Where To Buy MRE Meals In South Africa 2024-2025

The Meal, Ready-to-Eat is a self-contained, individual field ration in lightweight packaging bought by the United States Department of Defense for its service members for use in combat or other field conditions where other food is not available.
While MREs should be kept cool, they do not need to be refrigerated.
Where To Buy MRE Meals In South Africa
Brick and Morter Stores
How do I order MRE meals?

Where to find them?
Someone in the military: if you know someone active in the military, there’s a chance they can get some MREs for you.
Army Surplus Stores: you can almost always find MREs at these places.
Gun shows: you can usually find MREs at a local gun show.
How long does an MRE last?
five years
MREs are famous for their long life span, with most MREs having a shelf-life of up to five years.
They’re pre-made and ready to eat immediately, and don’t require any refrigeration. All they need is to be stored in a safe, dry area that’s not affected by extreme temperatures.
Can you eat before an MRE?
To prepare for your MR Enterography, don’t eat or drink anything beginning 6 hours before your scheduled exam.
It is ok to have a small sip of water with any medications you need to take. Arrive at the MRI Department 1 hour before the time your exam is scheduled for.
What do you drink for MRE?
Before the exam you will be asked to drink approximately 1 liter (3 bottles) of a liquid called Volumen. This will help distend the bowel so it can be better visualized during the MRI. During the exam you will be given an injection of contrast fluid called gadolinium.