Walter Sisulu University NSFAS Application 2024-2025

Walter Sisulu University NSFAS 2024-2025 – See Details Below:
The National Student Financial Aid Scheme
Do you come from a poor or working-class family with a combined household income of not more than R350 000 per annum?
The Department of Higher Education and Training has a bursary designed to assist you with funding towards a tertiary qualification of your choice. The bursary is administered by the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) and is available for persons who wish to or are studying at a public institution of higher education and training (university or TVET college).
- Students from families with a combined household income of not more than R350,000 per annum, registering at TVET colleges and universities for the first time,
- Students returning to TVET colleges and universities to complete or continue their first undergraduate qualification. Only select postgraduate qualifications are funded, please refer to the website for the full list.
- Students from families with a combined household income of up to R122,000 returning to TVET colleges and universities after a gap year or two to complete their first undergraduate qualification.
- Students from families who are recipients of child support grants or disability grants administered through the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) will automatically qualify for NSFAS funding.
- Orphans will automatically qualify for NSFAS funding, provided there is confirmation of their status.
What the bursary covers
NSFAS funding covers the actual cost of tuition plus prescribed learning materials -this means the tuition fee for the specific programme that the student is registered for; these fees differ depending on the field of study (for example, engineering, medicine, art, or history) and the institution that the student is admitted to.
It is dependent on the eligibility of subsidised accommodation and living costs including meals. The bursary funding is for the duration of the study and does not require any repayment.
Upon qualifying for the NSFAS bursary, a beneficiary is required to sign an NSFAS Bursary Agreement with terms and conditions. Beneficiaries will then be expected to:
- Comply with all academic requirements as set by institutions.
- Attend and participate in lectures, tutorials and academic support programmes as required by the institution;
- Complete all set assignments and/or tasks as required in terms of the due performance requirements of the Institution;
- Undergo all tests and examinations (written and oral) as required in terms of the due performance requirements of the institution;