University of Zululand UNIZULU Application 202-2022

University of Zululand UNIZULU Application Forms
University of Zululand UNIZULU Application Closing Date
University of Zululand UNIZULU Online Application
University of Zululand UNIZULU Online Application Forms
University of Zululand UNIZULU Undergraduate Online Application
University of Zululand UNIZULU Postgraduate Online Application
University of Zululand UNIZULU Undergraduate Application Forms
University of Zululand UNIZULU Postgraduate Application Forms
University of Zululand UNIZULU Application Status
University of Zululand UNIZULU Online Application Status
How to Apply to University of Zululand
University of Zululand UNIZULU Courses Offered
University of Zululand UNIZULU Bursaries Funding
University of Zululand UNIZULU Banking Details
University of Zululand UNIZULU NSFAS Funding
University of Zululand UNIZULU Fees Structure
University of Zululand UNIZULU Bursaries and Scholarships
University of Zululand UNIZULU Prospectus
University of Zululand UNIZULU Undergraduate Prospectus
University of Zululand UNIZULU Postgraduate Prospectus
University of Zululand UNIZULU Contact Address
University of Zululand UNIZULU Campuses
University of Zululand UNIZULU Admission Requirements
University of Zululand UNIZULU Registration Date
University of Zululand UNIZULU Online Registration
University of Zululand UNIZULU Faculties
University of Zululand UNIZULU Accommodation
University of Zululand UNIZULU Admission Point Score APS
University of Zululand UNIZULU Job Vacancies
University of Zululand UNIZULU Career
University of Zululand UNIZULU Graduation List
University of Zululand UNIZULU Graduation Ceremony Date
University of Zululand UNIZULU Student Portal Login
University of Zululand UNIZULU Blackboard Learn Login
This article contains information on the University of Zululand, UNIZULU Application form and Requirements for admission into Undergraduate Degree, Diploma Programmes and Postgraduate for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Applications are invited from suitably qualified SCHOOL LEAVERS, NON SCHOOL LEAVERS and SPECIAL CASES.
Application to UNIZULU is basically online OR offline depending on your preference by following the following steps stated below. To become a student at the University of Zululand, UNIZULU, you have to note the following:
1. Searching The University’s Academic Programmes
- The University of Zululand has two Campuses,
i. Richards Bay Campus that offers Certificates and Diploma academic
programmes and
ii. KwaDlangezwa Campus which offers Degree programmes - Please visit the Central Applications Office – CAO website at and click on the following links:
– Programmes and
– Programme list
2. Applying To Study
- GRADE 12 Learners, International and Transferring students may apply
- Candidates may apply online or download the application form from the CAO website.
- Please visit the Central Applications Office – CAO website at and click
on the following links:
– Apply and
– Apply now
4. Certified Copies Of The Following Documents Must Accompany Each Application:
- Identity Document
- diploma or degree certificate (if available)
- An academic record with conduct in respect of studies at another tertiary institution
- Proof of payment of the non-refundable application fee (see relevant fee above);
- Matric results/certificate
University of Zululand, UNIZULU Postgraduate Application Procedures
University of Zululand, UNIZULU Application for International Students
Before being permitted to register at UNIZULU, international students are required to show proof of:
- Valid passport and study permit
- SAQA verification certificate
- Proof of financial means (bank statements, bursaries, cash available/traveller’s cheque to
- cover envisaged living expenses during the sojourn in the Republic and to pay tuition fees)
It is strongly advised that foreign students approach the South African Embassy in their home countries for more information or requirements before they come to the Republic of South Africa to study. Alternatively, applicants may visit the Department of Home Affairs at
University of Zululand, UNIZULU Admission Requirements: 2024-2025
University of the University of Zululand, UNIZULU Admission Requirements: 2024-2025 for all the courses at the undergraduate, diploma and postgraduate level is updated every year.
Therefore, this article contains the full list of all the undergraduate and Postgraduate courses coupled with their general requirements.
For admission into programs of study at the University of Zululand, UNIZULU for any first degree or second degree, an applicant must have the following requirements for a successful admission.
Below is the UNIZULU admission Prospectus that contains the admission requirement needed for admission into University of Zululand, UNIZULU.
Each Faculty has its own specific requirements and prospective students are strongly advised to consult the admissions office for more information and advice on these requirements. Also see points calculation tables below to guide you on the calculation of points.
The minimum admission requirement is a National Senior Certificate (NSC) with a minimum of 30% in the language of learning and teaching of the higher education institution as certified by Umalusi, coupled with an achievement rating of 4 (Adequate Achievement, 50-59%) or better in four subjects chosen from the following recognized
20-credit NSC subjects (which will be known as the designated subject list):
(Accounting, Agricultural Sciences, Business Studies, Dramatic Arts, Economics, Engineering Graphics and Design, Geography, History, Consumer Studies, Information Technology, Consumer Studies, Information Technology, Languages (one language of learning and teaching at a higher, education institution and two other recognized language subjects), Life Sciences, Mathematics, Mathematical Literacy, Music, Physical Sciences, Religion Studies, Visual Arts)
An old Senior Certificate (obtained prior 2008) with an endorsement that the holder has complied with the minimum statutory matriculation requirements for admission to a bachelor’s degree study at a University in the Republic of South Africa
Applicants who do not meet the requirements in sub sections (a) and, (b) but obtained a Senior certificate/school leaving certificate from the matriculation examination or an equivalent certificate, and seek to qualify for conditional exemption, may be considered for academic programs specifying “Matric Exemption” provided that they are 23 years old and above and meet the other requirements.
In case of applications for “foreign” conditional exemption certificates, applicants can either apply via the University or directly to the Matriculation Board.
For detailed information, please consult the HESA-enrol website at
The minimum admission requirement is a National Senior Certificate (NSC) with a minimum of 30% in the language of learning and teaching of the higher education institution as certified by Umalusi, coupled with an achievement rating of 3 (Moderate Achievement, 40-49%) or better in four recognized NSC 20-credit subjects. In addition, applicants must have an achievement rating of 3 (40%) in Life Orientation; and an achievement rating of 3 (40%) in English as First Additional Language (FAL), or 4 (50%) in English as Home Language;
If an applicant holds a Senior Certificate with at least 5 subjects at Higher and or Standard Grade, such an applicant may be eligible to apply for a diploma program.
(Not applicable to students who wrote the new National Senior Certificate examination from 2008).
The minimum admission requirement is a National Senior Certificate (NSC) with a minimum of level 2 (30% or higher) in the language of learning and teaching of the higher education institution and one home language as certified by the Council for General and Further Education and Training (Umalusi). In addition, applicants must have four recognized NSC 20 credit subjects. Institutional and program needs may require appropriate combinations of recognized NSC subjects and levels of achievement. For example, an institution may determine that a Higher Certificate in Marketing requires in addition to the NSC a specified level of attainment in English and an associated recognized subject.
Points Are Calculated On The Best Six Subjects Excluding Life Orientation
List of Courses Offered at University of Zululand, UNIZULU: 2024-2025
The Accredited list of undergraduate, diploma and certificate courses offered at the University of Zululand, UNIZULU and their Requirements for 2024-2025 has been released and published here.
All interested aspirants or candidates who want to apply for admission in the school can now proceed and check below for the list of courses offered in University of Zululand, UNIZULU and their Requirements.
The general public and all those interested in studying at the University of Zululand, UNIZULU are hereby informed that the list of courses offered at the institution has been listed in the article and can be found below.
If you are looking for University of Zululand, UNIZULU then you are finally in the right place especially if you have been searching so hard for it. Today, one of our article which you are currently reading now contains the official list of all the courses offered at the University of Zululand, also known as UNIZULU.
Below is the University of Zululand Prospectus that contains the full details of all the undergraduate courses offered at the University of Zululand:
- Bachelor Of Social Work (Awdegi)
- Bachelor Of Library And Information Science -Blis (Aideg2)
- Bachelor Of Arts In Sociology (Asdeg1)
- Bachelor Of Arts In Psychology (Abdeg1)
- Bachelor Of Arts In Philosophy (Abdeg1)
- Bachelor Of Arts In Isizulu
- Bachelor Of Arts In Information Science (Aideg1)
- Bachelor Of Arts In General Linguistics (Abdeg1)
- Bachelor Of Arts In Environmental Planning & Development (Sgba01)
- Bachelor Of Arts In Correctional Studies (Ajdeg2)
- Bachelor Of Arts In Anthropology (Abdeg1)
- Bachelor Of Arts In Siswati
- Bachelor Of Arts In Sesotho
- Bachelor Of Arts Afrikaans (Abdeg1)
- Bachelor Of Art In Politics And International Studies
- Bachelor Of Art In German
- Bachelor Of Art In English
- Bachelor Of Art In Dual Major (Abdeg1)
- Bachelor Of Art In History
- Bachelor Of Art In Drama And Performance (Audeg2)
- Bachelor Arts In Tourism Studies (Ardeg1)
- Bachelar Of Art In Development Studies (Addeg1)
- Bachelar Of Art In Industrial Sociology
- Bachelar In Intercultural Communication (Acdeg1)
- Diploma In Community Work (Acw400)
- Diploma In Library And Information Science (Aidip1)
- Diploma In Media Studies (Acmdp1)
- Diploma In Public Relations Management
- Diploma In Recreation And Tourism (Pdrt)
- Accounting
- Accounting And Economics
- Accounting Science
- Bachelor Of Laws
- Banking & Business Management
- Banking And Insurance
- Business Management & Accounting
- Business Management & Economics
- Business Management & Human Resources Management
- Business Management And Insurance
- Economics And Banking
- Economics And Human Resources Management
- Economics And Insurance
- Management Information Systems
- Public Administration & Business Management
- Public Administration & Economics
- Public Administration & Human Resource Management
- Public Administration & Political Science
- Diploma In Logistics Management
- Diploma In Management Of Co-Operatives
- Diploma In Transport Management
- Higher Certificate In Accountancy
- National Higher Certificate In Marketing
- Early Childhood And Foundation Phase
- Economic & Management Sciences And Language Education
- Economic & Management Sciences And Life Orientation
- Life Orientation And Language Education
- Mathematics, Science And Technology Education
- Social Sciences & Language Education
- Postgraduate Certificate In Education
- Agribusiness Management
- Agronomy
- Animal Science
- Applied Mathematics And Computer Science
- Applied Mathematics And Hydrology
- Applied Mathematics And Mathematics
- Applied Mathematics And Physics
- Applied Mathematics And Statistics
- Biochemistry And Botany
- Biochemistry And Chemistry
- Botany And Geography
- Botany And Hydrology
- Chemistry And Computer Science
- Chemistry And Hydrology
- Chemistry And Mathematics
- Chemistry And Physics
- Chemistry And Zoology
- Computer Science And Hydrology
- Computer Science And Mathematics
- Computer Science And Physics
- Computer Science And Statistics
- Environmental Planning And Development – Sgba01
- Extension And Rural Development
- Geography And Hydrology
- Geography And Statistics
- Geography And Zoology
- Hospitality And Tourism – Sbsc56
- Human Movement Science And Physics
- Human Movement Science And Zoology
- Hydrology And Microbiology
- Hydrology And Physics
- Hydrology And Statistics
- Hydrology And Zoology
- Mathematics And Physics
- Mathematics And Statistics
- Microbiology And Human Movement Science
- Microbiology And Zoology
- Nursing
- Nursing In Education Administration
- Nursing In Education And Management
- Diploma In Hospitality Management
- Diploma In Sport And Exercise Technology
List of Postgraduate Courses Offered at University of Zululand, UNIZULU: 2024-2025
The Accredited list of Postgraduate diploma, masters and doctorate courses offered at the University of Zululand, UNIZULU and their Requirements for 2024-2025 has been released and published here.
All interested aspirants or candidates who want to apply for admission in the school can now proceed and check below for the list of Postgraduate diploma, masters and doctorate courses offered in University of Zululand, UNIZULU and their Requirements.
The general public and all those interested in studying at the University of Zululand, UNIZULU are hereby informed that the list of Postgraduate diploma, masters and doctorate courses offered at the institution has been listed in the article and can be found below.
If you are looking for University of Zululand, UNIZULU then you are finally in the right place especially if you have been searching so hard for it. Today, one of our article which you are currently reading now contains the official list of all the Postgraduate diploma, masters and doctorate courses offered at the University of Zululand, also known as UNIZULU.
Below is the University of Zululand Prospectus that contains the full details of all the Postgraduate diploma, masters and doctorate courses offered at the University of Zululand:
- Honours In International Relations (Ahon)
- Bachelor Of Arts Honours In Development Studies (Ahon07)
- Bachelor Of Arts Honours In Anthropology (Ahon06)
- Ba(Honours) In Communication Science (Ahon03)
- Ba Honours In Sociology
- Ba Honours In Recreation And Tourism
- Ba Honours In Psychology (Ahons18)
- Ba Honours In Philosophy (Ahon17)
- Ba Honours In Penology (Ahon05)
- Ba Honours In Information Science Bis (Ahon13)
- Ba Honours In History (Ahon12)
- Ba Honours In German (Ahon11)
- Ba Honours In Geography (Ahon10)
- Ba Honours In General Linguistics (Ahon09)
- Ba Honours In English (Ahon08)
- Ba Honours In Criminology (Ahon04)
- Ba Honours In Afrikaans (Ahon1)
- Ba Honours In African Languages And Culture (Ahon14)
- Master Of Social Work (Amas23)
- Master Of Recreation And Tourism (Mrt)
- Master Of Arts In Sociology (Amas26)
- Master Of Arts In Recreation And Tourism (Ma)
- Master Of Arts In Recreation And Tourism – Coursework (Mrt)
- Master Of Arts In Political Science (Amas30)
- Master Of Arts In Philosophy (Amas17)
- Master Of Arts In International Relations (Amas31)
- Master Of Arts In Information Science (Mlis) (Amas13)
- Master Of Arts In History (Amas12 )
- Master Of Arts In Geography (Amas10)
- Master Of Arts In English (Amas08)
- Master Of Arts In Development Studies (Amas07)
- Master Of Arts In Criminology (Amas04)
- Master Of Arts In Counselling Psychology (Amas19)
- Master Of Arts In Community Work (Amas24)
- Master Of Arts In Communication Science (Amas03)
- Master Of Arts In Clinical Psychology (Amas18)
- Master Of Arts In Anthropology (Amas06)
- Master Of Arts In Afrikaans (Amas01)
- Master Of Arts Degree (Amas14)
- Doctorate Of Philosophy In Geography (Adph10)
- Doctor Of Philosophy In Tourism And Research (D.Phil.)
- Doctor Of Philosophy In Sociology (Adph26)
- Doctor Of Philosophy In Social Work (Adph23)
- Doctor Of Philosophy In Recreation And Tourism (D.Phil.)
- Doctor Of Philosophy In Political Science (Aphd30)
- Doctor Of Philosophy In Philosophy (Aphd17)
- Doctor Of Philosophy In International Relations (Aphd31)
- Doctor Of Philosophy In Information Science (Phd Lis) (Adph13)
- Doctor Of Philosophy In Industrial Sociology (Adph27)
- Doctor Of Philosophy In History (Adph12)
- Doctor Of Philosophy In English (Adph08)
- Doctor Of Philosophy In Development Studies (Adph07)
- Doctor Of Philosophy In Community Psychology Aec800 (Aphd20)
- Doctor Of Philosophy In Communication Science (Adph03)
- Doctor Of Philosophy In Anthropology (Adph06)
- Doctor Of Philosophy In Afrikaans (Adph01)
- Doctor Of Philosophy (Adph14)
- Degree Of Doctor Of Literature And Philosophy
- Master Of Public Administration
- Master Of Laws (Llm)
- Master Of Commerce In Economics
- Master Of Commerce Business Management
- Doctor Of Laws
- Doctor Of Commerce Public Administration
- Doctor Of Commerce Economics
- Doctor Of Commerce Business Management
- Mathematics/ Science/ Technology/ Environmental Education
- Education Honours (Special Education Needs)
- Education Honours (Educational Psychology)
- Education (Honours) (Education Support Services)
- Bachelor Of Education (Honours)
- Baccalaureus Educationis Honours (Primary Education Science)
- Support Services
- Research Methodology
- Educational Psychology
- Curriculum And Instructional Studies- Masters
- Agriculture – Agribusiness/Extension
- Agriculture – Animal Science
- Agronomy
- Applied Mathematics
- Botany
- Chemistry
- Computer Science
- Geography
- Human Movement Science
- Hydrology
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Zoology
- Agriculture
- Applied Mathematics
- Biochemistry
- Botany
- Computer Science
- Geography
- Human Movement Science
- Nursing Science
- Physics
- Zoology
- Agriculture
- Biochemistry
- Botany
- Computer Science
- Geography
- Human Movement Science
Apply Online to Other Universities in South Africa
University of Cape Town UCT Online Application 2024-2025
University of Fort Hare UFH Online Application 2024-2025
University of the Free State UFS Online Application 2024-2025
University of KwaZulu-Natal UKZN Online Application 2024-2025
University of Limpopo UL Online Application 2024-2025
North-West University NWU Online Application 2024-2025
University of Pretoria UP Online Application 2024-2025
Rhodes University RU Online Application 2024-2025
University of Stellenbosch Online Application 2024-2025
University of the Western Cape UWC Online Application 2024-2025
University of the Witwatersrand WITS Online Application 2024-2025
Mpumalanga University MPU Online Application 2024-2025
Sol Plaatje University SPU Online Application 2024-2025
Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences SMU Online Application 2024-2025
University of Johannesburg UJ Online Application 2024-2025
Nelson Mandela Metropolitan NMU University Application 2024-2025
University of South Africa UNISA Online Application 2024-2025
University of Venda UNIVEN Online Application 2024-2025
Walter Sisulu University WSU Online Application 2024-2025
Cape Peninsula University of Technology CPUT Online Application 2024-2025
Central University of Technology CUT Online Application 2024-2025
Durban University of Technology DUT Online Application 2024-2025
Mangosuthu University of Technology MUT Online Application 2024-2025
Tshwane University of Technology TUT Online Application 2024-2025
Vaal University of Technology VUT Online Application 2024-2025
Following are the Private Universities and Colleges Online Application 2018 in South Africa-
The South African School of Motion Picture Medium and Live Performance Application
Auckland Park Theological Seminary Online Application
Baptist Theological College of Southern Africa Online Application
Boston City Campus and Business College Online Application
Cornerstone Institute Online Application
CTI Education Group Online Application
Doxa Deo School of Divinity Online Application
George Whitefield College Online Application
IMM Graduate School of Marketing Online Application
Inscape Design College Online Application
Management College of Southern Africa Online Application
Midrand Graduate Institute Online Application
Milpark Business School Online Application
Oval Education International Online Application
Qualitas Career Academy Online Application
Monash South Africa Online Application
Regenesys Business School Online Application
South African Theological Seminary Online Application
St Augustine College of South Africa Online Application
Stenden University South Africa Online Application
Varsity College Online Application