University of Zambia Campuses

University of Zambia Campuses Addresses and Telephone Numbers

University of Zambia Campuses; See details on University of Zambia Campuses

The University of Zambia has two campuses, namely Great East Road Campus and Ridgeway Campus.

Great East Road Campus
The Main University Campus is situated on the south side of the Great East Road about nine (9) kilometres from the city centre in Lusaka. With an area of about 290 hectares, the campus is on a fairly level site and much of the property has been brought into use for academic and residential purposes. The following schools are located at this main campus; School of Education, School of Law, School of Natural Sciences, School of Humanties and Social sciences, School of Engineering, School of Mines, School of Agricultural Sciences and Samora Machel School of Veterinary Medicine

Addresses and Telephone Numbers
Location: Central Administration Block Great East Road Campus, Lusaka
Postal Address: P.O. Box 32379, Lusaka

Vice-Chancellor: +26 021 125 0871
Deputy Vice-Chancellor: +26 021 125 4408
Registrar: +26 021 125 1593
Bursar: +26 021 125 4863
Academic Office: +26 021 129 5220

Telegrams and Cables: UNZA Lusaka
Telex: UNZALU ZA 44370
Fax: +26 021 125 3952


The Ridgeway Campus is situated near the University Teaching Hospital on John Mbita Road, and is about nine hectares in extent. The Campus is about four kilometers from city centre in Lusaka and about seven kilometres from the Great east road campus. The school of Medicine is lacated here.

Postal Address:
Unza Ridgeway Campus:
P.O Box 50110

School of Medicine: +26 021 125 2641

Agricultural Sciences +26 021 125 0587
Education +26 021 125 1381
Engineering +26 021 129 2792
Graduate School of Business +26 097 771 7137
Health Sciences
Humanities and Social Sciences +26 021 129 3348
Law +26 021 125 0733
Medicine +26 021 125 2641
Mines +26 021 125 4086
Natural Sciences +26 021 125 4406
Nursing Sciences
Public Health
Veterinary Medicine +26 021 125 3727
Centre for Information and Communication Technologies +26 021 1293212
Research and Graduate Studies +26 021 129 0258
Quality Assurance