KCSE Revision Notes on Details About Different Components of Mouldboard Plough – Agriculture Notes
1. Share – It penetrates into the soil and makes a horizontal cut below the soil surface .
It is a sharp, well polished and pointed component.
Different portions of the share are called by different names such as
1) Share point
2) Cutting edge
3) Wing of share
4) Gunnel
5) Cleavage edge
6)Wing bearing
a) Share point : It is the forward end of the cutting edge which actually penetrates into
the soil
b) Cutting edge: It is the front edge of the share which makes horizontal cut in the soil.
It is beveled to some distance.
c) Wing of share: It is the outer end of the cutting edge of the share. It supports the
plough bottom
d) Gunnel: It is the vertical face of the share which slides along the furrow wall.
It takes
the side thrust of the soil and supports the plough bottom against the furrow wall .
e) Cleavage edge: It is the edge of the share which forms joint between moulboard and
share on the frog.
f) Wing bearing: It is the level portion of the wing of the share, providing a bearing for
the outer corner of the plough bottom.
Material of share: The shares are made of chilled cast iron or steel.
The steel mainly contains about 0.70 to 0.80% carbon and about 0.50 to 0.80% manganese besides other minor elements.
2. Types of Shares
Share is of different types such as
i) Slip share
ii) Slip nose share
iii) Shin share
iv) Bar point share.
i) Slip share: It is one piece share with curved cutting edge, having no additional part.
It is a common type of share, mostly used by the farmers.
It is simple in design, but it has got the disadvantage that the entire share has to be replaced if it is worn out due to constant use .
ii) Slip nose share: It is a share in which the point of share is provided by a small detachable piece.
It has the advantage that the share point can be replaced as and when required.
If the point is worn out, it can be changed with a new nose without replacing the entire share, effecting considerable economy.
iii) Shin share: It is the share having a shin as an additional part.
It is similar to the slip share with the difference that an extension is provided to it by the side of the mouldboard.
iv) Bar point share: It is the share in which the point of the share is provided by an adjustable and replaceable iron bar .
This bar serves the purpose of share point and landside of the plough.
3. Mouldboard: It is that part of the plough which receives the furrow slice from the share.
If lifts, turns and breaks the furrow slice. To suit different soil conditions and crop requirements, mouldboard has been designed in different shapes.
The mouldboard is of following types:
a) General purpose
b) Stubble type
c) Sod or Breaker type and
d) Slat type.
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