Moi University Courses And Cluster Grade Points 2024-2025
Moi University Courses And Cluster Grade Points 2024-2025
Welcome to , on this page you will find details on Moi University Courses And Cluster Grade Points 2024-2025. It is our aim to provide this information as accurately as possible. Kindly check out our top pages on KUCCPS Admission letters 2024-2025 – KUCCPS Admission Lists 2024-2025 – Fees Structure for All Institutions – 2024-2025 Intake for Schools and List of Courses Offered .
Details on Moi University Courses And Cluster Grade Points 2024-2025 is presented below. Kindly leave any questions or enquiries in the comment section and we shall reply to you directly. Enjoy your read on Moi University Courses And Cluster Grade Points 2024-2025 !.
Moi University Courses And Cluster Points; See details on Moi University Courses And Cluster Points 2024-2025
Details of Moi University courses and Cluster Points for the academic year. This post describes the University Cluster Points of various courses for the academic year
There are certain criteria to be observed before being admitted to study in any of the courses in Moi University. One of these which include meeting the required cut-off points for each school as well as the courses itself. It is very easy to obtain admission if one has met the required cut off mark for the admission into a particular course…..
The above formula is handy when calculating weight cluster points, below are some of the main critical denotations represented
Symbol Meaning
w Weighted Cluster Point
c Raw Cluster Point
a Aggregate Cluster Point
m Maximum performance index per cluster for all students and subjects
r Raw cluster performance index per cluster for all subjects enrolled
api Aggregate performance index
spi Maximum performance index
MU Cluster points directly affect students eligibility for a particular course enrolled.
Different tertiary institutions use different cluster even for similar classes.
These dynamics collectively necessitate the need for students to determine their cluster points before settling on a particular course of study.
Group Subjects Selection Recommended
Group I
- Mathematics Compulsory 3
- English
- Kiswahili
- Group II Physics At least two 2
- Chemistry
- Biology
- Group III Geography At least one 1
- History & Govt
- Hindu Rel. Ed
- Group IV Aviation
- Comp Studies
- Woodwork
- Metal Work
- Electricity
- Art and design
- Power mechanics
- Building and construction
- Group V German
- Arabic
- French
- Business studies
- Music
Every academic course offered in higher learning require a minimum of four primary subjects. For this reason, cluster point calculation encompasses these subjects irrespective of its group. Below is a breakdown of KCSE grading points.
Grade Points
A 12, A- 11, B+ 10, B 9, B- 8, C+ 7, C 6, C- 5, D+ 4, D 3, D- 2, E 1
Raw cluster points are calculated using four grading subjects concerning the course cluster points
Subject Grade Grading points
- Mathematics A- 11
- Physics B- 8
- B 9 Chemistry
- Business studies A- 11
- 39 -raw cluster points
These dynamics collectively necessitate the need for students to determine their cluster points before settling on a particular course of study.
However If You can’t still understand the Moi University Cluster points for courses, You are free to drop a comment below. Don’t forget to subscribe below so as to not miss important news. Good luck!!!
It is my wish to get to this university and study nursing but no idea how.i have completed my highschool education and no one to help me
I don’t know how to get the cluster point am interested in joining moi university
I’m Collins, I had aB+of 72points math A, PhyA-, chemB+, BioB, engB… Can I do medicine, clinical medicine, civil engineering, biomedical engineering at moi…. Help me to choose?
IAM really confused ,, I don’t what to do after passing . I am looking forward to join moi University but. Afraid I may left out.
Bed arts and degreein nursing
i need to join this university to pursue education
What are the cut-off points for bachelor of science (applied statistics with computing) for 2020/21 KCSE candidates placement
What are the cut-off points for bachelor of science (applied statistics with computing) for 2020/21 KCSE candidates placement
I don’t how to calculate cluster points for a diploma in business management
I got a B+ of 68 points maths B-,English B, Chemistry C+ and Biology A- can i persue nursing in this University
Together in this,,, calculate your cluster points
I am Mary Abura l got B- of 55points,MatC+,Bio B-,Chem B-,Eng C-,Kis C+ and l want to take a course in nursing or pharmacy am l able to qualify for such courses please help me to know
It’s impossible bcoz you failed in ENGLISH
I want to join Moi Eldoret to undertake aviation but I don`t know the required cluster points.
I scored mean grade of B-with maths c.chemc.Bio B- Agriculture A- kisw c. Eng c- histo A-CRE A- , please help me with any course to pursue
I got a mean grade of B of 64 points
Eng C+
Mat B-
Chem B+
Bio B+
Phyc A_
Geo A-
Will qualify to take nursing in this university
I scored B plain
maths C+
kiswahili B+
Biology B+
Chemistry Bplain
will I qualify for nursing course
I got a B+ of 68; B+ in chem. A in phic A- in biology B- in mathematics ,A- in agri. B+ in kiswahili ,B- in English can I qualify for medicine or pharmacy or which other is good for me in health related courses.
I scored a67B+,,chemB-,kisB,,bioA-,, mathsB- can I get a chance to pursue nursing in moi university