University of the Western Cape Online Application 2024-2025

How to Apply at University of the Western Cape UWC
University of the Western Cape UWC Application Procedure
University of the Western Cape UWC Application Forms
University of the Western Cape UWC Online Application Forms
University of the Western Cape UWC Undergraduate Online Application
University of the Western Cape UWC Postgraduate Online Application
University of the Western Cape UWC Online Application
University of the Western Cape UWC Postgraduate Application Forms
University of the Western Cape UWC Undergraduate Application Forms
University of the Western Cape UWC Online Application Status
University of the Western Cape UWC Application Status
University of the Western Cape UWC Application for Foreign Applicants
University of Western Cape UWC Application Closing Date
University of the Western Cape Important Application Dates
University of the Western Cape Admission Requirements
University of the Western Cape Application Transport
University of the Western Cape Other Important Information
How to Calculate Your APS at the University of Western Cape (UWC)
University of the Western Cape UWC Courses Offered
University of Western Cape Fees
University of the Western Cape UWC Examination Fees
University of the Western Cape UWC Banking Details
University of the Western Cape UWC Tuition for South African Student
University of the Western Cape UWC Tuition Fees Foreign Students
University of the Western Cape UWC Bursaries and Loans
University of the Western Cape UWC NSFAS Application
University of the Western Cape UWC Scholarships
University of the Western Cape UWC Prospectus **
University of the Western Cape UWC Undergraduate Prospectus
University of the Western Cape UWC Postgraduate Prospectus
Where is University of Western Cape Located
University of the Western Cape UWC Accommodation Office Contact
University of the Western Cape UWC Contact Address
University of the Western Cape UWC Admission Requirements
University of the Western Cape UWC Registration
University of the Western Cape UWC Online Registration
University of the Western Cape UWC Registration process
University of the Western Cape UWC Diploma Admission Requirements
University of Western Cape UWC Faculties.
University of the Western Cape UWC Distance Education
University of Western Cape UWC Accommodation
University of the Western Cape UWC Career
University of the Western Cape UWC Job Vacancies
University of the Western Cape UWC Graduation Ceremony Date
University of the Western Cape UWC Graduation List
University of the Western Cape UWC Acceptance Letter
University of the Western Cape UWC Blackboard Learn Login
University of the Western Cape UWC Student Portal Login
University of the Western Cape UWC Hostels
How to Check University of the Western Cape Examination Results
University of the Western Cape UWC Academic Calendar
The University of the Western Cape as a national university commits itself to ensuring that learners are exposed to quality teaching, research and learning. At the same time, they nurture the diversified culture of South Africa. Among other things, the Institution ensures that there is gender and racial equality while they encourage and provide opportunities for learning based on various available courses and programmes.
University of Western Cape UWC Apply Online
How do I apply online at UWC? When embarking on the UWC online applications, it is essential that you, first of all, have an understanding of the processes that are involved in it. Therefore, the following steps are what you should follow when you want to apply online at UWC:
Step 1 – Fill the online application form
For you to be able to access the UWC application form, the first thing that you need to do is to visit the application portal of the University to get started. Once you are there, choose the “New application” option, and you would be redirected. Note that while doing this, you should have concluded on the kind of programme that you want to apply for. The Institution grants the opportunity to only apply for a maximum of two programmes.
Step 2 – Wait for an acknowledgement letter
The moment you successfully fill the application form, a message would be sent to you from the University through the email address that you provided while filling the form. This is to acknowledge the receipt of your application. Note that in the acknowledgement letter, your application number would be included in it which you need to keep. The essence of this is that every communication that you make with the University, you will need to use the applicant number.
Apart from the application number, you would also be served with a brochure that indicates the supporting documents which you would be required to submit to the University if you want your application to be considered.
Step 3 – Upload the necessary documents
Once you have all the documents that are required available, the next thing that you need to do is to visit the University’s official website again for the upload of those documents. When you want to do this, you will need your application number and identification or passport number.
However, bear in mind that if you a current matriculant, you do not have to upload any documentation. But if you have matriculated already, you will need to upload your foreign school leaving certificate/matric certificate. Also, if you are attending a different higher institution, a certificate of good conduct that was stamped by the registrar of your Institution, and certified copy of your academic record would be needed for upload.
All UWC application forms are expected to have been submitted on or before 30th of September, 2020 but with an exception to those who are applying for BCHD; this set of people have to submit on or before 31st of August, 2020. Then, while applying, it is interesting to note that you do not have to pay any UWC application fee.
Moreover, after you have applied, you need to monitor your UWC application status. This is because, usually, you are expected to get feedback from the Institution some days after the application closing date. So, in case you did not hear from them, you can monitor your UWC online application status by visiting their official website.
UWC Admission Requirements
Depending on the programme that you are pursuing, there are peculiar UWC requirements that each category of the applicants need to understand and follow if their applications would be considered. Therefore, whether you are applying for the Bachelor’s degree, diploma or higher certificate, you need to meet the following requirements before you start to apply UWC:
For the Bachelor’s Degree
- You need a National Senior Certificate (NSC)
- An achievement rating of 4 (Adequate achievement, 50-59%)
- Alternatively, four subjects that are chosen from the recognised 20-credit NSC subjects which are also known as ‘designated subject list’. These subjects include History, Consumer Studies, Information Technology, Accounting, Agricultural Sciences, Business Studies, Engineering Graphics and Design, Dramatic Arts, Economics and Geography.
- Then, you need languages, i.e. a language of learning and teaching at a higher institution of learning as well as two other language subjects that are recognised. Other subjects include Religion Studies, Visual Arts, Life Sciences, Mathematics, Music, Physical Sciences and Mathematical Literacy.
For the Diploma
- A minimum of National Senior Certificate based on Umalusi’s certification
- An achievement rating of 3 (moderate Achievement, 40-49%)
- Alternatively, you need four subjects that are recognised based on the NSC 20-credit subjects.
- For the Higher Certificate:
- A National Senior Certificate is the minimum admission requirement, and Umalusi must certify that.
University of Western Cape UWC application documents
As touching the documents that you would need while processing your online application UWC, you need to have the following:
1. Post-Matric learners
- Should you have written the NSC examination, the following are the documents that you would be required to submit:
- Certified copy of your identification document
- Certified copy of your NSC certificate or Senior Certificate
- If you have completed any studies, you need to provide proof with the academic records
- If you are improving on your NSC results, you will need proof also
- Submit an affidavit that states a brief description of your NSC/post-matric activities
Note that, as an applicant, if you are re-writing Grade 12 subjects, your application would be processed based on your current grade 12 results. And in case you have written Grade 12 more than once, then, you need to submit the combined results alongside your application.
2. Transfer students
- In case you are applying from a different higher institution of learning, the certified copies of these documents need to be submitted together with your application:
- Identification document
- Official academic transcript
- NSC Certificate or Senior Certificate
- Certificate of good conduct from your institution
- Yearbook descriptor/Module content for all modules that you have completed from your institution
Your Degree certificate if it applies to you
3. International Students
- You need to submit a confirmation letter that you have obtained from USAf that states your qualification to study at a University in South Africa, else, your application will not be responded to
- Certified copy of your Passport
- Universities South Africa (USAf) needs to evaluate your final school results
- You need to get a request for Exemption with Universities South Africa (USAf)
4. Post Graduate students
- Short Curriculum Vitae (CV)
- Official Academic Transcripts/record of results
- Certified copy of identification document
- If you are an international applicant, you need to submit a SAQA Evaluation Certificate as well as a certified copy of Passport
- A page letter of motivation
- If you are a Master or Doctoral applicant, you have to submit a short research intention
- Certified copies of degree certificates
If you are interested in the admission requirements for the programme of your choice before you continue with your UWC online application, you can also visit their official website to get detailed information.
What can you study at UWC?
The following are various UWC courses that any qualified candidate can study at the institution. They have been grouped based on their faculties.
Faculty of Arts
- Bachelor of Arts
- Bachelor of Theology (Full time and part-time)
- Bachelor of Library and Information Studies
Faculty of Community and Health Sciences
- Bachelor of Social Work
- BA Sport, Recreation and Exercise Science
- BSc Dietetics
- BSc Sport and Exercise Science
- BSc Occupational Therapy
- BSc Physiotherapy
- B Nursing
- BSc Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture
- BSc Complementary Health Science
- BCM Complementary Medicine: Naturopathy
- BCM Complementary Medicine: Phytotherapy
Faculty of Dentistry
- Bachelor of Dental Surgery
- Bachelor of Oral Health
Faculty of Education
- BEd Languages and Life Orientation
- BEd Languages and Mathematics
- BEd Languages and Social Sciences
- BEd Maths and Natural Sciences
- BEd Foundation Phase Teaching
- BEd Language and Life Orientation
- BEd Languages and Social Sciences
- BEd Maths & Languages
- BEd Natural Science and Maths
Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences
- Bachelor of Administration
- Bachelor of Commerce
- BCom Financial Accounting
- B Com Accounting
- B Com (Law)
- BEcon Development Economics
- BCom Human Resources
- BCom Economic
- BCom Management
Faculty of Law
- Bachelor of Laws (LLB) (5 years stream)
- Bachelor of Laws (LLB) (5 years stream)
Faculty of Natural Sciences
- BSc Environmental and Water Science
- BSc Biotechnology
- BSc Biodiversity and Conservation Biology
- BSc Medical Biosciences
- BSc Chemical Sciences;
- BSc Applied Geology
- BSc Mathematical & Statistical Science;
- BSc Computer Science
- BSc Physical Science
- Bachelor of Pharmacy
Post-graduate degree programmes
If you would like to pursue your post-graduate degree programme at the Institution, the following are some of the available courses.
Faculty of Community and Health Sciences
- M.Sc. Nutrition Management
- M.Sc. Occupational Therapy
- M.Sc. Occupational Therapy (Structured)
- M.Sc. Physiotherapy (Thesis)
- M.Sc. Public Health in Nutrition
- Master of Physiology
- MNursing (Thesis)
- MPH Public Health
- MPsych Clinical
- MPsych Counselling
- MSW Social Work (Thesis)
- MSc Biokinetics
- MSc Nutrition
- Master of Philosophy Sport for Development
- MA Biokinetics
- MA Child and Family Studies
- MA Child and Family Studies (Research)
- MA Psychology (Structured)
- MA Psychology (Thesis)
- MA Sport Recreation and Exercise Science
Faculty of Natural Sciences
- MPhil Intergrated Water Resource Management
- MPhil Population Studies
- MSc Petroleum Geology
- MSc Applied Geology
- MSc Biodiversity & Conservation Biology
- MSc Bioinformatics
- MSc Biotechnology (1St Enrl)
- MSc Chemical Science
- MSc Compt Finance
- MSc Computer Science
- MSc Environmental & Water Science
- MSc Mathematical Science
- MSc Mathematical Science
- MSc Mathematical Science
- MSc Medical Bioscience
- MSc Nanoscience
- MSc Pharmaceutical Science
- MSc Pharmacy Administration
- MSc Physical Science
- MSc Statistical Science
- Master of Clinical Pharmacy
Part-time courses
Across the faculties in the campus, these are some of the part-time courses which are are offered:
- Afrikaans-Nederlands
- Anthropology and sociology
- Dentistry: continuing professional development (CPD)
- Development studies
- Education
- English
- Geography and environmental studies
- History
- Information systems
- Land and agrarian studies
- Language and communication
- Law
- Library and information sciences
- Management
- Natural sciences
- Public administration
- Religion and theology
- Sport, recreation and exercise science
- Statistics
- Women’s and gender studies
- Xhosa
Note that to get information about other post-graduate courses at the Masters and PhD level, you can always visit the official website of the University to access all the programmes that they offer.
UWC residence application
As a new student, if you would like to stay in residence provided by the Institution, then, when you are filling your application form online, you need to indicate by ticking “yes” to the question on if you would require university residence. Remember that if you are considering that, you have to do so before the 31st of October.
University of the Western Cape contact details
In case you have complaints or inquiries on UWC registration or UWC fees that you want to make, or you need UWC prospectus 2020, the contact details including UWC contact number are given below:
University of the Western Cape,
Robert Sobukwe Road,
Bellville, 7535,
Republic of South Africa
Email address:
Telephone: +27 21 959 2911
With all the information that has been shared so far as touching UWC online application 2024-2025, you should have been armed with the requisite knowledge on how to pursue your dream of studying at the Institution.
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