Walter Sisulu University WSU Online Registration 2024-2025

Walter Sisulu University WSU Registration 2024-2025 – See Details Below:
- Registration with the University
All students must first be admitted by the University, before registration with the Faculty of Health Sciences.
Foreign students should ensure that their study permits remain valid. (For details please consult the Admissions and Registration Office).
- Registration of Undergraduate Students with Relevant Professional Bodies
Medical students must register with Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) as Medical Students, at the beginning of the first year of study. A student who resumes his/her professional studies after an interruption of more than one year is required to renew registration with the Council.
Medical Finalist Students
At the beginning of the final year of study, the student shall register as a Student Intern with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA).
On completion of the MBChB degree, the student shall be required to register with HPCSA as Intern in Medicine.
On completion of Bachelor of Medicine in Clinical Practice degree, the student shall be required to register with HPCSA as a Clinical Associate.
This registration should be processed immediately after the Oath-taking Ceremony before the student leaves the University – to enable completion and signing of registration forms by all parties concerned.
Nursing students
All students are required to register with the South African Nursing Council at the beginning of the first year and should be a member of Nursing Organisation for indemnity. Registration and membership must be maintained throughout the course.
Students from the nursing profession are expected to submit proof of registration with the South African Nursing Council and any Professional Organisation/Association in South Africa.
It is compulsory for all Faculty of Health Sciences undergraduate students to have received a full course of Hepatitis B immunization by the end of March of their first year or study. Students must submit written proof of full course vaccination for hepatitis B, to respective departmental secretaries, before the first semester examinations. Failure to comply will result in the student not been allowed to attend those courses/ modules that require clinical exposure. The vaccination can be obtained from a health centre or a general practitioner.
A student who needs financial assistance or who has a letter of guarantee from a sponsor, should report to Financial Aid Bureau before registration.
Refer to General University Prospectus
Student identification cards are issued at the Admissions Office and should be visibly displayed at all times by all students.
The Guidance and Counselling Unit provides a supportive environment in which students clarify and attain their educational, personal and career objectives. The Unit helps students cope with academic demands by offering personal, career and educational counselling services. In responding to the needs of our students the Unit encourages cooperation and communication with the academic and administrative sections of the university.
The Unit provides services in the following broad spheres:
Personal and group Counselling
We help students acquire self-understanding, relate effectively to their environment, relate to university life expectations, make personal decisions and be responsible for their actions, become critical independent thinkers and doers and cope with any life problems or challenges.
Academic Support
We provide programmes designed to help students develop effective study skills, work skills and collaborate with faculties and departments in addressing student academic needs.
Career Planning
We provide students with skills necessary in making informed decisions about careers, personal growth and self-realisation experiences that would prepare them for the world of work.
Life skills
The Unit offers programmes that help develop and enhance the individual’s self concept and his/ her relationship to the people around him/ her. We encourage students not just to learn for a job but to learn for life.
The purpose of orientation programme in the Faculty of Health Sciences is to introduce new students to the functioning of the university and the Faculty, the curriculum, the staff members, the lay-out of the campus, academic support services and to assist them with general adjustment to the academic and personal demands of university life. Orientation is run for first year students from medicine, nursing science and health promotion. It is usually conducted during the first week of February, immediately after the interviews.
Orientation Programme
Orientation is run for a week and the following items are included:
Welcome address by the Dean WSU Health Sciences Curriculum
Student input on problem-based learning (PBL) and community-based education (CBE) Input from first year coordinators
- Input from staff on first year curriculum
- Study skills and resources
- Time Management
- Stress Management
- Adjustment to university life
- Sexual harassment at WSU
- Library Services
- Residence rules and regulations
- Rural Support Network
- Tour of Campus
- Entertainments in the evening at the residences
- Introducing mentors to mentees
Mentoring at the Faculty of Health Sciences is designed mainly to provide first year health science students (mentees) with the opportunity to meet regularly to discuss the social and academic issues with their senior peers (mentors) who had already gone through the first year level. The faculty emphasises that mentors are an additional source of support for mentees and are not intended to replace the normal relationship and functions offered by lecturers, tutors and other members of faculty.
Mentor Selection and Training
Applications are invited at the beginning of the year from senior students. Mentors are selected by the Mentoring committee based on the selection criteria: good communication skills, good interpersonal skills, leadership skills and fair academic soundness.
The mentoring co-ordinator and student guidance unit usually conduct three training sessions. During training, mentors are given specific guidelines on mentoring.
Mentor/Mentee Allocations
This is done on the last day of the orientation after giving sufficient guidelines to the mentees.
Mentoring Evaluation
There is a formal mid-term evaluation every year. There are several other informal evaluations done by the mentoring co-ordinator. Mentoring winding up programme for the year is done usually in the first week of October.
At the commencement, all Faculty of Health Sciences first year students will make a declaration of conduct.
On completion of their studies, medical clinical associates and medical final year graduands shall subscribe to a declaration (Hippocratic Oath) which precedes the graduation ceremony.
On completion of the programme, nursing students are expected to undertake a Nurse’s Pledge of Service.