Stellenbosch University Online Application Form 2024-2025-2022
Step 1: Before you apply
Make sure that you understand the University’s Admission Policy, and the admission and selection criteria of the different faculties before you apply. The policy, criteria and guidelines are available at the Undergraduate Prospective Student website at, or you can contact our Client Service on +27 21 808 9111 or For postgraduate studies, please visit the Prospective Postgraduate Student website at .
Step 2: Take note of the application dates
Undergraduate dates for all students, including international students:
1 March: | Applications open for all programmes and residences. |
1 April: | Applications open for financial assistance at Stellenbosch University. |
30 June: | Applications close for all undergraduate programmes as well as for residence. |
31 August: | Applications close for Stellenbosch University financial assistance. |
1 September: | Applications open for NSFAS bursaries on . |
30 November: | Applications close for NSFAS bursaries. |
20 February 2024-2025: | Applications close for Diploma and Advanced Diploma in Public Accountability (Telematic Education). |
Please note that no late applications will be considered.
Postgraduate closing dates for all students:
Visit the Prospective Postgraduate Student website ( for a list of the closing dates of all the postgraduate programmes.
Step 3: Click applicable button for application instructions
University of Stellenbosch Undergraduate Online Application
University of Stellenbosch Postgraduate Online Application
1 March: Applications open for all programmes
1 April: Applications open for financial assistance at Stellenbosch University
1 August: Applications open for NSFAS bursaries
30 June: Applications close for all undergraduate programmes.
30 June: Residence applications close.
31 August: Applications close for Stellenbosch University financial assistance.
30 November: Applications close for NSFAS bursaries.
15 December: Applications close for Diploma in Public Accountability (Telematic Education).
- For Stellenbosch University you may select three programme choices. The reason you may indicate three programmes, is that there are programmes with extensive selection criteria and it is possible that you will not to be selected for your first choice, but you may still be selected for your second or third choice.
- Note however, that you can only be admitted to one programme at a time. If you are admitted to your second choice at first, and then admitted to your first choice, your second choice will lapse as soon as you are admitted to your first choice.
- If you would rather continue with your second (or third choice) offer, you must let us know before the end of September at The offer you decline will expire. After September, your request will only be considered if places are available.
- All our programmes have selection criteria, but the following programmes all have extensive selection processes: All programmes in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences; all programmes in the Faculty of Law; BA (Visual Arts); BA (Drama); all programmes in Music; BA (Sport Science); BSc (Sport Science); BEd (GenEd); all pogrammes in Engineering; BCom Actuarial Science and BCom (International Business).
- If your first programme choice is from the extensive selection programmes, we recommend a second choice. If both your first and second choices are from the list of selection programmes above, we recommend that you indicate a third choice which is not from this list.
- If you want to change your programme choice, send an e-mail containing your request to Please remember that, after the closing date, programme changes can only be considered if there are places available in the programme.
- To help you place your programme choice in the correct order, bear the following in mind:
Medicine and Health Sciences This faculty will only consider your programme choice if it is indicated as your first choice. Applicants can however be considered for BSc in Dietetics as a second choice. |
Education This faculty will only consider your programme choice if it is indicated as your first choice. |
Law programmes
Economic and Management Sciences (EMS)
AgriSciences This faculty will consider your application for one of their programmes as a first, second or third choice, with the exception of the programme in BSc Food Science, BScAgric Animal Science or a programme where Food Science or Animal Science is offered as a subject. For these programmes, your application will only be considered as a first or second choice. |
Science This faculty will consider your application for one of their programmes as a first, second or third choice. The programmes BSc Human Life Sciences, BSc Molecular Biology and Biotechnology and BSc Sport Science, will however, only be considered as a third choice if places are available. |
Engineering This faculty will consider your application for one of their programmes as a first, second or third choice. You may apply for more than one BEng programme, e.g. BEng Civil as first choice and BEng Industrial as second, since their selection thresholds may differ |
Theology This faculty will consider your application for one of their programmes as a first or second choice. Third choice will be considered based on availability of places. |
1. Certified copies of the original qualification documents, as specified in the table below, must be provided. Please take note of the following regarding your documents:
1.1 Copies of your original academic documents, which must be stamped and signed by the awarding school or institution, notary public, or a Commissioner of Oaths (e.g. attorney or diplomatic official) must be provided. If you go to the police station or the Post Office, a Commissioner of Oaths must certify your documents. No police or post office stamps will be accepted.
1.2 No online results obtained from self-serving portals or password protected documents will be accepted.
1.3 Electronic copies provided should be clear and legible (not blurred, cropped or obscured). Only pdf and jpeg format will be accepted.
2. Stellenbosch University reserves the right to request original and additional supporting documentation should this be deemed necessary at any point.
3. Your signed contract, your application documents (e.g. your grade 11 results) as well as proof of payment (if applicable) should be uploaded online at your Application Status before the closing date. If you apply with a hard copy application, you should include all the required documents with your application.
4. If we do not receive all your documents by the closing date, your application will unfortunately not be considered.
5. It remains your responsibility to make sure that the University receives these documents in time. You can monitor your Application Status to ensure that your application is complete. Use your username (student number) and official SUN-password to sign in.
Documents required: Undergraduate application 2024-2025 (COVID-19)
NON-ACADEMIC DOCUMENTS WE REQUIRE 1. Signed Stellenbosch University contract (please print out, sign and upload). No electronic signatures accepted. 2. Proof of permanent residency, refugee or asylum seeker status (Not applicable to South African citizens). 3. Student support form (students with disabilities who need additional support). 4. Additional faculty specific documents (If applicable):
5. Proof of payment (R100 non-refundable application fee)
ACADEMIC DOCUMENTS WE REQUIRE Currently in final school year: South African school system: Final grade 11 results as per the Department of Education guidelines. International school system: Grade 11 results as well as final-year school subjects with levels Also note: – Applicants enrolled in a foreign (international) school system, for example International Baccalaureate (IB) or a USA High School Diploma, must apply using grade 11 (pre-final year) results. – You should supply a list of subjects taken in the final year of school (grade 12 /13) with levels for the official subjects and predicted results (confirmed by the school). – Please note, however, that applicants from the Cambridge school system do not need to provide the predicted results for the final year subjects. They still need to provide the list of subjects and indicate the level they are taking them in their final year, for Exemption purposes. – To make sure you meet the requirements for Matriculation Exemption, please visit the Universities South Africa’s website for more information on Matriculation Exemption. Completed final school year: South African school system: National Senior Certificate (NSC) or IEB / Statement of symbols of final school results. International school system: Final school results from International Curriculum (Cambridge International, International Baccalaureate, etc.), including School of Tomorrow. Additional subjects or rewrites (all school systems): If you have completed additional subjects or rewrote subjects (or are busy rewriting the subjects this year), please include the subjects and grades. If you follow the international school system, also note: – Cambridge applicants must also include IGCSE or O level or GCSE certificates. – If you complete your schooling in an international school system, you must meet the requirements set by Universities South Africa (USAf) for Matriculation Exemption for that system by the time you come to register. – To determine whether you meet the requirements, please see: and select the relevant country’s information. – Applicants following the American system must provide the necessary exemption documents as per the USAf website at – It is normally only possible to apply for a formal certificate of University Exemption during your first year of registration so you might not yet have it available when you come to register for the first time. You will, however, be able to register, provided that you do qualify for Matriculation Exemption. Currently enrolled for first year at a tertiary institution (excluding Stellenbosch University qualifications): • Final school-leaving results (See “completed final school year”) • Proof of registration in first year when no academic transcript is not yet available Currently enrolled at a tertiary institution (excluding Stellenbosch University qualifications): • Final school-leaving results (See “completed final school year”) • Proof of registration, including a list of subjects you are enrolled for with provisional grades if available at the time of application • Full academic transcript for each academic year completed, including grades Please note that online results obtained from self-service portals will not be accepted. Tertiary academic qualifications completed (excluding Stellenbosch University qualifications): Include final school-leaving results where applicable • Relevant certificates PLUS full academic transcript for each year of enrolment, including grades • Diploma(s) PLUS full academic transcript for each year of enrolment, including grades • B degree certificate(s) PLUS full academic transcript for each year of enrolment, including grades • Honours degree certificate(s) PLUS full academic transcript for each year of enrolment, including grades • Master’s degree certificate(s) PLUS full academic transcript for each year of enrolment, including grades (where applicable) • Doctoral degree certificate(s) PLUS full academic transcript for each year of enrolment, including grades (where applicable) If you have obtained a qualification outside of the South African Higher Education system and your final degree certificate is not available when you apply, please provide us with official proof that you have completed the qualification. Please note that the proof of completion should not be older than five years from the date on which the degree was conferred. For South African Higher Education Institutions, proof of completion should not be older than one year. |
Considering the uncertainty regarding the timeline of NBT testing and logistical challenges of testing due to COVID-19, Stellenbosch University will not utilize NBT scores for selection and placement purposes for the 2024-2025-intake. Also see communique from the NBT team that was published on 4 May to all applicants on their website ( Applicants who were requested to write the NBTs before the end of June for selection consideration in the faculties of Law and Medicine and Health Sciences, will no longer be required to do so. NBT will not be taken in account in the calculation of the selection score. In accordance, the NBTs will not be required for admission or placement purposes in any other faculty.
The only exception is applicants from the School of Tomorrow (SOT). All SOT applicants for Stellenbosch University should write the NBTs before the end of 2020 to ensure that their results are available before registration in 2024-2025.
SU apologises for any inconvenience caused for applicants who have already made a booking.
The University is committed to assist students with disabilities who comply with the relevant academic requirements, to become fully fledged integrated members of the student community. Please remember to complete the Student Support Form with regards to your specific needs and send it along with your application to the University.
Where feasible and financially possible, the needs of students are catered for in order to make the campus accessible and student friendly. The University co-ordinates the interests of students with disabilities from the Disability Unit. For full particulars regarding the University’s policy on students with disabilities, and general information regarding accommodation, physical facilities, and support services which are available for students with disabilities, please contact:
Contact person: Dr. Marcia Lyner-Cleophas, Disability Unit, Centre for Student Counselling and Development, Student Affairs
Email: | Tel: 021 808 4707
Undergraduate international applications
*Please note that GED will no longer be accepted by Stellenbosch University.
Also note Stellenbosch University has a brand new Admissions Policy. Please familiarize yourself with the content.
To study at Stellenbosch University you are required to:
- South African school system: Have obtained a National Senior Certificate (NSC) as certified by Umalusi with admission to Bachelor’s degree studies, which means that you must obtain a mark of at least 50% in each of four school subjects.
- International school system: Final school results from International Curriculum (Cambridge International, International Baccalaureate, etc.), including School of Tomorrow. Click here for the minimum requirements for international curriculums. (A-levels, AS-levels, IB diploma and GCSE/IGCSE/O-levels)
- Have written the National Benchmark Tests (NBTs). Please note that when you apply for a programme in the faculty of Law and of Medicine and Health Sciences, the NBT’s need to be written before 30 June if you want to be considered for selection.
- Also meet further requirements specific to the programme(s) of your choice as set out in the programme outlines under the various faculties
Click here to download the Minimum Admission Requirements for 2024-2025 -intake
Large numbers of prospective students apply for our programmes. Unfortunately we can accept only a limited number of students. Even though you may meet the admission requirements of a programme, you are not guaranteed admission to the programme of your choice.
Arts and Social Sciences
Economic and Management Sciences
Education (Foundation Phase)
Education (Intermediate Phase)
Medicine and Health Sciences
– Dietetics
– Physiotherapy
– Speech-Language and Hearing Therapy
– Occupational Therapy
– Nursing
For further inquiries, please contact our Client Service Centre
Tel.: 021 808 9111
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