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Victoria Park High School Online Application 2024-2025

Victoria Park High School Online Application 2024-2025

The Victoria Park High School Online Application is open from 1 April to 30 November.

Victoria Park High School would like to inform all prospective students, Parents and Guardians to apply online or  download the Victoria Park High School Application Form PDF from the link provided below.

Students who are seeking admission at Victoria Park High School need to apply at the soonest notice via the Online Application Portal which is accessible through the online application tool. This tool is specifically designed for the following purposes:

  • First-time Victoria Park High School applicants
  • Victoria Park High School students changing to a new qualification and / or specialization
  • Applicants who previously applied for admission and were not offered a space or who were offered a space, accepted the offer and did not register
  • students completing a higher certificate or any other programme and who wish to continue with further undergraduate studies

How to Apply Victoria Park High School Online Application 2024-2025

Before commencing your Victoria Park High School Online Application Procedure, you should make sure that you possess the following details:

  • An email address ( must be working ) – This will be used to confirm your application and to communicate the status of your application.
  • South African Applicants will need to provide a South African Identification Number.
  • International Students will need to provide their Passport Numbers.

An advertisement (Grade 8 only) will appear in the Herald and on the school’s web page stating the availability of the forms. The forms may be collected from the Admissions Secretary at the school. These forms will be made available between 07:30 and 15:00 Monday to Thursday and on Friday between 07:30 and 14:00.


Application forms may be down loaded from our web page, but the completed original application form (hard copy) and necessary documentation must be delivered to the secretary’s office.

Grade 8

Application forms will be delivered to schools named below for distribution to Grade 7 learners.

The forms will be available on the 2nd Monday of February with a return date for the completed forms by no later than the 2nd Friday of March of the same year.

Grade 9 –10

Application forms are available from the 2nd Monday of June with a return date for the completed application to be no later than the last day in July.

Grade 9-11 Applications will only be considered if and when a vacancy occurs in the relevant grade.

Grade 11 Application forms are only available at the Principal’s discretion.

Grade 12 Application forms are not available for this grade.


The age requirements for admission have been published in General Notice 2433 (Government Gazette 19377) of 19 October 1998.

The Governing Body of VICTORIA PARK HIGH SCHOOL will adhere to these requirements when considering a learner’s application.

As a guideline, the appropriate age for the admission of a learner is:

Grade Age


13 -14 years


15 years


16 years


17 years



A learner who is 16 years of age or older and who has never attended a formal high school and who is seeking admission for the first time or has not made sufficient progress within his or her peer group, must be advised to enroll at an Adult Basic Education and Training (ABET) Centre.


In principle, learners should progress with their peer groups. The norm for repetition is one year per school phase where necessary. Multiple repetition in one grade is not permissible.


The Governing Body of Victoria Park High School does not apply zoning, but due consideration is given to learners who live within the area.


The Governing Body and the Principal of Victoria Park High are bound by the constitution of the country to ensure that all applications will be treated fairly. However, it must be appreciated that by virtue of the number of applications received, not all applicants will be accepted and some fair process of selection is inevitable.

The selection criteria are as follows:

1.Learners with siblings who are attending VPHS

2.Learners to whom VPHS is the closest school (criteria for admission is at the discretion of the SGB and the Principal)

3.Learners who have shown sound behavioral qualities and academic effort

4.Learners who participate in extra mural activities (sporting & cultural activities)

5.Learners who are age appropriate for the grade

6.Learners who reside permanently with their parents/legal guardian/s


On receipt of the completed admission form, the form will be checked for accuracy.

The Admissions Secretary at Victoria Park High School has been appointed by the Principal to liaise with the parents of prospective new applicants.


1.Copies (not the originals) of the documents, as per the list below, must accompany this application.

2.NB. The application must be signed by both parent/s, guardian or sponsor (where applicable).

Documents required: NBPhotostat copies will not be made at the school office

I.D. Photograph of Learner

Certified Copy of birth certificate of the learner

Latest school report

Copies of BOTH PARENTS’ identity documents

In the case of a Legal Guardian,

a copy of the Guardian’s identity document

a copy of the legal court appointment document

Proof of address where Learner resides (only the utility bill or a bank statement will be accepted)

Death certificate of deceased parent (where applicable)

Copies of SCHOOL FEE ACCOUNT PAYER’S I.D. document, if not the parent

 Valid residence permit  Valid study permit  Valid passport (where applicable)

The SGB will make use of various avenues to authenticate the information provided. This information will be used when the decision is made in the acceptance of the applicant.


The following documents will be required on the first day of attendance

 Transfer form

 Portfolio of work


The current school, where the learner is a pupil, will be contacted to ascertain academic achievement, sporting achievements, behaviour and family conduct.

Once all the above issues have been considered and the applicant is successful, the Principal will telephonically contact the parents of the applicant and confirm the applicant’s acceptance as a learner at Victoria Park High School.

Confirmation of this acceptance and all the necessary paperwork will be sent via email.


All correctly completed application forms are filed and are kept on a waiting list for the current year.


No fee will be charged on collection of the application form.

On Acceptance

Once the learner has been accepted, a non- refundable payment is required in order to secure the placement of the learner at VPHS. This deposit is payable within two weeks of receiving notification of acceptance. (This fee will be revised each year in accordance with current trends).

This payment can be made at our Bursar’s office, swipe card facilities are available, or via EFT payment. Our banking details are;


Standard Bank


05 04 17 00 (Rink Street)


080 34 0024


Learner’s surname and initials 2019


Victoria Park High School is a Proudly Fee Paying School.

In terms of Section 39 of the South African Schools Act, the parties to the application form are liable to pay compulsory school fees as adopted and ratified by the majority of parents at an annual general meeting held at Victoria Park High School.

According to this Act, both parents are jointly and severally responsible for the payment of school fees irrespective of any divorce or maintenance agreement in place. Further, in terms of Section 40 and 41 of the same act, the Governing Body may enforce the payment of these compulsory school fees.

In the event of the school fees being the subject of a non-payment issue, the SGB reserves the right to conduct an enquiry and or credit search with a credit information bureau. Parents who fail to meet their school fee obligations will be listed with the credit information bureau.


A month’s written notice is required in the event of a learner leaving VPHS. Should written notice not be given, a month’s school fees in lieu of notice will apply.


On acceptance, the learner will be required to abide by the code of conduct as determined by the Principal and the Governing Body.


The Principal and Governing Body must inform all parents regarding their rights and obligations.

Parents have a right to be informed of;

The governance and affairs of the school

The process of deciding the school budget

Any decisions of a parent meeting relating to school fees

To receive all notifications relating to school matters

Parents have an obligation;

To support their children in upholding the Code of Conduct

To support the Principal and the staff in upholding the Code of Conduct

To make sure the learner attends school regularly.

To make every effort to pay their school fees diligently and in so doing, their child will benefit from the services offered by the school. VPHS is a PROUDLY fee paying school

To attend any meetings as requested by the Principal/Teachers/SGB.

To apply Victoria Park High School Online Application 2024-2025

Contact the institution regarding information on its admission using the details below:

Application Portal:

Students who are unable to apply online can download a hard copy of the Victoria Park High School Application Form in PDF Format from the links provided below.

Victoria Park High School Application Forms 2024-2025

Victoria Park High School Contact Details | See details below…

Cnr Victoria Park Drive & 1st Avenue

Walmer, Port Elizabeth

South Africa, 6070

P.O. Box 5868
Walmer, Port Elizabeth
South Africa, 6065

Application procedure
The following recommendations are for the benefit of applicants.

When to apply

Applications should be submitted as early as possible in the applications cycle, which commences in April of each year.



See List of Other High Schools Within Eastern Cape