Kirinyaga University Real Vision Hostel
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Kirinyaga University Real Vision Hostel | See details of the overview, description and the hostel fees of Real Vision Hostel at Kirinyaga University.
The Office of the Dean of Students coordinates both catering and accommodation services in the University. Its function is to ensure quality residential and catering services at affordable rates. Meals are provided on a Pay As You Eat principle and accommodation is available on a first come first served basis. The Dean’s office also works closely with the University Clinic to see to the physical welfare of the students.
The University has appointed a Liaison officer who interacts regularly with external hostel providers. During admission the external hostel providers are provided with a desk at the registration hall where new students are able to select, pay and get escorted to hostels of choice. Photographs of external hostels and contacts of the agents are available on our web so that students can also make hostel reservations from the comfort of their homes. It is possible to reserve accommodation through the agents’ telephone numbers provided. For new students , please be careful not to send money to people who may pretend to be hostel agents.
A big proportion of students stay and live in private hostels built close to the university by the local community. The office of the Dean of Students has visited the following hostels and found them to be suitable for students of the gender indicated. Please call the cellphone numbers provided for more details.
- A ladies hostel
- Situated opposite Kutus Kobil petrol station, about 300meters from the university.
- Four students per room.
- Hot shower
- Bed and mattresses are provided but not beddings.
- There is a kitchen where students can prepare meals at no extra cost.
- 2000 per person per month and a deposit of 2000.
- No extra charges for water, security or garbage collection and electricity.
- 0717 706742 – Jane