Waterfall College Hillcrest Application – Fees and Subjects 2024-2025
Waterfall College Hillcrest Main Page – see details below:
Waterfall College Subjects Offered
Waterfall College Subjects Offered – see the list of courses offered at Waterfall College…
Find out more about the following subjects offered at Waterfall College:
English Afrikaans
isiZulu Mathematics & Mathematical Literacy
Accounting Physical Sciences
Life Sciences Geography
History Business Studies
Consumer Studies Dramatic Arts
Design Extra Lessons
Waterfall College Application Form
Waterfall College Application Form – see details below to apply…
General Admissions Information Grade 8 – 12
Thank you for your interest in Waterfall College. To start your application process, download the forms here. Please complete them and email to info@waterfallcollege.co.za, together with the necessary documentation. We will then be in touch to confirm receipt.
Applications for 2024-2025 are still being considered, based on space available.
Banking Details:
Waterfall College
BRANCH NAME: Hillcrest
REFERENCE: Student Surname, First Name
Contact details: Tel: 031 710 1830 Fax: 086 562 2786
Email: info@waterfallcollege.co.za
Westville Boys High School Main Page – see details below:
Westville Boys High School Subjects Offered
Westville Boys High School Subjects Offered – see the list of courses offered at Westville Boys High School…
– Grade 10-12 Subjects (Further Education and Training phase) –
In the third term all Grade 9 pupils – in consultation with their parents and the School – must select a course of study comprising 7 subjects.
Subject choices made in Grade 9 should be about choosing subjects according to academic strengths and interests while keeping options open for sound and informed tertiary study. Subjects should be chosen to ensure a good all-round education, for growth, development and a future of ongoing learning. Subject choices should not be solely about future careers, although the process is obviously connected to later study and career choice.
At WBHS, every learner’s package must include:
- English Home Language
- A First Additional Language (this could be either Afrikaans or isiZulu)
- Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy (see “Notes”)
- Life Orientation (see “Notes”)
- Physical Science (see “Notes”)
In addition, pupils must choose any two other subjects from the following list:
- Accounting
- Dramatic Arts (formerly Drama)
- Engineering Graphics & Design (formerly Technical Drawing)
- Geography
- History
- Life Sciences (formerly Biology)
- Visual Arts (formerly Art)
There can be no guarantee that a course requested will be automatically granted, places are awarded on academic merit. Pupils and parents will receive thorough counselling to assist them make the correct choice.
Subjects from this list will be offered only if:
- There is sufficient demand to constitute a viable class (at least 25 pupils)
- The requisite staff are available & the subject combination can be accommodated in the timetable
Pupils may also choose to study an eighth or ninth subject, provided that they can secure the services of a registered practitioner. The cost of any additional subject(s) offered for the National Senior Certificate (Matric) will be borne by the parents of that pupil.
Additional subjects may be chosen from the following list:
- An approved Additional Language
- Computer Applications Technology
- Information Technology
This is essentially an exploratory phase incorporating the following subjects in Grades 8 and/or 9:
Subjects Assessed
Language, Literacy and Communication
Natural Sciences
Social Sciences
Economic and Management Sciences
Arts and Culture
Life Orientation
(English Home language)
(Additional Language: Afrikaans)
(Additional Language: isiZulu)
(General Science)
(Speech & Drama)
(Design Technology)
(Counselling in Personal Development & Health)
(Social Development & Religious Education)
(Physical Development & Sport)
Subjects not assessed
(Computer Literacy)
How do I apply to Westville Boys’ High School?
Westville Boys’ High School is currently accepting applications for 2024-2025.
Please ensure that you apply to more than one high school as there is a limit to the number of boys we are able to accommodate each year.In order for your son to apply to Westville Boys’ High School and to be considered, please download and complete the application form below. You are required to please return the original filled in application form to the school along with the following certified documents:
- 2 x copies of unabridged birth certificate (or the receipt of application made).
- Your sons latest school report.
- Your latest rates, telephone and electricity accounts (Affidavits or lease agreements are not accepted). If these are not available, please submit your official Tax Assessment (less than one year old); valid television licence document or a bank statement (less than three months old). At least 2 of the above mentioned documents need to be submitted.
- 2 x passport sized colour photographs of your son (ensure his name is on the back)
- Proof of immunizations
- Identity documents of both parents – Should either parent be deceased, a copy of the death certificate is required.
No application fee is payable. However, a deposit will be payable only on acceptance.
Waterfall College Contact Details – see details below:
Physical Address: 111 Ngwele Road, Hillcrest
Waterfall Schools
Registration number: 2004/030193/08
Tel: 031 710 1813/083 378 5474
E-mail: info@waterfallpreprimary.co.za
Website: www.waterfallpreprimary.co.za
Postal address: PO Box 1330, Linkhills, 3652
Tel: 031 710 1814
E-mail: hello@waterfallprep.co.za
Website: www.waterfallprep.co.za
Postal address: PO Box 1890, Link Hills, 3652
Tel: 031 710 1830
E-mail: info@waterfallcollege.co.za
Website: www.waterfallcollege.co.za
Postal address: PO Box 1890, Link Hills, 3652