JKUAT Nakuru Campus Short Courses & KASNEB Courses
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Details on Jomo Kenyatta University JKUAT Admissions and Intake 2024-2025 is presented below. Kindly leave any questions or enquiries in the comment section and we shall reply to you directly. Enjoy your read on Jomo Kenyatta University JKUAT Admissions and Intake 2024-2025 !.
JKUAT Nakuru Campus Short Courses & KASNEB Courses | JKUAT Nakuru Campus Short Courses & KASNEB Courses | JKUAT Nakuru Campus Short Courses Courses | JKUAT Nakuru Campus KASNEB Courses
Short Courses in collaboration with JKUATES
JKUAT Enterprises Ltd (JKUATES) is a State Corporation operating as a limited company, fully owned by Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT).
Its objectives include:
• To enhance entrepreneurial activity through the latest innovations in technological research.
• To provide practical solutions for business problems by drawing on resource personnel from various disciplines in JKUAT.
• To link the University with industry, government, the public and other stakeholders and to provide a forum for networking to propel development.
• To market the University’s innovations.
• Consultancy
The company undertakes its functions in line with the above objectives through various ways and means. The client base is wide and varied across all industries and businesses, governments and organizations, institutions and parastatals, agencies and individuals.
Bellow are courses offered in JKUAT Nakuru Campus in collaboration with JKUATES.
- Cisco-(CCNA1-CCNA4)
- Web Design
- Digital Marketing
- Computer Repair and Maintenance
- Computer Packages
- Accounting Technician(ATC) -Level I & II
- Certificate Public Accounts(CPA)-Section to Section
- Certified Public Sectretaries(CPS) -Section to section
- Certified Securities and Investment Analyst(CSIA)-Section to Section
For more information please contact the school director via the following contact.
The Director,
JKUAT, Nakuru CBD Campus
P.O. Box 1063, 20100 Nakuru, Kenya.
Tel: [051] 2216660 Fax: [051] 2215664
Email: nakurucbd@jkuat.ac.ke
See Also:
- JKUAT Karen Campus
- JKUAT Westlands Campus
- JKUAT Kigali Campus
- JKUAT Arusha Campus
- JKUAT Kisii Campus
- JKUAT Kitale Campus
- JKUAT Mombasa Campus
- JKUAT Kakamega Campus
- JKUAT Nairobi Campus