postgraduate studies will be considered without the PGRD2 and ADM01 Forms)
*Apply in writing if they wish to be considered for fee exemption – (Form SAF01 is obtainable from the Admissions Office)
*If they have degrees from universities other than UNIZULU, apply in writing on the prescribed form SAF04 for recognition that their degrees have equivalent status [see page 12]
*Make arrangements for adequate medical insurance (note: for foreign student only)
Foreign students are advised to return to their home country on completion of their studies.
5.Honors and Coursework Master’s Degrees
5.1Prospective Honours and Coursework Master’s students apply for admission to the academic department hosting the qualification.
5.2The Head of the Department which hosts the degree will assess the academic suitability of the prospective candidate and either admit the applicant or reject the application.
6.Research Master’s and Doctoral Degrees
6.1While admission into any postgraduate program is determined by the relevant rules and policies, admission into postgraduate study at the research Master’s and Doctoral level is significantly influenced by the processes of pre-definition and work prior to formal application.
6.2All candidates must first discuss their intended topic informally with the HOD and prospective supervisor.
6.3If the HOD holds a preliminary view that the candidate meets the minimum academic requirements for admission and has the necessary academic maturity to enrol for the degree, that the proposed topic is suitable and that supervision capacity and other resources exist in the Department, the HOD will request the candidate to submit a statement of intent.
See Also: University of Zululand Prospectus
6.4A statement of intent is not a research proposal but rather a preliminary document that assists the HOD in determining whether a candidate and the proposed research topic are suitable and whether the candidate can proceed to the proposal writing stage. It provides a brief background and contextualization of the intended study as well as some evidence that the candidate has knowledge of research methodology at the appropriate level.
6.5A statement of intent shall contain:
6.5.1A preliminary title
6.5.2The field of study
6.5.3The purpose of and rationale for the study
6.5.4An indication of the preliminary work that has been done to determine the suitability of the proposed topic for further in-depth research
6.5.5Broad time frames for the research
6.5.6Reasons why the candidate is suitable for conducting the type of research proposed
6.5.7Any other information that the candidate considers relevant in determining whether the intended research should proceed.
6.6On receipt of the candidate’s statement of intent, the HOD shall refer the statement to a prospective supervisor(s) with a view to determining whether:
6.6.1Suitable supervision capacity exists in terms of expertise and experience
6.6.2The field of study
6.6.3Potential supervisors are willing and able to accommodate the supervision within their current workloads and in compliance with institutional policy
6.6.4The nature and extent of the proposed research render the topic suitable for research towards the proposed postgraduate degree
6.6.5The candidate has the necessary motivation and academic background and/ or experience in the field of study to undertake the proposed research
6.7To assist in the decision, an HOD may, where appropriate, request a candidate to present the letter of intent to a departmental meeting or seminar.
6.8The HOD shall approve the statement of intent only if the criteria mentioned in Clause 7.1.5 above have been met. Inappropriate circumstances, where the failure to meet the criteria is not material, the HOD may request that the statement of intent be reworked and resubmitted.
7.Recognition and exemption of subjects
If you have already obtained credit(s) for a course and/or subject passed at another higher education institution, you could possibly qualify for recognition of those subjects. You are kindly requested to apply in writing for credits and exemptions for studies passed elsewhere on the prescribed form SAF01 and in accordance with the rules of the University of Zululand. Your certified copy of your academic transcript with conduct must also be attached to the form SAF01.
See Also: University of Zululand NSFAS Funding
8.Application for Conferment of Equivalent Status
Such requests must be in writing using the University’s prescribed SAF04 Form which is obtainable from the Admissions Office.